((Quarters, USS Independence-B – Kirilow System, Mirrorverse))
Robin examined herself in the mirror that was hung on the inside of the small utilitarian head off the cramped living quarters she had been sharing with Ensign Ononeze since departing for this alternate universe. While she’d been kept fairly busy, and the two of them hadn’t seen much of each other, Robin still appreciated the little shred of familiarity that came with having a member of her team in the room… even if Jachike’s sleep-talking could be heard through the bunk shutter. As Amity’s most experienced physicist after Hopper and Veers (whom they had been coming to rescue), Ononeze had been an obvious choice – and it didn’t hurt that she was part of Robin’s volleyball league either.
Ononeze: ::Sleeping:: No, I don’t want to eat the muffin…
Rolling her eyes and letting out a little sigh, Robin came back out of her thoughts and tried to assess her appearance. Her leg, while it had been spared the need for immediate replacement by the deft hand of Dr. Kiani, was still visibly damaged – bearing a scorched hole through the outer aluminum shell that revealed some of the inner workings. It was unsightly and distracting… which was exactly why she had opted to forego her usual preference and now wore a standard duty uniform, complete with jacket, boots, and most unconventionally, pants. She turned to the side and scrunched up her face into a half-frown.
oO At least the fit is better than the 2300’s design… Oo she tried to reassure herself, noting how unlike herself she looked. She looked like a stuffy old department head. Someone who got bent out of shape when the Ensigns didn’t call her “Sir” or “Ma’am”. oO I’m halfway to grizzled… Oo she thought – and was dismayed by how little the thought amused her. But, she’d made up her mind… and the uniform would do, especially given they were no longer trying to hide who they were or where they’d come from…
((Flashback – Shortly Before, Bridge))
Robin stood near the science terminal amongst the others on the Bridge, leaning against the terminal to take weight off her left leg. It still felt almost like she’d just passed through the doors of the Indy’s sickbay after undergoing emergency ‘surgery’ – if it could be called that – and come straight to the bridge, even though she’d taken a considerable amount of time to lie in her bunk and ‘recover’ while they made their way from the edge of the neighbouring system, which contained the control node, in towards the center of the Betazoids’ territory in the Delta Quadrant.
M-Keehani: =/\= I am Empress Keehani Ukinix, Mother Eternal of the Unified House of Betazed, Matriarch of the Ninth Wing of Betazed. By noble decree, I demand that Niarivi Vataix must meet with me at the prison Colony on Idrustix, the fourth moon of Kirilow VIII. I am aware that you are not from our reality. I understand you may have some of my subjects in your custody. Similarly, I am in possession of two of your acquaintances - Lieutenant Junior Grade Nathan Richards, and Daughter Ascendant Tri'lea Polgonz. Failure to comply with my decree will result in their deaths. =/\=
If they hadn’t already suspected that they’d fallen back into the Empire’s hands, Robin might have gasped. Instead, at the confirmation that Nathan was, in fact, being held, she covered her mouth silently and closed her eyes. They had come so close to getting them back. Instead, when they’d recovered Rivi, Cara, and Bec, they had shared the solemn news that Nathan and Polgonz had been “taken” by one of the Empress’ stooges.
M-Keehani: =/\= Niarivi Vataix, you have five minutes to acknowledge, and not one second more. =/\=
There was a palpable silence as everyone exchanged furtive uncertain glances. Robin’s eyes swept across the gathered officers to find Keehani, who she imagined must be more in shock than anyone else to see how this universe had twisted her into that truly unrecognizable dictator and felt her heart pang with empathy as she saw her friend’s gesture mirrored her own. Robin’s hand dropped her from her mouth, to her chest, as she imagined Keehani’s guilt and shame at the association.
Vataix: And the line is registering as live?
Ukinix: Hundred percent, Ambassador.
Vataix: Open the channel.
Ukinix: Aye, ma’am.
Turning her attention back the viewscreen, Robin sucked in her breath and chewed her lip nervously.
Vataix: =/\= Empress Ukinix, this is Ambassador Vataix of the United Federation of Planets. I accept your... invitation. =/\=
The viewscreen changed. There was Keehani, the other Keehani, just as she’d appeared before. Robin felt a little shiver run down her spine. It was uncanny, unsettling.
M-Keehani: =/\= An “invitation”, Niarivi? No, a “decree”. That means you will do it, as ordered by the leader of this Empire that you currently find yourself in- =/\=
Empress Keehani looked up, seemingly taking in the others around Rivi on the Bridge. Robin was thankful for her place, off to the side, and tucked behind Kiani. If what this universe’s version of Daughter Polgonz had told her earlier – that her own equivalent in this universe was a murderous psychopath – then she preferred to avoid recognition. The Empress’ gaze seemed to settle on Keehani.
