[sb118-apollo] Ensign Malko - Breaking News

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Adriano Bertuzzo

Mar 15, 2019, 11:26:35 AM3/15/19
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Main Foyer, Yunamax Hotel, New Talax))

:: Malko wasn't sure why, but that hotel manager rubbed him the wrong way. Maybe it was the idea that once one of her guests was deceased, he was no longer her priority. So much for service. ::

Fairhug: Impressions?

Malko: I wasn't impressed by her attitude, but she did cooperate. Bedgrunigly, at that. This room service receipt was serviced by a staff named Pallix at around 2300 hours last night.

Adler:  It's a start.

Fairhug: I agree. At least we have a name, that's something to go on.

Adler:  And now we get down to business. 

Malko: That also gives us a better estimate as to when Mr. Graq died, if Pallix can confirm seeing him upon delivery.  

Fairhug: ::checking the shift patterns in the logs Flixic had given them:: According to this, Mr. Pallix started work about an hour ago. Let's pay him a visit.

:: The crew spun their heads around trying to decide on a direction to head in the enormous hotel. When Malko caught a service cart headed past the turbolift. He gestured to the other officers and they strode through the corridor to find a set of swinging doors into the staff area. Here, there were Talaxians sharing some kind of breakfast, and punching in while large laundry machines whirred in the background. ::

Malko: Hullo everyone, my name is Malko, we are here with Starfleet. Could we speak with Pallix? Ah!

:: A Talaxian setting up a platter with charcuterie turned and wiped his hands on his apron and bowed. The trio walked over to his station and pulled him aside.::

Malko: Hello, Pallix it's nice to meet you. I'm Malko, and this is Lieutenant Adler and Commader Fairhug. We'd like to ask you some questions about your shift last night. 

Pallix: Response

oO Does he not know there was a murder? Oh boy. Oo

Malko: You haven't heard? Flixic didn't tell you? ::Sigh:: Commander?

Fairhug: Response

:: Malko watched Pallix digest the news. He looked around and then sat firmly on a stool. ::

Pallix: Response

Malko: I understand this comes as a shock, but we need your help. We're investigating how this could have happened - don't worry you're not in any trouble. You have my promise.

Pallix: Response

Fairhug/Adler: Response



Ensign Malko
USS Apollo-A

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