((Cherry Blossoms Biome, Peace Park, Amity Outpost))
Ever since she had first arrived for Wil’s surprise promotion ceremony, Robin had hemmed and hawed over how to introduce herself to the admirable Commander Addison MacKenzie. Now, she had her – briefly – as a ‘captive audience’, thanks to her generosity in accepting Robin’s invitation… and she still found herself getting a little tongue-tied.
They made their way over a low arched bridge that spanned a small, but quickly-flowing stream. Robin took a moment to try and collect her thoughts.
Hopper: If you don’t mind me asking… How did– No, um. What– Ugh… When did you know that you wanted to take that next step? Beyond serving as a Chief Medical Officer… Did you seek that out, or did it come to you?
She should’ve taken a longer moment.
Glancing at MacKenzie, she appreciated that the more-experienced Commander took a little time to formulate her answer, which seemed to shine with wisdom.
MacKenzie: Well, the thing about Starfleet is that it has a way of putting you where you need to be, especially when it needs you to be in a particular place. Every position I’ve taken has been presented as a call to serve. All you can do is choose whether or not to walk through the door.
Robin nodded, digesting what MacKenzie had said, while the other woman took a sip from her mug.
Hopper: ::Blushing:: I guess I’ve always been a little impatient then, by comparison. ::Tucking her hands behind her back:: When I was nearing graduation from the Academy, I put in a request to be stationed aboard the Wall Street because I found the ship’s deep space mission exciting… When I saw there was an opportunity aboard Amity, I submitted myself for consideration… ::Sighing:: I even applied to the Academy on a bit of a whim.
She looked to MacKenzie, realizing how this all might come across.
Hopper: I never expected to be handed anything. I just… don’t like to let an opportunity pass me by.
Robin hoped she’d explained herself clearly enough. She didn’t mean to disagree with MacKenzie’s point at all… She’d always been driven to excel, and this had kept from her ever standing still for longer than necessary… That didn’t mean it was the smartest approach.
MacKenzie: I take it your experience in the first officer’s chair has kindled a little flame?
They were now beginning to walk through a small collection of various eye-catching statues, totems, and shrines devoted to the myriad faiths from worlds that spanned the Federation. While she hadn’t grown up religious – the daughter of a pragmatic diplomat and a terraformer – she’d always carried with her the belief that within every person was a certain spark or spirit that even science couldn’t yet explain… And she did feel a little ‘flame’ ignited in hers at the thought of the crimson uniform.
Hopper: ::Nodding:: You could say that. ::Catching MacKenzie’s gaze:: I’ve always been excited at the prospect of… some day… sitting on the bridge of a Starship and trailblazing new parts of the galaxy. ::Pause:: I guess my time on the Jemison’s given me reason to think that future might not be so outlandish.
MacKenzie nodded, and Robin took that as a sign she at least understood where she was coming from.
MacKenzie: And how do you feel about that?
That was the gold-pressed latinum question – because the answer felt strange to Robin…
Hopper: Honestly? ::Beat:: Nervous.
MacKenzie: Response
Hopper scrunched her nose and furrowed her brow in an effort of self-analysis.
Hopper: It’s weird for me. Starfleet is my passion, I was so thrilled to sit in that chair, and if – as you suggested – this might be some sort of ‘call’ to further my career, then… ::Shaking her head:: Then I don’t know why I think about that ‘little flame’ and feel worried I’m going to get burnt.
MacKenzie: Response
Hopper: I don’t really have anything to lose. I’ve prioritized my career, my independence… oO burned a few bridges, maybe. Oo Did you ever feel this kind of doubt?
MacKenzie: Response
Hopper: What did you do?
MacKenzie: Response