M-Keehani: =/\= Oh look. ::Smile:: My impersonator. ::Smile fades:: That is an act punishable by death. =/\=
Keehani: ::Shocked sigh, under her breath:: She’s a monster...
Vataix: =/\= Yes, we have several Betazoids on board, perhaps some you might recognize. =/\=
M-Keehani: =/\= I certainly have recognised several so far. Tri’lea Polgonz… Niarivi Ukinix – correction, ::slight smirk:: Vataix – ha! – , and now… well, it is as if I am looking into a mirror. You certainly surround yourself with the best and worst of Betazoids, Niarivi? =/\=
Robin squinted, trying to ascertain who was “the best” and who was “the worst” in the Empress’ view. The rebels were no saints, but they were certainly more aligned with the Federation’s perspective on rights and freedoms… Of course, the Betazoid Empire was neither right nor free.
Vataix: =/\= There are among my staff and guests. =/\=
M-Keehani: =/\= Then I have a proposal. I would like my Betazoids, and less importantly my Terrans, back. I’m sure you would like pretty boy Richards and your Daughter “Ascendant” – hmmph, figures – back. I propose, as part of a prisoner swap, a discussion between us and your Klingon ally that is accompanying you. And do not deny that. Our science scholars have detected the traces of a Klingon cloaking device in your proximity. =/\=
Surely, Hopper’s were not the only eyebrows raised at that pronouncement from the Empress – though she supposed that, for the Betazoids to have lasted so long in prolonged engagement with the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, they would have had to have cracked that particular nut to survive.
Vataix: =/\= That is quite the ambitious proposal, Empress. =/\=
M-Keehani: =/\= Maybe it is time to end this war with the Klingon-Cardassian alliance. And maybe, just maybe, you can help broker a truce. A deal, as it were. =/\=
Empress Keehani’s eyes narrowed as she stared into the screen, before a wicked smirk broke across her features.
M-Keehani: =/\= And do not question my ambition. It is what I, and this empire, is known for. =/\=
Robin involuntarily shook her head. In her mind at least, Keehani’s most lauded trait was her resilience – not her ambition. She wasn’t interested in ruling the galaxy, but she would unceasingly and unflinchingly defend it from those who sought to abuse or do others harm. If she hadn’t found her way into civilian service with the FDC, Robin could even imagine Keehani taking on the mantle of a Diplomatic Officer within Starfleet.
Whatever this version of Keehani was, her vision of her own counterpart was as twisted and broken as her Empire.
Vataix: =/\= Very well. I will send representatives on my behalf to the summit. =/\=
oO Oof… I don’t envy whoever gets that job… Oo Robin looked around at the likely candidates. Carter, perhaps, and Ukinix. Maybe Iovianus – after all, his mother was a governess, wasn’t she?
M-Keehani: =/\= You will bring your prisoners to Idrustix so we can, in good faith, perform a prisoner transfer. Then we can begin discussions at the “summit”… Yes, I like that term. =/\=
At that, Robin’s ears perked up. A prisoner exchange – that meant getting back their people; Finally having them out of harm’s way… Aside from that, it was a surprising show of – what had she said? “Good faith” – from the seemingly-menacing Empress. Perhaps there was hope for the Betazoids of this universe yet.
Vataix: =/\= I hope for a fruitful meeting, Empress. =/\=
M-Keehani: =/\= I will remind you that you are now guests of the Betazed Empire. As such, you will work towards a successful meeting with a productive outcome. Otherwise, operational procedures dictate that there will be punishment. =/\=
The comms call abruptly ended. oO So much for that… Oo She scowled. Every time Robin was beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, she could see a small glimmer of the Keehani she knew in this “Mother Eternal” figure, she proved herself a wholly different person.
Ukinix: ::Staring at screen:: Holy $@^#.
A sentiment seemingly shared by all in attendance – though perhaps not quite so audibly. Keehani, pragmatic as ever, immediately began analyzing the plan.
Keehani: Madam Ambassador, this could be a trap. Are you certain you trust her?
Vataix: No, I don't trust her--certainly not completely. But she is holding two of our own and perhaps this summit of hers can buy us some time.
Ukinix: Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we may not have much time. There are thousands of patrol ships out there, and long-range scans are telling us that thousands more are coming back. This ship is tough, but we don’t have that kind of defensive firepower.
Carter: Not even close...
Keehani: Then we should attend the summit in good faith. And a prior meeting with… ::sigh:: *her* to discuss matters before the summit may be a proactive de-escalation tactic. ::To Rivi:: Bi-lateral relations of sorts, Madam Ambassador.
