Lieutenant JG Harrison Blackwood - Friends in Sick Places (Pt 1)

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Darragh Hopkins

Jul 25, 2024, 5:10:13 PM (2 days ago) Jul 25

(( Deck 2 - Sickbay, USS Kitty Hawk ))

Blackwood: Computer, activate EMH.

The bald-headed hologram fizzled into the space next to him and gave him a once-over.

EMH: Please state the nature of the medical emergency.

Torvi: Response

Harrison gestured at Torvi.

Blackwood: In your holographically professional opinion could Lieutenant Ylvor be administered a combination of medications, perhaps a painkiller and a stimulant?

EMH/Torvi: Response

Harrison gestured at Torvi.

Blackwood: Not me. Her. In your holographically professional opinion could Lieutenant Ylvor be administered a combination of medications, specifically a painkiller and a stimulant?

EMH: I see no reason as to why not, Trill physiology is capable of having the combination within their systems. I will administer a stimulant that increases Isoboromine reception.

Ylvor: Sedative no.. keep it ::She went to stand, holding on to Harrison’s arm as support:: but you had me at stimulant. 

EMH: Lieutenant, you are in considerable pain, it benefits no one to have you like this. It is unsustainable. 

oO She’s thinking about it.. Oo

And then she was done, looking back at Harrison, giving a shake of her head. 

Ylvor: The painkillers will numb me, I cannot keep the collective at bay, just give me the stimulant. On my authority. Any objections, Lieutenant Blackwood?


Blackwood: Is there any point? ::Holding finger up:: That was a rhetorical question. Just do it. 

Ylvor: Good, ::The EMH administered the stimulant to Torvi’s neck:: Let's get back to the others. 

He averted his gaze when she tucked the hypo into her uniform pants waistband. Afterall, manners maketh man.  Thankfully she was looking a lot better than earlier and they could focus on taking back the Kitty Hawk.

Blackwood: Right behind you. 

Ylvor: I owe you one. ::She smiled::

The lighting flickered off completely, and emergency lights turned on. 

Blackwood: Yeah… let’s save that for when we get out of this mess, hm?

Harrison gave her a little nudge with his elbow accompanied by a reassuring smile.


Lieutenant JG Harrison Thomas Blackwood

Amity Station USS Kitty Hawk
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