((Hopper’s Apartment, Beijing District, Habit Ring – Amity Outpost))
Robin continued pacing as she thought to herself, practically missing Rivi’s mournful-sounding words about the ill-fated Amity Expo as the wheels in her mind spun and wheeled at the idea of an outpost-wide celebration… Then, suddenly – as if inspired by those very cognitive wheels – a vision sparked in Robin’s head. A way to tie it all together, and perhaps add a splash of new excitement to the occasion.
Hopper: Oh! Oh! Rivi, have you ever been to – or, heck, maybe this is just a human thing – have you ever heard of a “Carnival”?
Vataix: A carnival? What's that?
Hopper: Think of it like a celebration, to which everyone is invited… and the goal for everyone is just to have a fun time! There are games, snacks, entertainment, sometimes goats ::pause:: or, you know, other cute animals – OH! And rides. Lots of amusing and themed rides! I know Earth isn’t the only place to hold cultural events like this – so it should be familiar enough for all sorts of people.
Robin clasped her hands together, remembering an occasion from her own past.
Hopper: The big city just outside my home town, Port Hibbings, started holding an annual summer carnival when I was in primary school and it was the best. There was a parade, and a hover-cycle derby… But the best part was definitely the roller coasters. No inertial dampers – you really feel the speed, Rivi.
She laughed.
Hopper: I don’t know if I’m explaining this well or just babbling.
Rivi nodded.
Vataix: That sounds perfect! What do we need?
Hopper: It’d be a big effort if we want to pull it off any time soon. It’ll require a lot of coordination with Ops, and certainly some Engineering support if we do want to have any sort of rides or attractions. But, honestly, even if we just have the other amusements, I think it’d be plenty of fun! Some carnival games, a show…?
Vataix: All right, get in touch with Keehani and consider whatever resources you need at your disposal.
Rivi smiled as she stood up, and Robin mirrored her pleased expression.
Vataix: Thank you, Robin. This has been really helpful!
Hopper: Hah! Yeah, I mean, when it comes to fun and games, I am always happy to help.
Vataix: And congratulations again yourself! I have no doubt you'll have a few more pips added to your collection in no time.
Robin rolled her eyes, but smiled genuinely.
Hopper: Not too soon. ::Glancing down at her holographic uniform and the one, very real, black pip that now adorned it as an addition:: I received some advice that I ought to focus on enjoying the here and now more, let the future come to me. ::Nodding:: I intend to follow that advice as long as I can… ::Smirk:: Besides, now we have a carnival to plan!
Rivi clasped both of Robin's arms, squeezing gently with a nod. Hopper barely contained a squeal of excitement.
Vataix: See you at the carnival!
Hopper: YAY!!!
END Scene