Lt. Cmdr. Gogigobo Fairhug - A Slow Start

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Mar 12, 2019, 5:10:11 PM3/12/19
to UFOP: StarBase 118: USS Apollo-A
((Hotel Manager's Office, Yunamax Hotel, New Talax))

::After a brief discussion with a very helpful young, female, Talaxian guest relations attendant, Gogi and his team were ushered into a surprisingly small office around the back of the front desk. It was impossibly neat, with salmon pink walls and plants dotted around, no doubt in an effort to foster a somewhat relaxing environment to offset the hectic day-to-day business of running the most prestigious hotel on New Talax.

Gogi wandered around the small room, looking at the plants, while Flixic, the manager, sat straight-backed in a chair facing the Starfleet officers.::

Flixic: Response

::He stopped and turned to face the woman. From what he knew of Talaxians, their hospitality rivalled that of Bardeezans, yet this one seemed to be fulfilling only the minimum requirements in that field.::

Fairhug: Pardon the intrusion, as we discussed, the Apollo has been charged with investigating the untimely death of Mr. Garan Graq. I assure you, we won't take up any more of your time than is necessary.

Flixic: Response

::Was this woman truly in a hurry to get on with her duties? Or was she hiding something? Gogi wondered what the others were thinking, but it wasn't long until he got some idea.::

Malko: We have reason to believe there was an unwanted entry into Mr. Graq's room. :: projecting loudly into the lobby:: Surely you would want to know of any weakness in your hotel's security?

::The Counselor was already showing his diplomatic skills. Gogi hoped the approach would bare fruit. It was a surprising tactic coming from the usually genial officer Gogi had come to know aboard the Apollo, but it was a good one. Flixic was clearly a proud woman and strong, it was reasonable to assume she would rise to a challenge of her skills and authority.::

Flixic: Response

Adler: Well, I'm sure the quicker we find what we're all looking for, the sooner business can proceed as usual, and future guests will see you as the hotel manager who stands firmly on the side of their well being under your roof.

::Gogi smiled. Adler's tact seemed to be showing Flixic that they were on her side, also a good move, but were someone to ask him to assign good cop/bad cop roles, Malko and Adler would certainly have been the other way round.::

Flixic: Response

Malko: Just a few questions so we can establish a timeline and clear any innocent parties. Who was on staff last night? And, what was their last interaction with Mr. Graq?

Flixic: Response

Malko: Thank you. We have no reason to suspect your employee's involvement in this matter - and their cooperation will help keep it that way.

Fairhug: Have you noticed any of your staff acting...strangely, or out of character recently?

Flixic: Response

Adler: Response

Flixic: Response

::Gogi could tell that the longer this went on, the more annoyed the woman was going to get. In fairness to her, having three Starfleet officers in her office throwing questions at her was probably an intimidating and disturbing situation. He decided to take a "back seat" as it were and let Adler and Malko ask the questions, while he made notes.::

Malko/Adler: Responses

Flixic: Response

::With that, the Bardeezan decided to bring an end to proceedings. The manager had been helpful and she didn't seem to be lying or trying to cover for anyone, but he felt there was a limit to how much she was willing to put up with. In any case, she wasn't going anywhere and they could always speak with her again.::

Fairhug: Thank you, ma'am, you've been most helpful. I hope you don't mind if we continue our investigation?

::He knew she probably wasn't happy about it, but there was only really one possible answer to his question, he asked it more out of courtesy than anything else.::

Flixic: Response

Fairhug: Thank you, again. We'll try to stay out of the way.

::He gestured for Adler and Malko to follow him back into the main foyer and once they had, he spoke with a hushed tone so as to make sure the nearby front desk employees couldn't hear what was being said.::

Fairhug: Impressions?

Adler/Malko: Responses

Fairhug: I agree. At least we have a name, that's something to go on.

::The employee Flixic had mentioned was the last member of the Yunamax staff to see Garan Graq alive to her knowledge. Perhaps they would be able to shed some light on the Numiri diplomat's mood, last movements and anyone he may have come into contact with.::

Adler/Malko: Responses



Lieutenant Commander Gogigobo Fairhug
Executive Officer
USS Apollo-A

"Leave bigotry in your quarters; there's no room for it on the bridge." - Captain James T. Kirk

"To all mankind, may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty, that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

"We can't try to save humanity without holding onto what makes us human." - Captain Jonathan Archer

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