JP – Lt. Cmdr Hopper & Lt. Richards: Cosmic Duet (Part 3)

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Nathan Richards

Mar 2, 2024, 8:02:54 PM3/2/24
to Amity Outpost – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

((Richards Homestead, Glacier National Park, Montana))

Hopper: ::To Jennifer::  It’s so nice to meet you.

Jennifer: ::Through a forced large smile:: And lovely to meet you, dear. I’d like to know all about you! The woman who is taking a part of my Noonie’s heart…

During the hug, Jennifer’s smile wiped away momentarily, as she whispered very quietly-

Jennifer: ::whispered, serious tone:: … and you’d better look after it.

Robin’s eyes widened slightly, glancing nervously towards the back of Nate’s mother’s head. Jennifer’s smile returned as she stepped back, her palms on Robin’s upper arms, giving them a few firm squeezes. Robin chuckled, nervously, hoping (but not certain by any means) that the intensity was meant as a jest – but she had little time to consider it.

Patrick: Come on now, Jen, give the young woman some room to breathe.

He stepped forward and gave a light hug of his own to Robin.

Patrick: Welcome to Montana! I hope you and Nathan will be staying a little longer than the last time he was here.

Patrick gave a pointed glance towards his son, who’d only been able to see them for a day during his previous unannounced visit. Nathan, in response to his father’s glance, simply smiled and tilted his head to the side.

Hopper: ::To Patrick::  That’s the plan! I’ve heard so many wonderful things about the park, and about all of you.

Patrick chuckled before looking over at Jennifer, already able to tell what she was thinking.

Patrick: oO And we so little about you… Oo Robin, maybe you can help me with a little bet I made with Nathan’s brothers. You wouldn’t happen to be Canadian, would you?

Hopper: ::Confused:: Eh?

But before she could answer, one of those brothers had already approached her. Recovering her social stride as well as she could, Robin turned to the man whose wedding they had come to attend.

Hopper: ::To Blake::  Oh, hiya!  ::Hugging him, quietly::  My eggs should hatch any day...

Blake hugged Robin back, but had to let her go as she whispered in his ear, pointing at her emphatically as he looked at Nathan with a thrilled expression.

Blake: ::Snort-laughing::  Bro, I like her already!  ::To Robin::  Tell your progeny to spare me.

Hopper: ::Shrug::  No promises.

Richards: ::Pointing at Blake:: You’re first on the list.

Sam: ::Nudging Robin and laughing:: Blake would be so lucky to be the first one taken out by your alien spawns.

Jennifer wore her pan-am smile as proudly as she could.

Jennifer: Well, isn’t this just wonderful… Can I offer you both a drink… tell me, Commander Hopper, what is it that *you* would like to drink the most?

Hopper: Oh, uh, Robin, please – I’m only Commander Hopper at work.

She paused, uncertain what sort of drink it was that Mother Richards was offering. She hadn’t specified. Water was a safe bet, but it was boring. What was better? To be boring or to risk looking like a lush?

Hopper: I’m not picky. Um, is there anything you have open already?

Jennifer: ::Politely and little tightly clasping hands:: I’ll check. And for you, Noonie?

Nathan could feel the tension building in the room. He sighed, knowing that there was no reasoning with his mother in this.

Richards: Uh, ::Shrugging:: I’ll just have some water for now.

Jennifer: Of course, my sugar plum, ::single touch with finger on the end of Noonie’s nose::, be right back!

Nathan rolled his eyes hard enough he thought they were going to fall out of his skull. Under normal circumstances he probably would have died of embarrassment, but he had given ample warning to Robin on the trip there. oO This is why I would never bring friends home… Oo 

Jennifer gave a long, leering smile to Robin, before she finally turned to make her way to the bar area in the adjoining room - her head turned to make sure she didn’t miss a *word* of the conversation.

Patrick: ::to Robin:: Forgive her, when he’s back, it’s like she sees his six–year-old self again-

As she walked out, she clicked her fingers once to Patrick (without looking at him), and said the one word that meant she wanted a quiet, polite, secret chat without the kids (or the new “girlfriend”) hearing.

Jennifer: ::to Patrick:: Sidebar?

It may have had the tone of a question, but she knew that Patrick knew that it wasn’t a request.

Patrick: Yes, dear.

He nodded again to Robin and the kids with a warm smile before following his wife to parts unknown.

While the old farts went off to conspire, Blake rolled his eyes. They’d done the same thing when he’d first introduced them to Mike. Did they really think it was subtle? He reached back to the can of lager he’d been drinking before the dynamic duo had arrived and sipped it as he addressed his brother.

Blake: So, lose any more appendages since the last time you visited?  ::Wink::  Nothing valuable, I hope.

Nathan flashed Blake a sarcastic smile and gave him a very brief “one finger salute”, using his prosthetic hand for emphasis. 

Richards: Everything is still intact, don’t you worry.

Sam: ::To Robin:: Please tell me you’re not the one in charge of keeping that wild child in check.

