Ensign Kiani: Snakes & Ladders

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Harrison Kiani

Jun 20, 2023, 3:28:14 PM6/20/23
to sb118...@googlegroups.com
((Briefing Room, IKS ngem qul))

Harry thought it strange that a renowned bounty hunter would not have the necessary know-how to alter the warp signature of their ship and remain undetected in enemy space. Perhaps, being unfamiliar with a Federation vessel so alien to their Universe counted in her favour. It did not matter now. Any urge to press their captive on the subject needed to be quashed, for she had managed to convince the Commander, and his satisfaction was all that counted at the moment.

M-Iko: Betazoid signals are detectable, but unless you know what to look for, it's hard to obtain the message itself. The added security of telepathy also makes it a common choice for short range communication. ::to M-Rivi:: isn't that right, Daughter ascender?

M-Rivi: ::eyeballing M-Iko:: Daughter “*Ascendant*”.

It was clear that the Klingon had taken a dislike to their charge. He couldn't blame her. If this world's Niarivi had sense enough, she'd pipe down for the duration of the briefing.

M-Rivi: ::Smiling:: But you can call me Rivi.

Evidently, she didn't. Her mocking smile was like a caged animal revealing its fangs. Resorting to sarcasm and useless goading when deprived of options. Their plan seemed to turn doubly dangerous with each passing moment.
Ukinix: Ouch, oi!

Kiani: ::sighing:: Besides this, there's many other strategic aspects of our attack to consider. Which Commander Iovianus, and Ensign Moore will be going over.

Moore: Despite the minor damage from the wormhole travel, tactically our battleship is armed and fully operational.

Iovianus: And we do have an understanding, mutual between us how dynamite works and reacts.

M-Iko: We must also appear to be working alone.

Iovianus: That is certainly understandable to an extent.

M-Rivi: It won’t matter.  The Empress has improved detection capabilities by twenty-three percent since the beginning of her reign, so she kept bragging to anyone that would listen.  Which is everyone, otherwise they’d be *dead*.

Kiani: Tyrants have always had a vested interest in cultivating a myth of security to shore up their feckless reigns. Besides, we have no choice. Detected or not, we must act.
M-Iko: The best option will be to attack the nearby planet "Krilow". Once we take it, it will be converted to a base for the Alliance in this sector to keep the Betazoids at bay.

M-Rivi: ::Correcting tone:: “Kirilow”.  If you can’t even get the name right, you won’t succeed at attacking it.

Moore: I take it you'll be using warriors from the other mining vessels. Taking a planet is no small feat—the landings are dangerous, any fighting in an urban environment favors the defenders, and historically it typically results in a coin operation. ::He says this looking directly at the Klingon Captain.:: Unless, of course, you intend to level any opposition from orbit. In that case, I would leave that to you. I know Klingon Photon Torpedoes are much more devastating.

M-Iko: Response

Ukinix: I would prefer this is a surgical operation, with a minimum of casualties.  There are many Terrans working in slave conditions on the planet, they must be unharmed. ::Looking at M-Iko:: That is a condition of us helping you.

It was an easy enough demand to justify, even under the ruthless logic this Universe was governed by. As a claimant to the Betaed Empire, Wil Ukinix would need bodies loyal only to him. And who could be more trustworthy than those freed from bondage at his command?
Iovianus: We would need more information about the target.

Moore: That being said, the "nuke it from orbit" option omits the chance of gathering valuable intelligence. Intelligence we no doubt will need. After all, intelligence is key to winning a war. I believe it was Kahless who said, "While fighting, only using brute strength is not enough."

M-Iko: Response

Moore: I did notice something intriguing about your ship. You have phasers, which is quite odd. I figured a Bird of Prey like this would only have disruptors, yet you have both. I'm tempted to ask how you bypassed the triggering of an isoton relay overload. You're not using dual-phase compensators to modulate the energy flow between weapons, are you? Or perhaps two power systems, like on Cardassian ships? ::He looked at her for a moment, partially questioning if she would even know, but also realizing he'd let his curiosity get the better of him.:: But I digress. You have phasers, and that is useful.

M-Iko: Response

Moore: You could provide air support, using disruptors for your hard targets and setting the phasers to a lower power setting for stunning groups of troops. Once again, I know it's easy to just blast them from orbit, but this preserves any valuable intel we might need to topple any resistance—more or less an empire.

M-Iko: Response

Iovianus: What does the Empire have to say about the planet Kirilow?

M-Rivi: I’m not sure that the Empire, or this Betazoid, ever agreed to genocide of the Empire’s subjects.  While the Empress and many of those close to her deserve death, along with many of the rebel leaders for that matter, if mass murder is your plan? ::Looking at Wil:: You won’t be getting any help from me.

Ukinix: ::To Rivi, flatly:: You’re our prisoner, and you’ll do as your told. 

