Lieutenant Ikaia Wong - Skeptical

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Ka Banning

5:58 AM (6 hours ago) 5:58 AM

((Medical Labs - Sickbay - Deck 2 - USS Kitty Hawk))

((OOC: Moving this scene forward as per the 72/48 hour rule.))

Ikaia walked into the labs and flopped down in the nearest chair. His arms dangled over the arms of the chair and his head tossed backwards. It was as if someone had poured the poor Klingon into the chair.

Wong: I hope this nightmare comes to an end soon. It’s been a very long day.

Orrey/Ylvor: Response.

Ikaia tilted his head slightly towards the sound of Orrey’s voice.

Wong: Honestly, it feels like I’ve been mashed onto the hull of an Olympic-class. It’s like I’ve been hit with the worst case of Levodian flu.

Orrey/Ylvor: Response.

Wong: Normally on a sick day, I want to actually be busy and force myself into it until I can’t and end up curling up on the couch with terrible Vulcan fanfiction. It has to be the worst I can find. Entirely riddled with so much logic the plot is lost due to the plodding.

Orrey/Ylvor: Response.

Wong: I haven’t had much of a chance to rest. If anything, rest is at a luxury. ::A beat:: Semi related but did you need any samples from me? You’re welcome to take any that you need. It’s not every day I become my own science experiment.

Orrey/Ylvor: Response.

Suddenly, there was a noise in one of the Jefferies tubes near one of the counters. It was enough to catch Ikaia’s attention. He sat up and pointed his medical shotgun at the sound. In a tense few moments, he waited until a figure came out of the tube. It was DeVeau! Initially, he couldn’t tell if she were entirely Borg. He felt an intense cold feeling in his chest. This was it! They were actively being hunted by the Borg! But then….


DeVeau: Jansen!

Paired with an expression on her face that was decidedly un-Borg, Ikaia lowered the shotgun and instead moved to help her up.

Wong: Commander DeVeau! Are you…. ::Coughs:: are you alright?

Orrey/Sadar/Ylvor: Response

DeVeau’s hands went up into a defensive position as she leaned against a wall. She looked almost as well as he was which wasn’t saying much. He hooked one of his legs around a chair to pull it over for her to sit down.

DeVeau: I’m not…I’m not assimilated!

Wong: I assumed as much from the expression on your face and shouting Orrey’s name. Borg aren’t much on being expressive.

Orrey/Sadar/Ylvor: Response

Whatever was going on with DeVeau was enough to send her to her knees. He wasn’t fast enough to catch her. She appeared to be in pain. Instead, his hand moved to his medkit ready to administer a painkiller if she needed it.

DeVeau: They’re trying…

DeVeau: We’ve got…to find a way…to…to stop it. 

Wong: Right now, that’s what we’re working on. ::Motioning to the chair and willing to help her into it:: Take a seat. Looks like you can use it.

Orrey/Sadar/Ylvor: Response

Wong: So far, what we know is that the infection may have ability to impact genetics if my theory is correct. Something impacted me at the genetic level right around when the Borg infection started. But also in speaking with Jane, one of the Changelings, it tends to attack our younger officers. 

Orrey/Ylvor/DeVeau: Response 

Wong: I wasn’t able to get much information out of Jane. She states that’s all she knows. Either she is still being very tight lipped with us or she isn’t the ring leader we thought she was and genuinely doesn’t know much of anything. Anyways, she seemed less interested in anything I had to say and far more interested in sniping at Ukinix. ::Sitting back down in his seat:: The ball’s still in her court, however. If she still chooses to contact me with more information, she is free to do so.

Of course, Ikaia was skeptical. And he had reason to be. Every shapeshifter he had ever met turned out to be murderers, liars, thieves, or any combination of the above. He hated himself for even thinking this way. It felt wrong to paint all shapeshifters with the same brush. He felt like a hypocrite. He felt like maybe he was a terrible person for those thoughts. After all, he himself had been subjected to the stereotypes and perceptions others had of Klingons. It was still the background radiation of his life. Which was what made this so hard and it was tearing his heart and mind apart.

Orrey/Ylvor/DeVeau: Response 

Wong: Regardless, Ylvor DeVeau, how—— ::Coughing. Hacking cough. Pauses to breathe::… Sorry. How are you both doing? Do you need anything?

Orrey/Ylvor/DeVeau: Response 

Lieutenant Ikaia Wong PA-C

Medical Student (MD)

Amity Outpost


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