Lt. Robin Hopper: Bubbly

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Robin Hopper

Jan 10, 2023, 3:00:23 AM1/10/23
to Amity Outpost

((OOC Note – Since the end of Shore Leave is fast approaching, I’m setting up our NYE sim to sort of throw everyone ‘into the action’ so to speak. There are tags for various folk on Amity scattered throughout, but I’ve tried to block everyone into individual ‘scenes’ which can continue on, or mingle together based on how everyone wants to proceed.

For the sake of clarity, these are the initial groups I’ve set up, but please please don’t feel stuck in them. Take your characters wherever you want!

  • Nadeshiko/Sirn

  • Carter/Reade/Beake/Ychol

  • Rivi/Tidrid/Iovianus/MacKenzie/MacKenzie

  • Hopper is visiting you all!

If you don’t see a tag, but you’re on Amity for NYE, please feel free to join in. There is an open “ANY” tag at the end of the sim for literally anyone who wants to join in. PCs, PNPCs, NPCs, all are welcome. Let’s have fun and keep it on-time for the end of Leave!))

((Amity Outpost – The Spire, Lighthouse Restaurant))

Robin glanced at the clock – or rather, the large holographic projection of a ‘clock’ that had been ticking down the hours, minutes, and seconds until ‘midnight’ struck and proverbial sun would set on the 2300s, ushering in not only a New Year, but a New Century. It was an exciting time to be alive! There was something deeply thrilling about experiencing not only the turn of a century, but to do so on one of the most remote Outposts in Federation Space – one which extended beyond what had once been considered “the final frontier” for Starfleet.

Perhaps this is why the party, which had started many hours ago now, was so brimming with excitement. Or perhaps that was just the nature of the people who lived and worked aboard the station. Robin had heard a few stories about the previous New Years, which followed shortly behind the launch of Amity Outpost in late 2398. Reports were that an impromptu dance competition had broken out… and that Ambassador Vataix had spent much of the evening snoozing amidst a pile of stuffed animals in the Mezzanine.

The only thing dampening Robin’s spirits was the absence of some of her closest friends aboard Amity. Ikaia, Nathan, S’Raga, Bec – all were still on their extended away mission to Betazed and weren’t due to return until shortly before the start of their next mission in the Delta Quadrant. But it wasn’t as though she would be ringing in the New Year without good company. She had made sure of that…

((Flashback – One Week Earlier, Copernicus Center, Chief of Mission’s Office))

Hopper: Oh! One more bit of business. Before we conclude this meeting, I just wanted to confirm with you all what your New Years Eve plans look like… I understand that some of the senior staff is away, as is the Ambassador’s Aide, but – it’s a New Century! Surely, we ought to organize some sort of  ::tilting her head, looking for the right word::  Shindig?

She looked around the room at Amity’s available senior staff – both Starfleet and FDC. As her enthusiastic glance made its way around the meeting table, she contemplated how her efforts during the last shore leave to connect with each of them had gone. Some of them, (the more reserved among them), she was still just getting to know, such as Lt. Commander Iovianus. Others, she had gotten to know quite well, such as Envoy Kizat.

Vataix/Carter/Iovianus/Reade/Kizat: Responses

Hopper: I know we’re all quite busy, so I’ve taken the liberty of putting together a plan. It’s nothing grand, but I looked over last year’s celebration plans and put together a draft based on that.  ::A nod to Rivi::  Fortunately, the response to last year’s festivities were overwhelmingly positive. So I don’t think much needs to change.

Vataix: Response

Hopper: That should make things a little easier on the Operations and Security side of things as well.

Iovianus/Reade: Responses

Hopper: This is also a great opportunity to boost crew morale and host a rewarding public display for our visitors and the local press – don’t you think?

Carter/Kizat: Responses

Hopper: ::Grinning::  As for Science… Well, we don’t typically have much to manage for an event like this. However, given recent events, I’ll ensure we take some extra precautions to protect the station against any further temporal incursions. After all, I don’t think any of us want to wake up tomorrow and find ourselves in any time other than New Years Day, 2400!

Vataix/Carter/Iovianus/Reade/Kizat: Responses

((OOC – Can continue to backsim here, as desired))

((End Flashback))

The Lighthouse Restaurant was one of the venues Amity’s festivities would take place in. Invited to the restaurant were Starfleet Officers, Senior Diplomatic Staff, and Amity’s VIPs – noteworthy guests, press, and dignitaries. It had been decorated to celebrate some of the Federation’s achievements over the past 100 years… including banners marking the successful return of USS Voyager in 2378, the incorporation of Bajor in 2388, and – most recently – the establishment of Amity Outpost herself in 2398.

Robin had never been to the swanky restaurant atop Amity’s Spire before, but she had done her best to dress for the occasion (and the venue), wearing a low-cut, yet classy, gown in peacock green. As she weaved through the party guests, looking for familiar faces, she did her best to avoid spilling the gin martini she carried in her left hand – but the upbeat atmosphere and music made it hard for her not to sway her hips as she moved – and she only narrowly avoided spilling her drink several times.

