Lt. Robin Hopper: A Sound of Thunder (Part 2)

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Robin Hopper

Jul 19, 2023, 2:07:52 AM7/19/23
to Amity Outpost (IC)

((Brig, USS  Independence-B – Kirilow System, Mirrorverse))

As she approached the doors to the brig, Robin readied herself to properly meet, for the first time, this universe’s Nathan Richards. She had already heard the details from Rivi and the others: This Richards was nothing like the Nathan they knew – he was a violent fanatic, cunning and manipulative, who seemed to enjoy taunting and provoking everyone around him in order to draw them into confrontation. She was determined not to let him get under her skin – but her confidence in that resolve was wavering.

As she neared, Hopper recognized Ucron Dro from the briefing they’d attended together, prior to their mission on Idrustix. She recalled that he was Tri’lea Polgonz’ father, and had been representing the Twentieth House’s interests during the mission… In fact, he’d been the leader of the team Nathan had been assigned to. Here, however, they would be mortal enemies. Shaking her head slightly, Robin considered just how topsy-turvy everything about this reality was.

Hopper: ::To Dro::  Son Dro?

She realized, as soon as the words had left her lips, that he undoubtedly did not hold – or at least would not wish to go by – that honorific here. He was, after all, one of the leaders of a resistance movement against the Empire, which represented a unification of the Houses of Betazed. It was a lot to keep track of.

Dro: Response

Hopper: I– uh, sorry. Ucron… My name is Robin Hopper.  ::Uncomfortably::  I’m aware of the reputation my own counterpart in this reality has – particularly to your family. I want to assure you that I am nothing like–

Dro: Response

Whether he simply didn’t care, or whether it was too painful to discuss, she wasn’t sure. But she respected his directness.

Hopper: Right. I guess let’s do this, then.

Robin turned to the Security Officer guarding the door to the brig and gave him a nod. The door slid open and, immediately, she could feel his piercing gaze on her – even through the mask.

M-Richards: I wasn’t expecting to receive visitors.

She swallowed, but a lump caught in her throat. She felt a wash of anxiety pass over her, despite her best efforts to appear calm and neutral. A small, quiet, wheeze of discomfort passed through her lips before she managed to collect herself.

M-Richards: To what do I owe…the pleasure?

M-Dro: Response

Hopper: ::Clasping her hands in front of her, stepping forward::  Mr. Richards, you are being returned to your people as part of an exchange. We, uhh…  oO Come on, you rehearsed this on the way down here… Oo  Can we expect your full cooperation with this procedure?

She didn’t like the way he looked at her. Not one bit. She could only barely make out his eyes through the hideous mask he wore, but they were distinctly his eyes – and the grotesque curiosity with which he eyed her made her deeply uncomfortable on some primitive level. Even the pair of Security Officers who followed them into the room and stood behind her offered little reassurance.

M-Richards: The illustrious Rebel leader, ::Slowly looking Robin up and down:: and not Raven Hopper. Curious.

M-Dro: Response?

Hopper responded as plainly and unemotionally as she could.

Hopper: I understand you’re well aware of the situation, Mr. Richards. Our… contemporary identities are not relevant. We’re prepared to return you to your people, to your “Mother Eternal”. Can I expect you to comply, or do we need to restrain you?

She nodded to the gold-clad security personnel on either side of her, then crossed her arms, hoping to put up a strong front… but from the way he looked at her, and the way he replied, it was clear he wasn’t buying it.

M-Richards: ::Eyes not leaving Robin:: You are…troubled by me. 

Hopper: ::Closing her eyes, shaking her head::  That… is not relevant.  ::Opening her eyes::  Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Please.

She shouldn’t have said “please”. No doubt he would see it for the chink in her armour that it was. Despite every instinct in her body telling her to run as far away from him as she could, she instead fixed her eyes on him – returning the steely gaze with as much strength of will and intent as she could muster.

M-Dro: Response

Richards stood from the short bench and turned towards the forcefield that separated them. He eyed the rebel leader, and placed his hands in front of himself as if ready to be handcuffed.

M-Richards: I suppose the only reason you would come would be to move me?

M-Dro: Response

Hopper: ::Clearing her throat::  Ahem…  That’s right. We’ll be taking a shuttle to rendezvous with… Empress Ukinix. You’re coming with us.

