((OOC -- Apologies to the Staff who are receiving this sim twice! My bad!))
((Bridge, USS Independence-B – Mirror Universe))
She should have expected as much. The situation aboard the Indy had quickly deteriorated from complicated to perplexing… Perhaps even dangerously so. While they had still been trying to work out just how they were going to conduct a cover rescue mission in this dark and mysterious alternate reality without inextricably altering the natural chain of events, they’d been detected and fired upon by a Klingon vessel. Captained by Bec Iko. Well, not the Bec Iko that they all knew – but this universe’s version of her…
M-Iko: =/\= The Betazoid Emperor (or whatever she calls herself) has a sensor grid surrounding her empire so she retains her control and sees attacks before they arrive. Rather inconvenient, as you can imagine. Fortunately though, I have the location of its control node, all you would need to do is disable it, and her empire would be free for the taking. =/\=
Ukinix: =/\= We can take out that control node, and prove we’re serious. Can you send over the location to us? =/\=
M-Iko: =/\= As we speak. =/\=
As the comms were once again silenced, and Bec– no, “Rebekah’s”, image disappeared from the viewscreen, Robin let out a relieved sigh. Trying to stave off an encroaching headache (no doubt the result of the mental gymnastics required to make sense of the messy situation they found themselves in), she raised her hand to her right temple and gave it a gentle massage.
Ukinix: Commander Carter, take an away team in the Gatineau to the control node and disable it. I’m going to send Tri’lea’s counterpart and my counterpart with you, they’ll meet you in the shuttlebay.
Carter: Understood, Commander. =/\= Hopper, Wong, Fog, Reade, Esma, come with me. =/\=
((OOC Note – since Wong and Fog are not on the Indy’s Bridge, I’ve confirmed with Carter’s writer, Ken, that I could make the above tag a comms message.))
Reade/Esma: Response
Robin pursed her lips in apprehension, but took her hand from her head and nodded. Standing, she tapped a command to relay the incoming sensor data to her personal PADD, for at least as long as she was in range of the Independence. She offered a reassuring look to Ensign Kiani, before leaving him behind at the Science console and scooting over to join Carter at the turbolift.
Hopper: ::To Carter:: Now… Who gets the pleasure of escorting our “VIP guests” from the brig?
((Brig, USS Independence-B))
As the door to the Indy’s brig swished open, Robin grumbled to herself. She should have known that was a loaded question. But, fair was fair. She had little to do during ‘shuttle pre-launch’ procedures anyways – compared to the Away Team’s leading officer and the Engineers, certainly – and unlike Ikaia, she had no Ensign to babysit… No. Now, instead, she was going to have to babysit two troublesome telepaths instead.
She did what she could to steel herself against whatever mind games they might try to play with her as she entered, offering a curt nod to the two security officers on watch. The trio of Betazoids had been separated into three cells after it became apparent that leaving them together might result in an escape – or a fatality. From what Robin had heard, they’d practically been at each other’s throats after being captured. She stopped in front of the holding cells containing “Wil” and “Tri’lea”.
Hopper: I’m here to collect these two.
As one security officer moved over to Robin’s side, phaser at the ready, the other lowered the forcefields containing the Betazoids within.
M-Tri’lea: And just where are we being taken, may I ask?
M-Wil: Response
Hopper: You’ll be perfectly safe… We need your assistance with something. The situation here is growing more complicated by the minute and your familiarity with the Betazoid Empire’s technology will be helpful.
Neither of them seemed particularly motivated at the thought of ‘being helpful’ just for the sake of it. Robin closed her eyes for a moment and decided to change tactics. This universe was, apparently, a brutal one… Perhaps, she figured, they would be more responsive to a threat.
Hopper: Or, if you prefer, you can stay in your cell and probably die when the Klingons get tired of talking with us.
As that sank in, Polgonz’ eyebrows rose and she stepped forward.
M-Tri’lea: I have no intention of dying in a cell… and, if the alternative will deal a blow to the Mother Eternal’s empire of suffering… All the better. ::To M-Wil:: Shall we, darling?
M-Wil: Response
Robin straightened up slightly and turned to the guards.
Hopper: Crewman Zavr, stay here with… “Rivi”… ::The name felt strange:: Crewman Taugan, come with me. Make sure these two don’t wander off, alright?
Taugan: Understood, Lt. Hopper.
As she began to lead the way towards the Indy’s small shuttlebay, she looked over her shoulder and noticed that Polgonz had frozen in place. Robin looked to Taugan and then back to the betazoid noble with frustration.
Hopper: What’s the hold up?
M-Tri’lea: Hopper… I knew I knew you from somewhere. ::Scoff:: You’re so different, even in your mind… I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.
M-Wil: Response?
She could tell from Polgonz’ words, and the way her manner had shifted, that she wasn’t going to like the answer… But she couldn’t help herself.
Hopper: What… You mean you know the version of me that lives in this reality?
M-Tri’lea: You could say that… ::Snarling:: You’re the one who murdered my mother.
Robin gulped. She felt suddenly clammy and a deep pit formed in her stomach. She wished she’d never asked. She should have known better – known that it couldn’t have been ‘good’... but she’d let her curiosity get the better of her. She furrowed her brow in sorrow.
Hopper: Oh…
((Shortly Thereafter, Type 10 Shuttle “Gatineau”, Shuttlebay – USS Independence-B))
The rest of the short journey from the Indy’s brig to its small shuttle platform had been quit. Robin didn’t really know what to say… not that there was likely to be anything which could be said to diffuse the bitter tension that now radiated from Polgonz towards her. Hopper didn’t require telepathy to feel the sharpened mental daggers now aimed at her, as she led the two ‘prisoners’ and their security escort to the shuttle… but she desperately wished she couldn’t.
As they arrived, they found the others having readied the shuttle for take-off.
Hopper: ::Formal:: Commander Carter, I have, um… The other Wil and Polgonz here.
Carter: Response
Reade/Esma/Wong/Fog: Response
Robin turned to indicate the Betazoids, but struggled to look at Polgonz too directly, lest she make eye contact… She hadn’t forgotten what Nathan had said about being ‘unintentionally psychically injured’ by a spurned Betazoid noble… and she worried what a deliberate psychic attack, if such a thing were possible, might do to her.
M-Tri’lea: ::Coldly:: What do you need from us?
M-Wil: Response
Carter/Reade/Esma/Wong/Fog: Response
M-Tri’lea: Then I suggest we don’t waste anymore time talking.
M-Wil: Response
As everyone prepared for take off, Robin sighed forlornly and spoke candidly to Commander Carter, for just a moment.
Hopper: I… think I might be setting up an appointment after this mission, John…
Carter: Response
Reade/Esma/Wong/Fog: Response