Lt. Robin Hopper: Ready Harpoons

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Robin Hopper

Mar 3, 2023, 7:31:59 PM3/3/23
to Amity Outpost

//Acting First Officer’s Log, Stardate 240003.02//

::Yawn::   Ohh… God, should I start this over? Whatever, nobody listens to these things… Do they?  ::Pause::  Nah.

So, where to start? Uhh, well, the last few days traveling deeper into the Barossa Nebula have been, mmm – I’m going to say “rigorous?” They don’t exactly cover ‘leading a starship through war games with a reduced crew compliment’ during Science Officer training at the Academy. Though maybe there’s an elective.

We’ve been working had – running preparedness drills. It’s making me grateful, in a new way, for my time on the Wall Street. Captain Sh’Thorn had us run similar drills all the time. I guess that was her way of making sure that a bunch of inept nerds in labcoats didn’t get her ship destroyed – not that we ever really saw any action… What was I saying?

Oh, right – drills. They’ve been going well. The crew seems prepared and the ship is ready for whatever the Red Team throws at us. I can only imagine the Halsey is in fighting condition too.

I have no regrets about my placement during this exercise… actually, I sort of like the Red uniform. It feels very empowering… and I’ve been enjoying getting to serve with Wil Ukinix again. He’s  ::chuckling::  quite a character. But I have to admit – I’m a little jealous of Commander Iovianus. Addison MacKenzie seems like a force to be reckoned with. I’m sure she’ll have her own command in no time… and I guess I have a bit of a ‘soft spot’ for seeing women in blue achieve that rare CO glory. I’ll have to try and find time to say something to her before she leaves us instead of just gawking at her from across the room.

Aaanyways, I think I’m about to collapse. There’s a glass of rosé with my name on it getting warm and flat and tomorrow’s the ‘big day’ – so… to whoever listens to these things… goodnight.

//End Log//

((Ready Room, USS Jemison))

With morning pleasantries freshly ‘out of the way’ – and the last bites of a pain au chocolat in her hands – Hopper sat on the arm of the Ready Room sofa, one leg crossed over the other. The others – Nathan, representing Engineering, and Nadeshiko, representing Science – sat beside her.

There was another ‘bump’ from the solar winds outside. They had begun several hours ago and increased in intensity as they’d grown closer to their pulsar destination. The highly-magnetized neutron star, spinning on its axis, let out regular electromagnetic pulses and charged plasma waves, moving through the surrounding solar medium in a sort of expanding-and-decelerating circular waveform… not unlike massive ‘smoke rings’ moving outward from the central star.

Of course, these ‘smoke rings’ were, in fact, incredibly dangerous – particularly at closer distances where the frequency and amplitude of the waves would be increased as the emissions hadn’t yet been slowed to sub-relativistic speeds by the surrounding nebular gasses and particulates… Wil covered his tea. Robin watched a crumb of pasty fall from her treat and furrowed her brow.

Ukinix: Three and a half days of drills, ‘ey?  Hopper, what’s your assessment of the crew.  We ready to kick Rahman’s butt again?

The question brought her mind back from the astrophysical soup outside.

Hopper: ::Considerate nod::  I’m confident. We’re as prepared as can be, given the size of the crew we’re running with. I understand Mr. Flint’s been logging some hours in the holodeck with Sh’Jinn, getting a handle on helm control in a simulated recreation of the nebula. Tactical and Security are ready and willing to throw – or take – punches as they come. I’ve also checked in with the Bronwyn and our Hirogen friends. One of them snarled at me, though I took it for a good sign – I’ll let you guess which one.

Ukinix: Nathan, how about you mate.  Engineering good to go?

Richards: Response

Robin turned to smile at the blond Engineer. He seemed to be enjoying his time on the Bridge as much as she was. It was a rare enough treat for Science and Engineering Officers on regular ship assignments – let alone for those stationed aboard an Outpost like Amity. And she’d finally started getting used to calling him ‘Lieutenant’.

Ukinix: Righto. I’d like you up here on the bridge at the Engineering station when we get started, apologies in advance for the curve balls we’re going to throw at you.

Richards: Response

The Commander turned his attention next to Nadeshiko who, from what Robin had managed to piece together from her reports, had done an excellent job serving as ‘de facto’ Science Officer in her absence (not that she’d had any particular doubts of the Android woman’s capacity to do so). In fact, she’d found the report so thorough that she was almost forced to question whether or not the simulated cosmotozoan they’d been facing off with was real.

Ukinix: Nadeshiko, environmental conditions will be your priority.  If you see any urgent changes we may need to make to our systems to cater for that pulsar wind nebula, just call it out to Nathan.  Don’t wait for my approval or Hopper’s, we’ll make sure we’re across your instructions, and we’ll belay instructions only if I need to.

