Lt. Robin Hopper: Study Buddies

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Robin Hopper

Nov 8, 2022, 9:10:52 PM11/8/22
to Amity Outpost

((Flashback, 2396 – Earth, San Francisco, Starfleet Academy))

Cadet Robin Hopper entered the training facility with a nervous excitement. Set up as a simulated outdoors space, with projected edges that seemed to carry on for miles, the space seemed remarkably expansive. The lined grey floor and ceiling, however, gave away the space’s true dimensions and artificial nature. Scattered throughout the room were various ‘obstacles’ – ranging from small, rock-like protrusions, to low walls, to hexagonal towers – meant to provide both variety and cover.

There was a locked rack of small arms – phasers, rifles, and the like – across the hall, with an instructor standing beside them, holding a PADD. Inwardly she wondered just how ‘real’ the weapons used in this Tactical class were. Surely they wouldn’t even be able to stun a target… right?  

She recalled last semester’s Unarmed Combat class with mixed amusement and embarrassment. At the start she had been almost enthusiastic to try her hand at it. She’d never really fought anybody before, and the idea of training like a soldier from one of the many adventure novels or vintage films she’d consumed over the years seemed like a marvelous idea. In reality, she had learned the hard way that a single class did not, a warrior, make.

Hoping that this class would prove slightly more successful, she looked around whilst putting her dyed blonde hair into a low ponytail. There was someone here that she was looking for… and, as her eyes crossed over the main entrance, she spotted him.

Hopper: ::Jogging over::  Ikaia? Ikaia Wong?

She placed her hands on her hips and looked up confidently at the towering Klingon man. It had to be him. How many blond Klingons could there be at the Academy at any one time?

Wong: Response

Hopper: ::Grinning::  Robin Hopper. We have a mutual friend!

Wong: Response

Hopper: Yep – and she told me you were enrolled in TAC110 this semester too. Said I should look for you. I thought maybe we could, you know, ‘buddy up’? Keep an eye out for each other?

Wong: Response

As the last of the Cadets filed into the room, the Instructor called out to get everyone’s focus. Robin turned to listen.

Instructor: Attention, Cadets! Eyes on me, please. We’re about to get started!

Hopper: ::Turning back to Ikaia::  So, what do you say? Wanna be study buddies?  ::Chuckling::  Not that this class will probably involve that much ‘studying’... But I’d feel a lot better knowing I had a friend at my side.

Wong: Response

((End Flashback))

((Present – Amity Outpost – Security Center))

Robin waited just outside the Security center for her study buddy to arrive. When Iovianus had suggested bringing others along for the training, Ikaia had been the first person to come to mind. Since her arrival on Amity, the two hadn’t gotten to spend much time together – at least, not working together one-on-one. She smiled, recalling how they had first met and thinking about how far they had both come from that day… Yet there was always still room for improvement.

As she saw him walking down the hall, she waved.

Hopper: Aloha! Good morning.  ::Wink::  Caffeinated?

Wong: Response

Hopper: Okay, well, let’s not keep Commander Iovianus waiting…  ::Leading the way inside::  …Thanks for agreeing to do this with me. I still feel a lot better knowing I have you by my side.

As they entered, they found Iovianus waiting for them, evidently prepared for the morning’s exercises. Robin wasn’t sure whether or not she should stand at attention, and took a relaxed stance – tucking her hands behind her back, just in case.

Hopper: Morning, Sir.

Iovianus: Response

Wong: Response?

Hopper: Lieutenants Hopper and Wong reporting for tactical training, Commander.  ::Smile::  I’m sure we both have some skills that could benefit from the refresher.

Iovianus/Wong: Responses

Hopper: Where should we begin?

Iovianus: Response



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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