Lt. JG Scotty Reade - Party in the Mezzanine!

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Sunny Sandhu

Oct 18, 2021, 12:15:42 PM10/18/21

((Grand Mezzanine, Amity Outpost))

Ukinix: Kamoyo, you’ve sold me.  ::To Scotty:: Lay in a course for Wet Goods, Mezzanine level!

Reade: Aye Commandar. 

Any: Response  

Wong: Second thought, maybe I should consider at most one beer to calm my nerves. But ONLY one. And a light one at that. 

Teller: Since apparently I'm XO & Bartender, anybody else need a drink?  Otherwise, I'm going to put my feet up and enjoy the company while I've got the chance.   

Aleksandrov: Refill please… ::holds out her glass:: 

Ukinix: ::Holding out glass:: Yeah, I’d love one, thanks mate.  I mean, XO.  ::smirking, patting Geoffrey on back:: Hey, I could get used to this.

Reade: Yes please. ::holds glass towards Teller:: 

Any: Response

Teller:  Hmm...we could try negiogating, Captain, but maybe we should just run for it.   

Aleksandrov: ::covers her mouth and giggles:: Seriously? 

Ukinix: I’m down with this idea.  But where do we run to?

Wong: Wait. Running from the law? Isn’t that usually a BAD idea? Doesn’t that provoke the law?


Reade: Where do we go? 

Any: Response  

Teller: Well I've seen the security center once already on this trip, I'd rather not end up there again.  I say we make a run for the border and don't look back.   

Aleksandrov: Having been here for a while, I honestly do not believe you will have the option. ::gestures at the hoverpub:: We do rather stand out. 

Ivanova: Having a bit of fun, are we? 

Ukinix:  Ah, ::looking at pips::, Commander, ::eyes back to officer:: we were just testing this vehicle, for its appropriateness for a cultural festival just like the one upstairs.  Unfortunately we went down the stairs, it seems our navigational systems need some work.

Wong: Ah er! We mean no trouble, Commander! I was just checking the health and safety of this establishment!

Teller: Response 

Reade: Ah, Commander. We mean no trouble. 

Ivanova: Commander Ukinix, the Ambassador would like to have a word... 

Ukinix: ::Quietly under his breath:: Oh @#%@. 

Ukinix: ::Big smile:: Ambassadooor!  Hey, um – have you met our two Talaxian friends here?

Wong: Ah er! Greetings, Ambassador.

Teller: Response 

Aleksandrov: ::an expression of extreme innocence on her face:: Ambassador... 

Everyone was having fun with the drinks when Ambassador Rivi came towards the hover pub. Scotty was not worried, as was Teller as well. They both had Rivi on their plan. 

Reade: ::not worried look: Greetings, Ambassador. 

Vataix: Happy birthday! 

Ukinix: Wait.  Where you in on this? 

Vataix: SURPRISE! 

Ukinix: ::Hand on chest:: Holy $^#@ - I mean - thanks! 

Vataix: Thank you, Commander Ivanova, for the lift. 

Ivanova: Have fun... 

Vataix: So where are we going, exactly? And do you have anything fruity? 

Ukinix: Ambassador, you’ll be glad to know we are heading to Wet Goods Tavern on the Mezzanine level.  And ::leaning over to pour beer from another tap:: this beer says that it’s a “Tropical IPA” so you might like it.

Wong: Apparently, this Wet Goods has really good chili fries. Although, I have yet to try them personally.

Teller: Response 

Aleksandrov: Well, I suggested Wet Goods

Ukinix: :To Scotty:: Let’s take the long way, past the fountain, and back up the other set of stairs.  Get the full tour.

In front of them on the middle of the Ground Floor was a beautiful looking fountain.  On the circular pillar was a plaque that read “Janaran Fountain”. 

Wong: ::Reading off the plaque:: Janaran Fountain?

Reade: Of course Commander. Shall we begin? 

Teller/Vataix: Response 

Ukinix: ::Clears Throat:: This is your commanding officer speaking.  We’re currently cruising at around 9 kilometres per hour at an altitude of 10cm above the Ground Floor of the Grand Mezzanine.  If you look to your right, you’ll see Janaran Fountain, named after Betazed’s beautiful Janaran Falls in honour of Amity’s first Ambassador and our special guest aboard the Batavia, Rivi Vataix.

Vataix/Any: Response

Ukinix: Slightly further to the right is the glass elevator that leads up the structure above us known as “The Spire”, which contains a magnificent observation deck and the silver service “Lighthouse” restaurant.  But for the time being, sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip.  ::Slight smirk:: Until we get to staircase two, because then we’re going to have to peddle like crazy to get up them.

With a giggle Wil put the audio transmitting device back in the slot next to the console.

