LTJG Adler - Pruning

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Philip Birdener

Mar 13, 2019, 5:56:11 AM3/13/19
((Hotel Manager's Office, Yunamax Hotel, New Talax))

Malko: We have reason to believe there was an unwanted entry into Mr. Graq's room. :: projecting loudly into the lobby:: Surely you would want to know of any weakness in your hotel's security?

Flixic: Response

Adler:  Well, I'm sure the quicker we find what we're all looking for, the sooner business can proceed as usual, and future guests will see you as the hotel manager who stands firmly on the side of their well being under your roof.

Flixic: Response

Malko: Just a few questions so we can establish a timeline and clear any innocent parties. Who was on staff last night? And, what was their last interaction with Mr. Graq?

Flixic: Response

Malko: Thank you. We have no reason to suspect your employee's involvement in this matter - and their cooperation will help keep it that way.

Fairhug: Have you noticed any of your staff acting...strangely, or out of character recently?

Flixic: Response

Adler:  oO Uh-oh. Oo Or do you have a record through the staff of Mr. Graq's most recent activity - diplomatic or otherwise - and who else may have been with him at the time?  A hotel like this tends to keep excellent records, and witnesses could be butlers, waiters, room service, cleaners … Anyone, really.

Flixic: Response

Adler:  Thank you, ma'am.

Malko: Responses

Flixic: Response

Fairhug: Thank you, ma'am, you've been most helpful. I hope you don't mind if we continue our investigation?

Flixic: Response

Fairhug: Thank you, again. We'll try to stay out of the way.

::He gestured for Adler and Malko to follow him back into the main foyer and once they had, he spoke with a hushed tone so as to make sure the nearby front desk employees couldn't hear what was being said.::

Fairhug: Impressions?

Malko: Responses

Adler:  It's a start.

Fairhug: I agree. At least we have a name, that's something to go on.

Adler:  And now we get down to business.

Malko: Response

LTJG Conrad R Adler

Tactical Officer

USS Apollo-A


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