Iovianus: So if the planet has both resources and civilians, we will want to preserve as much of that as we can. An aerial assault can still work ::nodding toward Moore:: but more targeted attacks.

M-Iko: Response?

M-Rivi: I can give you locations of key installations on the colony, yes.  But it won’t help you.  Mother Eternal’s security advisors are smarter than putting all of their power in just one place on a colony planet.  You don’t think that they’ve thought about attacks like this?

Iovianus: Your alliance wants a foothold. We want information. ::glancing at Rivi:: You want to be away from all of this. The Imperials stand in our way, but we could easily divide their attention and use that to get what we all want from this.

Kiani: The Rebellion just proves that this is our only chance. The Empire falters, and we can take advantage. We won't get another shot.

M-Rivi: ::Smiling:: You’re really not listening, are you.  Any of you.

M-Rivi: The head of the Betazoid Empire is in orbit of a colony planet.  She left Rixx in the cruel and capable hands of members her Ninth Wing Noble Guard, who are *fanatically* loyal to her.  She left the *seat of the Empire* to travel out here, so she could personally see to quashing a rebellion and discover traitors.  The Kirilow System is probably the most heavily fortified system in the galaxy at the moment.

M-Iko: Response

M-Rivi: “Her Eternal Grace’s Outpost Supremacy”, the space station she stays in, lives up to its name.  It is built to defend and destroy.  There are likely *thousands* of vessels built for war patrolling the system.  You cannot just have hundreds of ships warp in, you’ll be destroyed.

M-Iko: Response

M-Rivi: You think this is the first time I’ve been surrounded by Klingons?!  ::Proud chuckle:: I’ve dealt with *much* worse.

M-Iko: Response

M-Rivi: ::Standing up:: Give me a knife too.  Let’s make it a fair fight!

Ukinix: ::Also standing up:: Okay, stop.  ::To M-Rivi:: You, sit down.

The situation quickly got out of hand; something needed to be done. 

Kiani: Remember who you dare to address, N'bekh. Hold your tongue. Or you shall see it removed.
N'bekh was an archaic pejorative in various Centaurian languages. Originally used to denote someone of a lower social status, its etymological history is much like the Federation Standard word - villain. It can have various meanings depending on the context and is generally accepted as exceedingly disrespectful and rarely employed in modern society. Harry knew Isobel would be upset at hearing him say something so uncharacteristic. He only hoped that their current predicament made up for its use. 

M-Iko/Iovianus/Moore: Response?
M-Rivi: ::sitting back down:: Hmmph, she started it.

Kiani: ::attempting as grave a tone as possible:: Are you aware what 18 hours in an agony booth does to the body, bounty hunter? That is, besides the obvious risk of death. In most cases, the tormented party is found in an insensate state, traumatised by wounds that won't show on any scans. In stimulating the pain receptors, great care is taken to prevent desensitisation of the brain. But, it would be wrong to say that the neural synapses remain undamaged. Without immediate medical attention, those subjected to such torture do not last very long. And I assure you, it is harder to mourn bumbling lunatics than the sane. 

To the Klingon Captain, all this must've sounded like a simple threat to throw their prisoner into an agoniser in the Independence-B's brig. It was far more heinous than that. It made Harry sick to suggest that the Commander would deny medical aid to anyone in need or that he would abide by such an order. But he needed to remember where they were. This charade they'd just witnessed reminded him that cruelty and strength were the only recognised constant in the Parallel Universe. Of course, he had no idea how an agony booth was supposed to function. But, given the little he knew, and the objectives it was meant for, Harry thought he could come up with a gruesome enough guess. If threats needed to be made to ensure their prisoner's compliance. He would make them. Even if they could break her beloved free from his captivity, it would be the Commander's orders that let him live.

M-Rivi: Response

M-Iko/Iovianus/Moore/Ukinix: Response

Ukinix: Then it’s clear what we need to do.  Find a Betazoid light cruiser so we can exploit its warp signature.  ::Turning to Rivi:: Any ideas where we can find one?

M-Rivi: Wherever there is a concentration of benamite in a system close to Kirilow, there is likely a mining operation.  But it will be heavily guarded.  You better hope that your friends have disabled that control node.

Kiani: Commander, we found evidence of numerous mining operations during our preliminary scans of the Nuriootpa solar nebula. Any one of them would be suitable for our purposes.

M-Iko/Iovianus/Moore: Response

Ukinix: Then I suggest your ship and mine find the nearest mining operation, and make our way there.  Your ship has a cloak, our ship has the firepower and the agility.  Together we can isolate a Betazoid light cruiser, and get the info we need.  What do you think?

M-Iko: Response

Kiani: Once we secure the cruiser and mimic their signature, we'll still need to protect ourselves and the crew from telepathic intrusion. ::turning to M-Rivi:: Any ideas?

M-Rivi: Response

Iovianus/Moore: Response


Medical Officer
Amity Outpost
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