[MISSION FINALE] Lt. Robin Hopper: Gunboat Diplomacy (Part 2)

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Robin Hopper

Aug 1, 2023, 5:09:45 AM8/1/23
to Amity Outpost (IC)

((Noble Visiting Chambers, Idrustix Colony))

As High Inquisitor Talos Dakora and his menacing wife, Raven Hopper, stepped aside – tacitly allowing them to continue cooking up whatever plans they could devise – Robin watched them nervously. There was no telling just how far they could trust that pair, who were obviously still in cahoots with the Betazoid Empire… yet they didn’t seem to be quite as ‘lockstep’ as the Ninth Wing’s noble guards… She felt uneasy about just trusting them not to interfere, but then again, what options did they have?

Nathan spoke, drawing Robin’s attention back to the conversation happening between the prisoners. She could sense he was itching to do something before the Empress returned.

Richards: We aren’t going to get anywhere stuck in this room. We need to find a way out. ::Sideways glance at guards, quietly:: I could probably take a couple of them…

Vataix: Are you sure about that?

Rivi looked back at Nathan with some concern and Robin shook her head worriedly. Despite taking courses at the Academy, neither of them were really trained in combat-forward roles… She was a scientist, he was an engineer – and with the possible exception of the rebels, none of the assembled group had much practical fighting experience either. It seemed like a big gamble to her.

Hopper: There’s a lot riding on that “probably”.  ::Chewing her bottom lip::  Maybe, if all of us can gang up on them – take them by surprise?

Evidently her concerns were telegraphed clearly enough to the Betazoids around her – possibly before she’d even spoken.

Polgonz: ::To Hopper::  I hate to sound xenophobic, Lieutenant, but the fact is that some of us are a potential liability when it comes to ‘surprising’ the Betazoids guarding us.  ::To Rivi, the Rebels::  Perhaps those of us with ‘the gift’ can provide some… distraction?

M-Tri’lea:  @$%& that.  ::Glaring at the guard who had battered Wil::  That one’s mine.  ::Shrugging::  The rest of you can hang back, keep them confused.  ::To Richards::  I’m with this one. Let’s take them out.

M-Dro: Response?

((OOC – The following M-Talos and Raven tags are likely out of earshot of the rest of the group, so I’ve deliberately left those unfilled and isolated them. That said, Travis (Talos), you can feel free to fill them in as a private side conversation, or re-integrate with the main conversation however you see fit.))

((M-Talos/Raven: Response?))

Richards: ::Sigh, running his hand through his hair:: We need to do something.

Polgonz: Is it too much to ask that we attempt to talk our way out of this? Avoid further bloodshed?

Robin sighed. While she agreed with Polgonz’ sentiment, she couldn’t deny that true diplomacy seemed out of the question at this point.

Hopper: I’m not sure that will be possible, Daughter Ascendant.  ::Looking around::  These guards are just itching for a chance to shoot us all…

M-Tri’lea: Exactly. The only plan that has any chance of success is one involving sacrifice.  ::Shaking her head at Tri’lea::  How were you raised so weak? 

Polgonz: ::Accusatorily::  I am not weak. I’m just not a warmonger.  ::Pointing a finger::  I get pushed around enough in my own universe, I’m certainly not going to let some brat who doesn’t even know how to use her words talk down to me here!

M-Dro: Response?

((M-Talos/Raven: Response))

Richards: That’s not…that’s not important right now.

That seemed to deflate and irritate both Polgonz’ – the two of them scowling at Nathan in an almost perfect mirror image of each other.

Vataix: ::nods:: You're right, we need to do something--especially while we're all still together. Nathan, you and our resistance friends, get ready to attack a guard and try to secure their weapon. I'll start a distraction.

Richards: Response

M-Tri’lea: ::Still irritated::  Good.

M-Dro: Response

Vataix: Robin, Tri'lea, follow my lead.

Robin turned to Rivi, nodding emphatically, but feeling entirely uncertain about whatever it was they were about to do. She swallowed, feeling a lump in her throat and managed a rather breathless affirmative.

Hopper: Uh-huh.

Polgonz: ::Still irritated::  Fine.

((M-Talos/Raven: Response))

Rivi went over to one of the tables with food and picked up a plate before walking to one of the guards. Robin followed, close behind, with the Betazoid Daughter Ascendant at her side. She glanced sideways at the dark-haired woman, who stood a few inches taller than she did, and wondered if she truly felt as confident as she looked.

Polgonz must have read her mind, as she turned to look back at Robin for a moment, with a small knowing smile and a nod that seemed, to Robin, to communicate faith in Rivi. Facing back to the Ambassador, Robin steadied herself for whatever was about to unfold.

Vataix: Excuse me, but is this food triticale-free?

The guard looked back at Rivi with clear annoyance, then at the other two woman behind her.

Guard: What are you babbling about?

Vataix: I'm sorry, I can't eat this.

Polgonz: ::Hands on hips::  All Betazoids in our universe are awfully sensitive to triticale. Did nobody tell you?