Wong: Up the stairs? We’re heading up?

Reade: Ah. This is going to be another good test indeed. 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov: Response

Ukinix: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Wong: I know that we had issues going down the stairs. How are we going to fair going up?

Reade: Aye, I am ready Commander. 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov: Response

Ukinix: I’d recommend a bit of - ::taking big swig from beer glass:: - liquid encouragement.  We’ll get up there no worries.  We have to, I can hear Teller’s stomach rumbling.  All hands, start pedalling on my mark.

Scotty watched as Wil changed the screens on the console, then pressed the big “red alert” button.  The warning klaxon from an old Constitution class ship sounded through the speakers, and the bar and umbrellas above were bathed in red.

Ikaia finished his drink as quickly as he could. He put his bare feet onto the pedals.

Wong: Just say the word, Commander.

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov: Response

Reade: Ready! 

Ukinix: Now!

Wong: On it!

Reade: Engaging! 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov: Response

Iko: I think some spots just opened up. ::Waved her hand in a "come" motion and looked at Kivik with an expression of  "Wanna hop on?"::

Kivik: You want to… join them? Great idea! This will be a chance to… meet some of your fellow crew!

They walked over to the floating bar and Kivik raised a hand in greeting as the two Ensigns climbed aboard, sitting across from Wong and Reade.

Kivik: ::Uncertain:: Ah, hello everyone! Room for two more aboard the… whatever this is?

Wong: I believe Commander Ukinix calls it the ah Bativa? Bartiva? Er… Bat? Yes! Batavia! That’s what this is called. 

Kivik blinked, unsure of what the name was supposed to mean. Ne wracked nir brain, trying to make a connection and, coming up empty-handed, simply smiled and shrugged.

Iko: Nice name for a ship. ::She paused before seeing that quite a few of these officers were senior officers:: Sir.

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Any: Response

Reade: Welcome Aboard Kivik! Nice to see you. 

Wong: Ah anyways! Greetings, Kivik. Nice to see you this evening. 

Kivik: Same to you, Lieutenant! I’ll admit, this wasn’t quite what I was expecting. But I’m glad to be here all the same! ::Turning to Reade:: Hi Scotty - I see you’ve found yourself at the center of the excitement as usual - did you build this barge? ::To the other, unfamiliar, crew:: Hi everyone! ::To Vataix:: Ambassador… ::To Ukinix, with a slight nod:: Captain… ::To Teller:: Barkeep..?

Reade: Actually not just me built this. You can also thank Commander Teller as well. 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Any: Response

Iko smiled as the attention turned to the newcomer.

Wong: Greetings. I don’t believe we met. I’m Lieutenant Ikaia Wong. The Chief Medical Officer here and well…. ::Glancing down at his clothes briefly:: I don’t normally dress like this. I think some of the others here can confirm that. This isn’t my usual fashion sense.

Iko: Nice to meet you sir. I... Should probably introduce myself. Ensign Rebecca Iko - but just call me Bec. ::nervous chuckle:: Fresh out of the academy. Anyway, you all are??

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Iko/Wong/Any: Response

Reade: Welcome aboard Ensign. I am Lieutenant JG Scotty Reade. Currently serving as a fine Helm officer of the USS Batavia. 

Iko: Nice to meet you all ::smile:: now, what drinks you got?

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Any: Response

Reade: I am drinking some tropical IPA. Good old stuff. 

Iko: Something with alotta bite please. Possibly spicy. Sorry if I'm intruding at all…

Ukinix/Teller: Responses?

Kivik: ::Looking around at everyone else with their drinks:: Well, then in that case, I suppose I ought to have something as well. Any recommendations?

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Any: Response

Reade: I would recommend the tropical IPA. That would be the best drink that I like. 

Kivik: ::Smiling:: Very well - I’ll have a… a pint of that, please.

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Any: Response

Reade: Good choice Kivik. 

Teller//Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Any: Response

Reade: How does it taste Kivik. You ok? 

Despite looking a little out of place holding such a large glass, the 5’2” J’naii smiled amiably as the others conversed - but Kivik thought ne caught sight of the Klingon CMO looking nir way. Was that worry ne detected?

Kivik: Don’t look so concerned, Lieutenant.

Wong: Response.

Kivik: ::Whispering whilst grinning confidently:: I’ll bet I can drink you under the table.

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Any: Response

Reade: I will love to challenge you. 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Kivik: Response 

Reade: Shall we begin? 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Kivik: Response 

Reade: Let’s do it. 

Teller/Vataix/Aleksandrov/Ukinix/Wong/Iko/Kivik: Response 


Lt. JG Scotty Reade

Engineering Officer

Amity Outpost 


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