Nadeshiko: Response

Ukinix: Are there any last-minute changes we should consider?

Nadeshiko: Response

There passed the briefest of pauses – a sort of collective ‘breath’ of anticipation within the room. The air felt charged with energy.  oO I should probably double-check that we’re not letting in any of that plasma… Oo 

Ukinix: Alright.  Sick bay’s already reported ready. ::Finishing mug of tea:: Let’s head out to the bridge, it’s go time.

Wil stood up, and made his way to the door. Robin waited for Nathan and Nadeshiko to go ahead, then took up the rear, shoving the remaining bite of chocolate pastry into her mouth as they exited onto the Bridge.


((Bridge, USS Jemison))

As the others made their way to their respective seats, Robin slowed and crossed her arms – watching Wil as he placed a small white cylinder on her chair.  oO Uhhhh… Oo  He pressed a button on the object’s top and a little spritz of mist began to rise from it – probably getting her seat damp. She walked closer, and looked down at it.

Hopper: Finally cleaning that off, after you soiled it, sir?

Ukinix: It’s a refreshing eucalyptus scent.  ::Slight smirk:: Giving you that “Just sat in by Wil” aroma.

She rolled her eyes, but looked at Wil with a playful, teasing, amusement.

Hopper: Are we becoming enemies, Commander? Don’t make me start quoting ‘Moby Dick’ at you.

Flint: ::Happy to interrupt whatever that was::  When you both have a moment, I’ve got Red Team Leads and Commander Mackenzie waiting… Sir. Ma’am.

Wil turned to Flint at the helm console, and gave him a nod.

Ukinix: Well then, let’s get ‘em all on screen.  ::Under his breath:: Here we go…

Wil took a step forward, moving his hands behind his back, as he addressed the collection of faces that appeared on the Jemison’s viewscreen.

Ukinix: =/\= ::Small wink:: G’day everyone. =/\=

MacKenzie: =/\= Ahh, there he is. =/\=

Cigac: =/\= Response =/\=

Kathor: =/\= Are we finally starting, Captain? =/\=

Rahman: =/\= Well, if you all are ready on your end. =/\=

Robin lifted the small cylindrical eucalyptus diffuser and lobbed it, underhand, to Richards. He was an Engineer. Surely he could figure out what to do with it.

Then she turned back to the screen, standing beside, but slightly back from, Wil.

Ukinix: =/\= ::Slight smirk:: Born ready, Captain. =/\=

MacKenzie: =/\= Careful, Wil. I’m sure she can’t be happy about losing the first round. =/\=

Hopper smiled, but shook her head slightly. She didn’t really know Captain Rahman – but from the way everyone talked about her, she wasn’t sure it was wise to provoke her any more than they already had.

Cigac: =/\= Response =/\=

Rahman: =/\= Mmmhmm... as for our side? =/\=

Ravarj: =/\= Your “Blue” team will all be fine additions to Tribe Ravarj’s trophy room.  =/\=

She began to roll her eyes but, remembering that she might be visible to the dramatic Hirogen, instead simply shut them for an extended blink.

Ven: =/\= USS Janus, ready for engagement. =/\=

Acherax: =/\= And Tribe Acherax is primed and ready to strike when the blood hits the water. =/\=

The elder Hirogen Alpha snarled happily – Robin nudged Wil and raised her eyebrows.  oO See? Oo

Rahman: =/\= Then we shall begin. Both teams are separated by 100 kilometers to start. May the best team win. =/\=

Kathor: =/\= Thank you for your compliments, Captain. =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= And may the best Blue team win. =/\=

MacKenzie: =/\= ::biting the inside of her cheek:: Indeed. =/\=

Cigac: =/\= Response =/\=

Lieutenant Flint disconnected the transmission with the Red Team, leaving MacKenzie, Kathor, and Cigac on screen. At this point, Robin did take her seat – with some chagrin, feeling like she was certain to end the day reeking of Koala chow – and brought up the FO’s console to begin relaying information to the rest of Blue Team.

Ukinix: =/\= OK, now that they’ve gone.  The Kitty Hawk is going to be a thorn in our side, but it’s not as nimble as us.  So plan A, If we can absorb fire from the rest of the fleet and focus on the Kitty Hawk straight off the bat, it may weaken their team considerably and give us an edge.  Let’s try with the Jemison and the Halsey leading the first attack, but it means we’ll need cover. =/\=

MacKenzie: =/\= Go for the throat. Got it. =/\=

That was something the Hirogen would probably appreciate.

Kathor/Cigac: =/\= Response =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= Sounds good.  ::Nodding to Robin to send first tactical commands:: We’ll send overall high level goals to the entire team, you have autonomy within those parameters.  If something happens to us, the Halsey becomes the lead ship and takes over that role. =/\=

Hopper nodded back in response – her fingers dancing over the console, while a miniaturized holographic display, hovering above, updated in real time to reflect the current tactical situation and plan of action. It was strange, but somehow formulating battle plans didn’t feel as ‘alien’ as she had expected it to.  oO Thanks, UC Berkeley Strategma Club Oo  she thought, whimsically to herself.