Hopper: ::Excitedly::  Oh, Nadeshiko! You made it – I’m so glad. I wasn’t sure if this was your kind of thing, but I wanted to make sure you had an invitation all the same.  ::Admiring her outfit::  You look amazing, as usual.

Nadeshiko: Response

Hopper: ::Sipping her cocktail::  One of these days, I hope you’ll be willing to show me where you get your wardrobe.  ::Noticing another partygoer::  Oh! Sirn!  ::Waving over the Vulcan scientist::  Have you two met before?

Sirn: Response

Hopper: Nadeshiko, this is Sirn – he’s a warp theorist who just joined the Civilian team. Sirn, Nadeshiko is our newest civilian scientist. She’s currently working as an analyst.  ::Beaming::  I’m sure she could explain her work more clearly.

Nadeshiko/Sirn: Responses

Hopper: I’m glad you could both make it. I think it’s very important that our Civilain team members feel every bit as empowered and important as our Starfleet Officers. After all, this station is a joint venture… Are there any projects you’re looking forward to in the new year?

Nadeshiko/Sirn: Responses

((OOC – Feel free to continue backsimming here))

Robin nodded, pleased to see the two civilian scientists connecting in their own unique way, and took another sip of her martini. As she set the empty glass down on a cart to be collected by the serving staff, she noticed Commander Carter across the room speaking with an unfamiliar Vulcan man. Never one to miss out on an introduction, Robin excused herself from the conversation and made her way across the room.

She sidled up beside John and nudged him with a friendly tone in her voice.

Hopper: Commander… Pleasure seeing you here tonight! It’s nice to see you out of the uniform and out from behind the desk.  ::Turning to Reade & Beake::  Hiya Scotty, Evelyn!

Carter/Reade/Beake: Response

She nodded, turning to face their Vulcan companion.

Hopper: And who’s your friend?  ::Smiling::  I’m Robin by the way. Lieutenant Robin Hopper.

Carter/Reade/Beake: Response

Ychol: ::Bowing head slightly::  Thank you, Commander. I am serving as a Counselor-In-Training under Commander Carter. He has been most generous in providing me with learning opportunities.

Hopper: That sounds interesting!

Carter/Reade/Beake: Response

Hopper: How are you four enjoying the party so far? Have you tried the spinach dip?  ::Looking around::  I’ve heard good things – but I haven’t been able to get my hands on any yet.  ::Shrugging, chuckling::  So I guess it must be popular.

Carter/Reade/Beake: Response

Ychol: I found the dip agreeable.  ::Considering::  Though I do not understand the purpose of the bread-based serving vessel. Is the intention that we should eat the bowl? That seems quite illogical. And messy.

((OOC – Can continue to sim here, if desired))

Hopper: Oh! I think I see Rivi over there. Somehow, she’s been harder to get a hold of than the spinach dip.  ::Smiling::  I hope you don’t mind. It was good to see you three – have fun, and I’ll try to swing back around in a minute!

With that, Robin made her way towards the next group – which included the Ambassador, Amity’s First Gentleman (Tidrid Vataix), Commander Iovianus, and Envoy Kizat. She was going to need another drink to mingle with that assortment. Between her now-multiple unintentionally awkward encounters with Tidrid and her recent rendezvous with the Cardassian Envoy, Robin was keenly aware that the telepathic Rivi might pick up on some of her inner thoughts… So they might as well be a little hazier.

She swung by the bar and stood beside a couple, sitting at the bar deep in conversation. The man wore an old-fashioned coat and hat – almost like out of one of the old black-and-white movies she used to watch, and the woman had fiery red hair and seemed considerably more modern. She eyed them with a sideways glance as she placed her order, trying to indulge her curiosity without giving away her interest.

((OOC – Sunny, if you want to sim a Summerside/Evelyn sim here, go for it!))

As the Bartender approached, Robin’s attention was drawn away from the couple once more.

Bartender: Evening, Lieutenant. What can I do for you? Another Martini?

Hopper: ::Chuckling::  Do you have anything bubbly? It is New Years, after all.

Bartender: Sure. The special we have on tonight is the Black Velvet. That’s got champagne in it. Doesn’t get bubblier than that.

Hopper: Oooh, that sounds fun and fancy. I’ll have one of those!

Bartender: Coming right up.

Robin turned around, looking once more for the Ambassador, and instead was surprised by the sudden appearance of her surprise date from the other evening. The tall, broad, and dangerously handsome Cardassian man had evidently run dry and come back for a refill as well.

Kizat: Response

Hopper: ::Coy::  Vaje… It’s good to see you again. I like your suit.

She reached out and touched the lapel of his jacket, straightening it slightly.

Kizat: Response

Hopper: What are you drinking tonight? Another ‘Rainbow Paradise’?  ::Smirking::  I recall those being pretty ‘liberating’...

((Flashback – Several Nights Ago, The Three Stripes))

Hopper: Speaking of what’s in front of you – ::Gesturing at the pad in his hand: don’t let me stop you from your work. ::Smirk:: Though I’m sure I can think of more exciting poses.