Iko: The people here know nothing of diplomacy. ::looking to Keehani:: but you could teach them.
Carter: We collectively set the framework for the more serious meetings...
Vataix: All right, Keehani, you're coming with me of course. You too, Robin.
Keehani: ::nervous swallow:: Yes, Madam Ambassador.
She glanced to Keehani, then back to Rivi with an apprehensive and uncertain smile.
Hopper: Great. Should be… fun. ::Clearing her throat:: I’m guessing none of us have engaged in a ‘prisoner exchange’ before – what’s the plan?
Vataix: We'll be bringing the prisoner the Resistance caught, the version of Nathan Richards in this universe. I believe I can convince Dro to come with us to see to it that our Tri'lea is returned. I don't know if the same can be said though for the other Betazoids native here, including his actual daughter.
Keehani: ::Quietly:: Ergh, they can *have* that Richards.
Hopper: ::Grimace::
Ukinix: Ambassador, we have to be careful. We can’t just hand over the other Tri’lea Polgonz if we know she’s going to get killed. Protocol Parallax says we’re to interfere at a minimum, but I think we’re past that point now. We can’t just stand by and let people die.
Robin furrowed her brow and stuck her tongue into her cheek, refraining from arguing with Wil outright. She couldn’t disagree with his opinion, nor his underlying moral principles. What he said was right by every qualitative metric… but she wasn’t sure the ‘hard science’ would agree – and representing the hard science was her responsibility.
Carter: Wil's right, Rivi. Despite our situation, we can't just let that happen.
Wong: I haven’t seen many individuals from this universe. But it seems to be a rough one. There appears to be a survival of the fittest mentality. Definitely a lot more brutal.
Carter: Dictatorships are brutal. Weapons and barbarity determine outcomes here.
Iko: This place is merciless. It runs—it thrives on spilt blood, power and hate. "Rough" and "brutal" only begin to describe it.
The metaphysical and physical consequences of what they were doing were remained woefully unclear. There was no telling just how much “drift” had already happened between this universe and their own – nor how much their meddling could exacerbate that. Multiverse theory, for all the postulating scientists had done over the centuries, was still primarily a theoretical subject, being incredibly hard to reliably study…
As important as it was to Robin that they did recover Nathan and Daughter Polgonz, the idea of attending or even, as Carter and Iko seemed to be suggesting, guiding that summit troubled her.
Hopper: Let’s not forget that even with that “cat out of the bag”, we don’t know what sort of widespread effects our meddling in this reality could have. We should still try and allow things to take their natural courses here as much as possible… I hate to say it, but there are potentially serious ramifications to what we’re doing.
She couldn’t help but conjure an image of Bradbury’s big game hunter traveling through time and space to hunt a dinosaur, only to undo the fabric of his reality with one accidental misstep. While changes to this universe were unlikely to cascade into their own, what right did they have to cavalierly attempt sweeping changes?
Hopper: As the Chief Science Officer, I have to recommend that we all try to “tread lightly”... As much as possible.
She knew it was an argument that would likely fall on deaf ears. After all, the Federation’s Prime Directive – the purpose of which was safeguarding primitive worlds from advanced interference – was already broken often enough in the name of “doing the right thing”... and that directive hardly applied here. In fact, it was an argument she wasn’t even sure that she agreed with herself. Either way, she had her assignment and she planned to follow it. The others would do as they saw fit.
((End Flashback))
While thoughts of the implications of their mission continued to swirl in her head, Robin applied her combadge and rank pips to her uniform and smoothed the sides of the sleeved coat. It felt unnatural – but then, nothing about this entire situation felt natural. They would be departing shortly to meet with the Empress at some sort of lunar prison colony where, if the information they’d received was accurate, detainees were tortured, abused, and regularly executed for their crimes rather than being rehabilitated. How someone that oversaw such a facility could call themselves a “Mother” was beyond Raven’s comprehension.
She turned and made her way towards the door. As disturbed as she was by the prospect of meeting the Empress’ devoted and violent fanatic – how this reality’s Nathan Richards had been described – she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was, somehow, her responsibility to see him along to the prisoner exchange. Maybe it was a misdirected sense of dedication to the Nathan she knew, maybe it was misplaced hope that she might recognize some shred of humanity in him, or maybe she just missed him that much… That thought alone was troubling enough. But it would have to wait for another time.
oO Come on. You’re a Starfleet Officer. You’ve got a job to do… Oo
Heading down the hall towards the brig, she did her utmost to wrestle control over her emotions, but it was little use.
TBC in Part 2…