MacKenzie: =/\= Acknowledged. =/\=

Kathor/Cigac: =/\= Response =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= Good luck, everyone.  Don’t be afraid to use comms to contact each other, or all of us. Jemison out. =/\=

Ukinix turned and sat down on his chair. With the initial plan of attack finalized, Hopper sent it out to their co-combatants, and let out a fast sigh. It was time.

Ukinix: Red Alert.  Raise shields, weapons ready.  Mister Flint, engage thrusters, let’s head straight for the Kitty Hawk.  As soon as we fire, peel off and evasive manoeuvres.

At the call of ‘Red Alert’ the lights instantly dimmed as power shunted to defensive and offensive systems and console screens brightened. Red lighting, embedded in the walls and ceiling, pulsed gently to reiterate the change in status.

Flint: Aye, Sir.  ::Tapping conn::  Course laid in.

Hopper glanced from Helm to Tactical, where Crewman Barberra sat. She seemed poised, and eager – reminding Robin, for some reason, of a black cat waiting to strike at a hidden mouse. Her attention was returned to her console by a small chirping alarm.

Hopper: Incoming pulsar wave. Mr. Flint, adjust heading – take us straight into it.  ::To Ukinix::  We can gun it for the Kitty Hawk once we’ve passed the wavefront.

Not unlike navigating in rough seas, the safest approach with the pulsar waves was to direct the ship straight at the oncoming waves – reducing the surface area upon which the wave could break and, thus, reducing the likelihood of being knocked about.

Flint: Understood.

The ship rocked as the shockwave passed over them. Hopper glanced over her shoulder to Nadeshiko and Richards.

Hopper: How are we looking? The shockwaves are only going to get more powerful as we get closer… Any recommendations for compensating?

Nadeshiko/Richards: Response

Meanwhile, Wil spoke with Annamae.

Ukinix: Can you spot the Kitty Hawk through all the interference, Crewman?

Barberra: I believe so, Commander.

Ukinix: ::Turning back to view screen, deadpan tone:: Hit ‘em.

(Simulated) Phaser fire lanced out from the refit Intrepid class vessel, disappearing into the gaseous purple nebula before them, creating pathways of light that faded into nothingness. At this range, even visual confirmation of impact was nigh-impossible.

Barberra: With the interference I can’t determine if we hit them or not.

Hopper: ::Looking at console:: Halsey reports only one phaser hit, Commander. We’re firing blind at the moment. Science, Engineering – any way that we can boost our sensors to cut through the muck a bit?

Richards/Nadeshiko: Response

Hopper: Make it happen.  ::To Ukinix::  Meantime, we might find self-guided projectiles more effective.

Ukinix: Photon torpedos, full spread.

Barberra: ::Devilish smile:: With pleasure, Commander.

((OOC Note - Both Carter and MacKenzie wrote that the phasers hit and torpedoes missed, however according to Rich’s dice rolls, 1 phaser hit and both torpedoes hit, so I have corrected that result here. Let’s all be careful to double-check the results from Rich before writing results IC.))

Twin photons fired from the Jemison towards their quarry, followed by two (simulated) detonations. The illumination served two purposes – confirming their successful hits and helping them visualize the Kitty Hawk’s location. The Galaxy Class Ship emerged from the purple gasses a second later.

Flint: Peeling off – attempting evasive maneuvers.

Hopper: ::Looking at her console::  They’re returning fire!

The Jemison banked to avoid its initial ‘collision course’, and one of the Galaxy Class ship’s phaser beams arced just wide of the Intrepid’s bow – but the second shot hit. The Jemison shook, lightly.

Richards/Nadeshiko/Ukinix/Barberra: Response

Hopper: Looks like our Hirogen friends took the brunt of that one… The Halsey is moving into flanking position and firing on the Kitty Hawk – the Bronwyn’s engaging one of the Red Hirogen vessels.

Robin’s eyes darted from one point to another on her display, trying to keep track of the battle as it began to unfold. Given the number of vessels, it was quickly getting hard to tell who was who.  oO Thank God we brought Barberra on to take Tactical… This is not my strong suit. Oo

Richards/Nadeshiko/Ukinix/Barberra: Response

Flint: These Hirogen really know how to fly.

Hopper: Report – how are we going with those adjustments?  ::Tapping at her console::  I’m going to implement a ‘ping’ to warn us of impending pulsar waves. Give us a ten-second warning. When you hear it, brace for impact.

Richards/Nadeshiko/Ukinix/Barberra: Response



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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