She folded her arms in front of her, on the table, and leaned in slightly. A small, yet provocative, raise of her eyebrows conveying her implied meaning. She’d always heard that Cardassians could be ‘manipulative’, but Kizat didn’t strike her as the type. While he seemed to have a way with words, his intentions – and hers – seemed fairly plain. Robin had come to the bar thirsty and the man across the table looked like a pretty satisfying drink from where she was sitting.

Kizat: Well, that means that we should be planning our second rendezvous already?

Hopper: ::Leaning back, grinning:: We’ll see where the night takes us. After all, our ‘first rendezvous’ wasn’t planned. ::Shrugging:: Maybe it’s better that way.

He finished his drink quickly and returned to his drawing, peeking up at her occasionally with a coquettish glance. Robin tried to sneak a look, but couldn’t see over the table. 

Kizat: You enjoy life, the surprises of new experiences, and new people don’t you?

Hopper: Isn’t that why we’re all out here? Seeking out new life forms and civilizations – exploring ‘strange new worlds’…

Kizat: ::motioning to the empty glass:: Then join me on the rainbow and we can see where it goes. Tempting, isn’t it?

As if on cue, a server arrived and collected the empty glass from in front of him, leaving two new drinks on the table before them. The fresh beverages looked far more enticing – sections of brightly-colored juices creating a rainbow effect, as the name had suggested.

Robin picked up her glass and held it out, clinking it against his, before taking a sip from the straw. It was fruity and boozy and exactly what she had hoped for. She set it down, smiling, as Kizat returned to his work again.

Hopper: Is that why you’re here, Mr. Kizat? Do you see yourself as a modern-day frontier man? ::Taking another sip:: You seem to be a man of many talents.

Kizat: Goodness no. My time in France on Earth ruined me without some creature comforts.

Hopper: I’ve always been more comfortable on the move. Growing up on a little colony world has a way of making you yearn for freedom. So, to answer your question, yes. I like to see where life takes me. And I try to stay open to new possibilities.

Kizat: That is the best way to live your life. Learning and experiencing things.

Robin was curious what sort of things she might learn from – or experience with – the multifaceted Mr. Kizat. She sipped her drink and leaned in further.

Hopper: What are you open to?

Kizat: All sorts of things. I do have a design to the finer things in life. ::glancing up at her::

Hopper: Such as?

Vaje removed the page from his notebook, turning it over and sliding it across the table to her. She looked down in genuine surprise at the artwork in front of her. She had expected he would be competent, but the likeness he had captured with simple pencil on paper was remarkable. In fact, he’d seemingly managed to capture her in a way that she herself had never really seen. It was beautiful, sensual… alluring.  oO Is this how he sees me? Oo

Hopper: ::Mouth slightly agape::  Oh… Oh wow.  ::Looking back up at Kizat::  This is incredible.

Kizat: You are an amazing muse.

Hopper: ::Stunned::  I… Um… I honestly don’t know what to…  ::Smiling, befuddled::  I’m a little tongue-tied, actually.  ::Chuckling::  And if you knew me well, you’d know it’s hard to get me speechless…

She looked down at the drawing again, still in awe.

Kizat: What if I was to take you up on your offer? Those Interesting poses you mentioned? ::smiling:: I have a lovely place in the Beijing district.

Hopper: ::Looking up at him with a brazen fire in her eyes::  I think we can get creative.

((End Flashback))

Kizat: Response

The Bartender tapped her shoulder gently and passed her a bubbly dark drink, with a bit of foam on the top. She accepted it gladly.

Hopper: Oh! Thank you!  ::Turning back to Kizat::  I was just going to go catch up with Rivi and the others… What do you say?

Kizat: Response

Robin slipped her left arm through Kizat’s right and together, they made their way towards Rivi, Tidrid, and Cassian. Robin sipped lightly at her drink, which tasted unlike any she’d had before. It was dark, rich, mysterious and yet somehow effervescent and sweet. She glanced at Kizat.  oO An unexpectedly successful pairing. Oo

Hopper: Rivi! Hi!!!  ::To each in turn::  Tidrid. Cassian. Commander MacKenzie... Happy New Year!!!

Vataix/Tidrid/Iovianus/MacKenzie: Responses

Hopper: Vaje and I were just topping our drinks. What are you all having tonight?

Vataix/Tidrid/Iovianus/MacKenzie: Responses

Hopper: It’s called a “Black Velvet”. Very unique. I think it’s an Earth drink, seeing as it has champagne in it, but it seems fun and classy – so perfect for New Years Eve!  ::Looking around::  I can’t believe I’ve never been to the Lighthouse before. This place is amazing.

Vataix/Tidrid/Iovianus/MacKenzie/Kizat: Responses

ANY: Response

((OOC – At this point, please feel free to continue simming as you see fit! Anyone can join in, the groups can mingle and shift, and we should all just have a good fun time in the week or so we have left of shore leave!))



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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