Hopper: ::Nodding::  Right, yeah, it umm… you see, triticale contains "triticosamine," which is a compound that some people's – I mean, like all Betazoids’ – digestive systems can't break down properly. And that can lead to a, uhh, build-up of gas – so, you know, they get all  ::holding her belly::  brrrp, bloated and gassy.

Lying was not her strong suit. Still, with Rivi and Polgonz hopefully doing their best to fool the guard’s empathic senses, he didn’t catch on to the obvious deception. Instead, he simply seemed annoyed that they would dare bother him with such trivial nonsense, gripping his rifle tighter and responding coldly.

Guard: You'll eat that or you'll eat nothing.

Robin crossed her arms and tilted her head sarcastically.

Hopper: Well, you’ve clearly never been in a room full of Betazoids eating uttaberry pie made with triticale flour.

Polgonz: You really think the Mother Eternal wants her honored guests to get sick? Surely that decision would be above your pay grade.

Vataix: Excuse me, who's your superior officer? Because I'd like to file a complaint.

(( OOC – Travis (Richards) and Craig please feel free to sim what Richards and M-Tri’lea / M-Dro are doing at this point as well. Travis (Talos) please feel free to sim what Talos and Raven are doing at this point if you feel like it. ))

Guard: ::Grumbling::  Prisoners don’t have a right to complain. You should appreciate what you get.

Vataix: Well that's simply unacceptable.

Polgonz: We are not prisoners. “Guests of the Empire.” Those were the Mother Eternal’s words. 

Hopper: Maybe you can find out which items have triticale and which don’t. Some of us aren’t Betazoids and we could eat tho–

The guard raised his rifle and Robin flinched, but he merely gestured back to the tables. They were annoying him, clearly, but perhaps their words had been convincing enough to cow him away from beating them. At least for now.

Guard: Go sit down now.

He looked back at the three of them from the other end of the rifle.

Guard: I won't tell you again.

With all eyes now on this confrontation between the guard and the three unruly prisoners, that was the moment the others struck, and a scuffle broke on the other side of the room. When the guard in front of them shifted his attention briefly over to see what was happening, Rivi and Tri’lea suddenly leapt on the man without warning.

Hopper: ::Surprised::  Oh!

Robin watched, momentarily stunned, as Rivi grabbed the guard’s rifle and pushed it towards the ceiling, right as he fired off a shot, which brought a rain of thermocrete dust raining down on them. They grappled with each other for a moment, with Polgonz moving behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck and Robin looking for some sort of opening to do anything of use. The guard shoved Rivi away, and she fell to the ground – but he was in no position to attack, as Polgonz increased the pressure around his neck.

Polgonz: ::Choking the guard::  TAKE. THE. GUN.

Robin rushed forward, attempting to pry the rifle from the guard’s hands, but he reacted by butting Polgonz with the back of his head, forcing her to release her grip. Hopper watched in shock as the Betazoid noble fell back, a stream of blood running from her nose.

Polgonz: How dare you!

Guard: ::Growling at Hopper::  Terran dog!

Hopper: ::Growling back::  That insult is only half right!

Apparently the guard was not a fan of having his racist math corrected, as he kicked Robin in her damaged leg, and she collapsed in a heap by his feet. The black-clad Imperial raised his weapon, taking aim at Rivi – however, just as he took aim, the blade of a Klingon bat'leth cut through his chest, and the guard slumped down to the ground, dead. Behind him stood a grinning Klingon warrior.

oO What the #$%& is going on? Oo

The sounds of transporter beams led Robin to look around the room frantically, as a a whole team of Klingon warriors beamed down into the chambers, along with Wil – the real Wil – along with John and Bec. With the additional support, Nathan and the others quickly subdued the rest of the guards. 

Vataix: Thank the Four!

Ukinix/Carter/Iko: Response

Richards: Response

Robin managed to pull herself back to her feet, stumbling slightly as she put weight on her damaged leg, and looked up at the Klingon warrior as he wiped the bloody blade of his knife on the downed guard’s jacket before slipping it back into its sheath.

Hopper: ::Nod::  Thank you. You have impeccable timing.

Klingon Warrior: Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.  ((To be early is to be on time.))

Polgonz: ::Nursing her bloody nose::  You could have come a moment sooner.

Klingon Warrior: QaHegh. Hem luq Hoch jaghbe'!  ((Be grateful. Your blood has recognized you as a warrior!))

Robin nodded, having no real idea what the Klingon was saying – and wishing she’d taken a first level Klingonese course instead of “Elementary Tellarite” at the Academy. They turned their attention back to the main group, making their way to where Rivi was addressing the others.

Any: Response?

Vataix: They took Keehani away somewhere... with the Mother Eternal. Wil, you need to find her.

Ukinix: Response

Vataix: Take Bec with you.

Iko: Response

Vataix: ::looking to the others, she nodded at John for them to proceed with the beam out:: Let's get out of here.

TBC in Part 3 (which will wrap up the mission completely for Hopper!)


Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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