He turned his attention back to her. Every time his eyes met hers, she felt the urge to look away – but she refused to back down. He might not be her Nathan, but that also meant he had no right to her feelings – and she wasn’t going to let him in.

M-Richards: Oh? ::Chuckling:: Then we must not keep Mother waiting.

M-Dro: Response

Hopper: Fine then.  ::Sighing, looking to the security officer on her right::  Ensign – lower the forcefield.

(( OOC – Can continue to backsim here, potentially, if desired… ))

((Shortly thereafter… Flight Deck, Shuttle Gatineau – On Final Approach to Perdition Research Facility - Idrustix Lunar Prison Colony))

Robin took no comfort in the business with Richards being behind her. She’d done what needed to be done and seen him escorted to the shuttle, but now, sitting at one of the forward terminals and awaiting their arrival at the prison colony, she could swear she felt his eyes still burning holes into the back of her skull – and she did not like being studied. Not by him. She did what she could to busy herself, keep from turning around and confronting him.

oO Confrontation is what he wants… Oo  she reminded herself, attempting to relieve the tension in her hands.  oO It’s what they all want. Oo

Keehani: ::Audible Sigh::

Keehani’s exhalation drew Robin’s attention – but not her gaze. She was still set on keeping her head down for the time being to avoid engaging with Richards. Honestly, she wanted little more than for it all be done and over, to have their people back, and to be on their way home with this curse of a mission at the tail end of a long warp trail. Then she could breathe.

Vataix: Response

A little ‘bleep’ from her console informed Robin that their authorization codes, temporarily assigned by the Mother Eternal’s forces, had been accepted.

Hopper: The colony has lowered their shields.  ::To nobody in particular::  The door is open…  ::To the helmsman::  Helm, you can take us in now.

Keehani: Tell me this is going to be okay, Ambassador.

Something must have happened then, between the Betazoids. Before Rivi could respond, Keehani had turned to one of their prisoners – the other Rivi – and snapped at her.

Keehani: ::Turning to M-Rivi:: That is *not* who I am!

Robin’s dedication to avoiding the situation was shattered, as she spun around a the sound of Keehani’s distress. An uneasy silence followed. Robin was sure that she could see Keehani holding her breath as well.

M-Rivi: Yes you are.

The bounty hunter pursed her lips and crossed her legs judgmentally. Robin felt Keehani’s desperate look for support before she even registered it.

Hopper: ::To M-Rivi::  You don’t know her. You think you do – but none of you do.

She left unsaid her growing doubts that anyone in the Empire really knew Keehani Ukinix. Perhaps not even the Empress herself. Inadvertently, her eyes caught a glint from the back of the shuttle, where he sat in eerie silence. From the pinpoints of light reflected back at her, she could tell she’d been right – he was still staring.

Vataix: Response

M-Rivi: ::Extending fingers, checking nails:: I *think* I may know a thing or two about the Empress.  You know - ::looking up at Rivi, repeated roll of hand:: - loyal bounty hunter and all.

Keehani did her best, as they were all doing, to ignore the provocations of their alternate universe counterparts, and turned away from the other Rivi, who seemed darkly amused by the entire exchange. Robin pried herself away from the masked Richards and looked back to her console, as they came in for a landing.

Vataix: Response

Hopper: I’m detecting a quite a few Betazoid lifesigns below…  ::Checking through the results::  One of whom matches the quantum resonance of our own universe – that must be Polgonz. One human –  ::her heart fluttered::  – that must be Nathan and…  ::Pause::  one that appears to be half-Centauran.

M-Tri’lea: ::Sarcastic::  Oh, you’re going to love her – and I’m sure she’ll enjoy learning about you as well.

Robin felt as if her emotions had been put in a blender. She wanted nothing less than to meet this “Raven Hopper”... But if it was necessary to see this exchange through, then she would grin and bear it… Or, at least bear it. Robin couldn’t actually remember the last time she’d smiled genuinely… but surely it had been on the other side of the singularity.

M-Richards?/M-Dro?/M-Wil?/Vataix/Keehani: Responses?

Hopper: ::Not responding to M-Tri’lea’s assertions::  The landing pad is clear.  ::To Vataix::  We’re clear to land at your word, Ambassador.

Vataix: Response?

(( OOC – Can continue to backsim here, potentially, if desired… ))


TBC in Part 3…


Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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