Ensign Davine D'fini - Hotel detective work

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Mark Swift

Mar 10, 2019, 5:26:20 AM3/10/19
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Bridge, USS Apollo))

::They were in the turbo lift with the security types. not that it matters. Davine had met Williams before on several occasions and worked well with him. She hadn't had a lot of experience with Khatri, but that didn't matter. They would have interesting task to work on.::

Williams : And how can we achieve that, Miss D'fini? Lift, Security center, deck 2.

::The lift sprang to life and they made the extremely short journey.::

D'fini: We really need to plant the seed that they need starfleet's help  Of course, have them come to the point that can help or not.  It's going to take a bit of work. Perhaps show them that perhaps they are actually running things or at least show that they are the figure heads of the investigate. People always like to be in charge even if they actually are not.

::Thinking of a few situations.::

Williams: ::Williams nodded, glancing toward Shana.:: Well, it sounds like an option. Perhaps I can contact Lieutenant Commander Fairhug, he might be able to get us an image or floor plan of the hotel? I’m pretty sure he’s down there already.

Khatri: That seems unlikely, Lieutenant. ::After all, the briefing had ended only a few minutes ago, and when they had left the holoconference room, Fairhug had been heading toward his office.:: We should attempt to obtain the information ourselves, before troubling anyone else. Commander Fairhug has his own assignment to attend to.

((Thirty Minutes Later — Main Foyer, Yunamax Hote))

::They had beamed down to the hotel were the diplomats were staying. Davine had a tricorder and the phaser. She carried the PADD with the hotel plans. She felt that she was certainly carrying a lot, but hotel was some what over the top in colors. It almost hurt her eyes the  explosion of colors and odd shapes for the background on the walls. However the stair case was certainly something to marvel.::

::There was even a musician playing something on a instrument. The music was alright, it was calming she guessed to someone.  However, it was all just a little over board.::

 D'fini: What a place. Just give a comfy bed and I'm fine.::Looking around, trying to get a feel for the place and the people that wanted to stay here. She did like the stair case even if was just too much for its actual purpose to transport people from one level to another.::

Williams: Response

Khatri: I believe the hotel's security centre would be a good place to begin. We can assess their coverage, and determine where we need to station additional personnel and surveillance.

::She agreed. However starfleet types would stick out like a Klingon warrior at a dance performance.::

D'fini: Perhaps a couple should tend to blend into the surroundings if possible.

Williams: Response

Khatri: Agreed. A subtle word with the regular security staff could prove very useful. Perhaps while I speak with one of the managers?

 Williams: Response

D'fini: Alright we can meet you back here in a few minutes. Perhaps get some ideas for the personnel.

::She looked at the display on the PADD and found the security office. It was on the main floor in the back. She pointed to the direction.::

D'fini: We will get started.

Williams: Response

Khatri: Response

::Williams and Khatri started off towards the Security office. It was located back in the administrative wing that wasn't normally used by the guests.::


Chief Science officer 
USS Apollo-A

simmed by Lt Commander Eerie

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