Two of Eleven <Kaito Moore> - Embrace us, Let go, and Embrace Pt.2

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Lieutenant j.g. Kaito Moore

5:56 AM (6 hours ago) 5:56 AM
to Amity Outpost – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Weapons Room Corridor, Deck 36 - USS Kitty Hawk))

The lift doors quietly slid open to reveal the chaos beyond in the corridor leading to the armory. Post-engagement protocols had not been implemented in this area. The wounded and dead still cluttered the halls, the timely reinforcement brought by Two of Eleven and the drones that had beamed down with it proving highly effective against the already demoralized and disorganized resistance. Much like Deck 6 above, the sounds of phaser fire and shouting were concentrated in one particular place - a battle taking place in the corridor between the Marines and drones, each attempting to claim the room for themselves.

Seven of Eleven: ::through collective, to Two:: Reinforcements arriving. Proceeding to the combat area. Drone with former association to Kinnear of Rahman present.

Kaito’s mind flashed with the information; the drone was the daughter of the Marine. Kaito resisted as hard as he could.

oO No. Don’t do it. Don’t do it... Leave her out of it... Oo

He fought, trying to clutter his mind or regain control. He knew exactly what he would do if he did, and as he felt the Collective worm its tendrils through his brain, using him to come to a consensus, it only reaffirmed Kaito’s feelings about what must be done.

Two of Eleven: Threat assessment, Unassimilated Marines pose threat to Collective control of ship. Use drone Twelve of Sixteen as bait.

Kaito hated himself... Kaito hated that he was being used like this, violated into doing horrible acts, and using someone’s child against the Marines. He hated that he couldn’t fight... He hated that no matter how much he resisted, it was futile.

The weapons room was one of the highest priority objectives on the ship. Seven of Eleven's concern with confirming eliminations had been deprioritized for the moment. It was to work in tandem with Two of Eleven’s combat efforts. The squad of ten drones moved with mechanical precision, guided by Two of Eleven's silent commands, transmitted through the Collective. Additional drones beamed down or emerged from the turbolift, each seamlessly integrating into the formation and providing covering fire down the corridor while one other squad moved into ambush positions, ready to flank the Marines.

One particular drone accompanying Seven of Eleven broke away from the perfectly formed group to stand next to Seven of Eleven - a young ensign wearing a red uniform, face as blank and expressionless as the rest. Seven lifted its phaser again... but this time, it was placed directly against the temple of the subordinate drone, who showed not even a trace of fear. Her death would serve the collective.

Seven of Eleven: Designation Kinnear of Rahman. You will immediately surrender and open the weapons room door. Resistance will result in the elimination of drone Twelve of Sixteen, formerly also designated Kinnear of Rahman.

The situation became clear with the monotone threat issued from Seven’s mouth. The assimilated knowledge of the Collective knew this drone to have been related to the leader of the Marines. The target’s offspring. The Borg had combed through the memories of the ensign and come to the conclusion that the target was at high risk for becoming emotionally compromised.

Marine Kinnear: H-Hold your fire! All of you! That’s my daughter out there!

oO Don’t do it. Don’t break. Please. Hold out. Oo

Kaito couldn’t believe he was thinking that, that it had come to this, that a father must sacrifice his child for the betterment of the Federation, but Kaito also knew the stakes here were high. This armory was well-stocked with weapons that could easily be used to take back the ship. If they were willing to use them, and the way Kaito saw it, they would get to that lethal point sooner rather than later.

An abrupt and momentary ceasefire was formed, the Collective pausing its relentless assault to allow the Marine to contemplate the choice that had just been posed. There was zero question that the Borg would follow through on their words. The Collective did not make empty threats.

There was a hushed discussion among the group of Marines, many of their faces expressing shock, even anger. But a conclusion soon seemed to be reached, each landing on their own form of grim resignation, Kinnear of Rahman stepping forward with their weapon lowered.

Kinnear: ::spitting words with bitter disgust:: It’s not good enough for you monsters to take our youth? Holding someone’s child hostage is low, even for the Collective!

The leader of the Marines reached the door, drones waiting precariously close by to enter and claim the room for the Collective as soon as it was unsealed. Two of Eleven processed the situation, making updates to the drones' tactics as it calculated the possible losses and most likely scenarios.

Two of Eleven: Unassimilated Marines most likely to attack. Losses will be high if Marines use deadly force. Reinforcements to secure the deck needed after engagement.

As calculated, the Marines weren’t going to go down without a fight. The door did indeed open, sparing Twelve of Sixteen from a grisly end, but it must have been agreed upon as some sort of signal. The remaining Marines charged forward, phasers blasting away as they tried to beat the drones inside the now-opened armory.

Two of Eleven silently gave commands to the drones, letting the pawns move for the armory. Seven of Eleven, wounded but operational, took up position next to it as they prepared to engage in the fight.

Seven of Eleven: Resistance is futile.

Two of Eleven: Resistance is futile.

Kaito hoped and prayed to whatever god or goddess there might be that the Marines would give it their all.

oO Come on, Marines. Fight... Take us out... Take me out. Please. Oo

He felt something return, almost like the Collective was answering... mocking him, but also trying to pull him in.

“The goddess of your people is dead,” rang in his mind. “Only we remain. Embrace the collective.” He wanted to fight, but he felt something, he felt... more of his people, remnants, assimilated from long ago, or maybe just shadows of the dead. “They joined the collective. They found perfection. You can find perfection too. Resistance is futile, but it doesn’t need to be painful. Embrace the collective. Join your people in perfection.”

It was enticing. He struggled, he tried to hinder the collective as much as he could, to be a mental thorn, screaming in the drone’s mind. Doing his best to resist in hopes of what, disrupting one drone? What good would it do? There were thousands in the fleet, on Earth, across the stars. What could he do against the collective?

As the battle began, Kaito’s strength wavered even more. He slowly slipped away but barely held on until...

“Join us...” He felt that tug again. “You won’t be alone...” Along with the image of someone filled his mind, someone far from him but familiar. “They are waiting. They’ve embraced the peace. Join them. Join us.” The image turned, and Kaito’s heart sank as the person fully embraced by the collective came into focus.

oO Nora. Oo

Two of Eleven < Kaito Moore >

Tactical Drone

Borg Collective


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