Hopper: It hasn’t been easy, but I’ve been trying to keep him out of harm’s way. But, then, I can’t be too mad about this…  ::wrapping a hand under and around Nate’s arm::  After all, it’s sort of how we wound up meeting.

Nathan nodded in affirmation, reaching over and giving her hand a light squeeze.

Richards: ::Chuckling:: Silver linings.

Blake hadn’t even realized it at first, but glancing down, he noticed that Robin herself sported a robotic left leg.  oO Heh. Hopper. Oo  He took another sip of his beer and cleared his throat.

Blake: So, what’s your story, Robin? I know how this maniac ::gesturing to Nathan::  wound up joining Starfleet. What made you sign up?

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he glared at his brother.

Richards: ::Smirking:: I’m a maniac now, huh?

Blake: You’ve always been a maniac, brother. Now you’re just a maniac with a uniform.

Sam: ::Eyes wide:: I would also like to hear your story Robin. oO Don’t obsess…too much…Oo ::Tapping Nathan’s prosthetic arm:: You are absolutely a maniac.

Nathan playfully sneered at his sister.

Hopper: ::Smiling::  Well… I’m concerned that my story won’t make you think much better of me. But, maybe you’ll see why me and –  ::turning to Nate with wide, amused eyes::  what was it? Nathey Poo? – get along so well…

((Meanwhile, Bar Area…))

Patrick hadn’t made it that far towards the bar when his lovely wife of over three decades turned around, looking at him with a stern expression.

Jennifer: ::Whispered, arms crossed:: Well?

Patrick returned a puzzled glance.

Patrick: Well, what? I think we still have some cherry brandy left over she might like…

Jennifer: ::Whispered:: Oh, c’mon Patrick, her big doe eyes don’t fool me. I know her type. She’s probably been through more Starfleet officers than the Dominion.

Patrick’s eyes widened a bit.

Patrick: Really, Jen! She can be as perfectly modern of a 25th century woman as anyone else.

Jennifer: ::Whispered:: Underneath that innocent facade is a self-assured selfish person just waiting to break our Noonie’s heart! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but she’ll break him. And then we’ll have to pick up the pieces.

Her husband just shook his head as he reached over to grab a bottle of the cherry brandy he spied behind her.

Patrick: You haven’t even gotten to know the woman, and you’re talking about her like she’s Yoko Ono.

Jennifer: At least Yoko Ono had a reason.

He held up the bottle of brandy.

Patrick: Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like, but *I* am going to enjoy this brandy with the Commander.

And then with a smug smile, he turned and headed back out.

Jennifer stood with her arms crossed, and called to her husband as she left.

Jennifer: No sex for *you* tonight, Patrick.

Patrick turned and gave his wife an incredulous look.

Patrick: Whoa now. We don't need to get hasty here.

Nathan glanced over at his parents by the bar, his mother’s last comment being loud enough for the others to hear.

Richards: ::Covering his face in embarrassment:: Mom!

Robin held in an amused cackle, resulting in a muffled grunting chortle.

Sam: ::To Robin:: I would like to deeply apologize on behalf of my entire family and the level of embarrassment they have bestowed upon us in such a short amount of time.

Blake: ::Shrugging, sipping his beer:: Euuhh, it was bound to happen. Better she knows now.

Jennifer scowled quietly to herself, before grabbing a bottle of bourbon. She was going to need something stronger than cherry brandy. And, in defense of herself, called out to her son as she did.

Jennifer: And how the hell do you think you were born, Noonie? Immaculate conception?! 

Nathan felt his face grow hot, prompting him to turn away from everyone.

Richards: Oh. My. God. 

There had been plenty of embarrassing moments when Nathan or his siblings would bring friends home for the first time. But nothing compared to that moment. Even the time his dad had walked through the house in just his underwear during one of Hunter’s sleepovers when he was in grade school.

Sam: ::Shaking her head and sighing:: This isn’t happening. This seriously is not happening.

Blake: I’m… going for a walk.  ::To Robin::  Really nice to meet you.  ::To Nathan, whispering as he walked past::  Get her ‘locked in’ before she runs, bro.  ::Wink::

As Blake walked past them towards the front door, grabbing his coat on the way, he chuckled to himself audibly. Robin, unsure what Blake had whispered to Nathan, simply turned to Sam.

Hopper: Hey, don’t worry about it. My sister has put me in far more embarrassing positions than anyone else ever could.  ::To everyone::  I’m just… happy to be here.

Patrick poured a healthy glass of the cherry brandy and held it out to Robin, giving her a small shrug and an apologetic smile.

Patrick: Welcome to the family.

((End Flashback))


(Blake Richards as simmed by)

Lt. Cmdr Robin Hopper

Chief Science Officer & Second Officer

Amity Outpost



Lt. Nathan Richards

Chief of Operations

Amity Outpost



Jennifer Richards

Noonie’s Mom



Patrick Richards

Nathan’s Dad



Samantha Richards

As simmed by Travis’ wife Beky

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