((OOC – Just a short scene between the SRC Tour and Dinner!))
((Hopper’s Apartment, Beijing District, Habitat Ring – Amity Outpost))
Music streamed into the room from her record player, located in her den. The 80s pump-up jam, despite its best efforts, was only helping quell her worries so much.
Robin looked over her shoulder at the back of her Dress Whites, reflected in the mirror. While they fit well enough, they felt strange – like a costume, rather than like a uniform. For one thing, it felt strange to be out of Blue (and she was going to have to do something else with her makeup to compensate for the change in wardrobe). It was also strange to be wearing pants… There was just so much fabric.
Turning around to face herself straight-on, she looked down to ensure there were no loose bits of string or dust on her uniform before examining herself once more. The last time she had worn Dress Whites had been when Admiral Hanifnejad had visited the Wall Street shortly after her promotion to Assistant Chief Science Officer. That had been an awkward dinner… it was miraculous how fast the material of the formal uniform soaked up soy sauce. Like a paper napkin.
She sighed, then tapped her combadge – the music dropping in volume to a low background mumble.
Hopper: =/\= Lieutenant Hopper to Lieutenant Wong… ::Pondering what to say to her old friend:: This is weird, right? =/\=
Wong: =/\= Response =/\=
Hopper: =/\= The whole thing. The Hirogen. This meeting. The tours… I don’t know, it all feels a little… ::searching for the word:: fast. Don’t you think? =/\=
Wong: =/\= Response =/\=
She finally stepped away from the mirror, out of her ensuite, and into the kitchen. Making her way towards the replicator, she tapped a button and a pre-programmed glass of chilled water materialized. She took a sip from it and opened the door to the small balcony tucked behind her kitchen. It looked out onto a tiny park in the center of a ring of apartment buildings, not unlike her own. An off-duty officer played there with his son.
Hopper: =/\= I think our tour went well enough… The Hirogen certainly have some interest in what we have to offer. I guess my concern is that they’d rather take it than earn it through friendship… How did yours go? =/\=
Wong: =/\= Response =/\=
Hopper: =/\= I guess we’ll see who turns up for the dinner. If any of them really are a lost cause, maybe they’ll spare us the indignity and just leave now. ::Another sip:: I’m trying to fill up on water. I’m not looking forward to this dinner… As my CMO, what do you think are the odds of a lifelong vegetarian trying to eat a plate of meat. I have to assume that’s what’s on the menu. =/\=
She leaned against the balcony railing, scowling, as she watched the dad lift his son in the air and swirl him around like a shuttlecraft.
Wong: =/\= Response =/\=
((OOC – If you want to add anymore to the conversation, feel free and I’ll backsim accordingly.))
Hopper: =/\= Maybe I can sneak in a jackfruit or something. Those look like meat. ::Concerned chuckle:: Heh… haaahh… Alright, well, thanks for the chat. I’ll see you there. I guess let’s just both try and avoid any diplomatic incidents. Hopper out. =/\=
She turned around, walked back inside and shut the door. Refilling her water at the replicator again, she tapped her combadge once more.
Hopper: =/\= Lieutenant Hopper to Ensi– Ugh. To Lieutenant Junior Grade Richards… I’m not going to want to talk to you anymore, you know. Your promotion is getting in the way of me wanting to call you. =/\=
Richards: =/\= Response =/\=
She walked into the living room, resolute not to sit on anything and crease her uniform until she was at the dinner. Instead, she took her glass of water to a window and set it on the sill, leaning forward and resting her elbows on it. The view from the window looked out at one of the many gridlike ‘lanes’ that ran between the buildings in this district – and, beyond, Archer Station.
Hopper: =/\= No, just get promoted again. Quickly. ::Pausing to smirk, her smirk fading:: I, um, don’t want to hurt morale. But I just wanted to talk to someone. I guess I’m a little anxious. =/\=
Richards: =/\= Response =/\=
Hopper: =/\= I think we’ll all need a counseling session after all this is over… How does it feel to be in your Whites? That new black pip looking extra bold? =/\
She took a sip of her water, watched the people entering Archer Station to catch the train. It was almost time for her to leave as well. As a Department Head, it wouldn’t do to be late. Not even for being early.
Richards: =/\= Response =/\=
Hopper: =/\= Sorry we haven’t had much time to hang out since… Well, you know. It’s been busy the last couple days. But you know you deserve it right. ::Smiling:: Nobody here works harder than you do… ::Clearing her throat:: Um, speaking of which, I have a favour to ask. =/\=
Richards: =/\= Response =/\=
Hopper: =/\= Don’t worry, you’ll like it. I think. ::Smiling, returning her glass to the replicator for recycling:: Will you eat my dinner for me if I sneak it to you under the table? Only if it’s as rough as I’m expecting. Honestly, I’m starving, but I’d rather go hungry than eat… whatever the Hirogen are bringing. =/\=
Richards: =/\= Response =/\=
((OOC – If you want to add anymore to the conversation, feel free and I’ll backsim accordingly.))
Hopper: =/\= I owe you one. Another one. How many is this? Don’t answer that. ::Chuckling:: I’ll see you there… =/\=
With one last look in the mirror, she straightened her jacket and walked out the front door.