Lieutenant JG Daniel Cain - Surprises

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Daniel Cain

Mar 11, 2019, 8:04:15 PM3/11/19
to UFOP: StarBase 118: USS Apollo-A
((Main Foyer, Yunamax Hotel))

::Cain materialised into the unfamiliar surroundings. He'd been told to join Lieutenant Darshana but nothing more. From what he could gather something had gone down here but nobody had told him anything back on the Apollo. All he knew was all able bodied Security personnel were needed down here, so he'd armed himself with his favourite Type 33 CQC rifle before beaming down. It looked and sounded calm enough, even some backing music to help the mood. The whole place was like stepping into a different reality compared to his spartan accommodation. Looking around, he preferred his way of living. He turned to see two familiar sights and a third one that took him by surprise and not in the good way.::

oO And here was me thinking I put at least thirty thousand light years between us. Oo

Khatri: Ah, Lieutenant Cain. ::She paused.:: Welcome back.

:: She nodded at him. She looked a little.....tense. Not surprising after what happened. It was a blur to him. He couldn't remember the details but had been told......::

((Flashback, Counsellors Office, USS Apollo-A))

Counsellor: How do you feel Lieutenant?

::Cain Sat on the sofa facing the Counsellor. He'd just been discharged from sick bay three days ago but had been put on very restricted duties. Meaning basically being confined to quarters doing paperwork.::

oO God I hate paperwork Oo

Cain: Fine sir.

::The Counsellor gave him a blank stare. Cain felt uneasy. The guy looked like he was going to sit there until Cain gave him something else.::

Cain: I'm tired and bored Sir.

::The Counsellor looked down to write something on his pad then looked back at him.::

Counsellor: Can you remember what happened??

::Cain looked down and shook his head.::

Cain: It's mostly a blur. I remember the bay was on fire and helping people out but after a point it's like a dream.

::The Counsellor went on to describe the ensuing rescue, then the fight that took place. How Cain thought the three Officers with him were Changelings, that the Apollo was part of a fleet and that he was trying to get the survivors to an outdated and at least 30 year old Klingon Bird of Prey. Cain had marvelled at all this, asking question after question and not really getting decent answers..::

Counsellor: The Doctors think it has something to do with the virus you contracted in your last mission at the Embassy. The symptoms were very similar. You attacked another crew member then as well, remember??

Cain: Yeah, that Russian had a mean right hook...…

((Main Foyer, Yunamax Hotel))

::Cain shook his head. Before he could respond the annoying Ensign, now annoying Lieutenant by the looks of it spoke.::

Williams: Hello, Cain, good to see you. 

oO Not as chipper as I remember. Maybe reality hit him while I was gone. Oo 

::Cain nodded at them both.:: 

Cain: Lieutenants. ::Turning to D'fini:: Good to see you Ensign.

 oO What was it about her?? Oo 

D'fini: Response? 

::Cain smiled but only for a nanosecond. It was gone as he turned towards the Lieutenant approaching him.:: 

Khatri: We were just about to head to the security centre. Our intention is to determine what existing security arrangements are in place, and what we can do to support them.

::She passed him a PADD. Upon cursory inspection it seemed to contain much of the information they had researched, including floor plans of the buildings they needed to secure.::


:;Wallace his wires were turning again, looking for ways to make this as safe as possible, for all parties involved.::

Williams: Lieutenant, Perhaps we can arrange all the attending diplomats, from both sides to be relocated to a single floor? For ease of protection? A problem might be that some of them might not be able to get along, given the situation. ::Cain nodded.::

Cain: That would be the most efficient and easiest way. Corridor with one point of access, security checkpoint at the far end of the corridor. We can arrange the schedules so that they don't see each other outside of....whatever they are doing and they don't go anywhere alone. We'd need to clear the rest of the rooms down said corridor as well.

Khatri: response

D’fini: response

Williams: I think D’fini’s plan might work, we should try to get the Hotel staff to think this was all their idea, then after we can start putting our ideas in their heads.

Khatri/D’fini: response

::With half a plan settled they started to move. Cain let D'fini and Williams move ahead before stopping the Lieutenant with a touch to her elbow. She stopped and turned to face him. Again she seemed tense.:: 

Khatri: Response? 

Cain: Sir, I would appreciate a moment of your time later if that's ok? 

Khatri: Response? 

Cain: Thank you Sir. 

::Cain didn't hang around long. He moved off quickly to follow the other two. The situation was well out of his comfort zone already and he didn't want her, at the minute at least, adding to his sense of unease.::


Lieutenant JG Daniel Cain
Security Officer
USS Apollo-A

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