Lt. Robin Hopper: The Way Old Friends Do

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Lt. JG Kivik

Aug 10, 2022, 3:42:34 AM8/10/22
to Amity Outpost

((Amity Outpost – Medical Center))

Robin stepped through the sliding glass doors of Amity’s medical center with a bounce in her step. Everything about the Outpost on the edge of the Delta Quadrant had, thus far, exceeded her expectations. She’d been picturing a drab and utilitarian installation – perhaps not as uniquely off-putting as Deep Space Nine – but nothing as strikingly beautiful as Amity’s Grand Mezzanine…

A soaring pinnacle overtop a sprawling and lively cultural hub; a bubbling fountain reflecting the purple hues of the nebula beyond the towering glass walls; and a picturesque multi-biome park to explore?  She already felt in love with the station – and she hadn’t even toured its Science and Research Center yet.

Amity’s Medical Center, too, was quite pretty – certainly more appealing than the USS Wall Street’s. She supposed there was a certain architectural freedom that came from designing for a massive stationary outpost, rather than a deep space exploration vessel… and it showed!

As she approached the front desk, a holographic receptionist shimmered into existence with a friendly greeting. Robin paused, resting her hands on the front desk’s countertop.

Emilia: Hello, welcome to Amity Outpost’s Medical Center. My name is Emilia. Please state the nature of your visit, and I’ll be happy to help you.

Hopper: I’m here for my initial check up. ::Admiring the vased flower atop the reception desk’s curved surface:: It hasn’t been quite a year since my last exam, but it never hurts to be prudent. Oh – uh, Lieutenant Robin Hopper, by the way.

Out of habit, she held out a hand to the receptionist. The hologram held a blank expression for a brief moment, as its program scanned relevant crew files – and Robin retracted her hand, chuckling awkwardly at herself.

Emilia: Of course. Welcome aboard, Lieutenant. We received the notice from Ambassador Vataix’s office. Chief Medical Officer Wong should be expecting you.

Robin grinned, wondering if he had been as shocked to see her name on his patient list for the day as she had been to see his name on the crew roster for Amity Outpost.

Emilia: You can wait in Examination Room Four. While you wait, please take a PADD from the stack here ::indicating:: and complete a brief intake questionnaire.

Robin had already taken off at the word “Four” and had to loop back to grab the indicated PADD. She did so, tucking it under her arm with an unserious grimace.  oO Whoops! Oo

((Several Minutes Later, Examination Room Four))

Awaiting the CMO’s arrival, Robin sat on the biobed expectantly, legs crossed, right over left, and quickly completed the questionnaire on the PADD:

  • oO Age, height, weight… All correct. Oo

  • oO Yes, I’m still half-Centauran.. ::smirking while responding:: “...To my knowledge.” Oo

  • oO No, I don’t use any non-prescribed medical substances – wait, does that include liquor?  I guess “yes”? Oo

  • oO Ah – I do occasionally drink alcohol. Separate question. Change that last one, then… Oo

She felt restless with anticipation, and her fingers raced across the PADD, filling out the other questions. As she completed the final item, she heard the door begin to slide open and raised the PADD to cover her face.

Wong: Response

Robin moved the PADD sideways enough to allow Ikaia to catch sight of the right side of her face, where she wore a big dumb grin. It might have been a couple of years since she had last seen Cadet Ikaia Wong, but that didn’t matter.

Hopper: Surprise! ::Moving the PADD out of the way:: Can you believe it?!

Wong: Response

Robin smiled, recalling those days fondly. While she’d never known Ikaia as closely as their mutual friend, Alieth, she remembered the jovial Klingon’s passion for his work well. All the same, it was still a shock to see him here and now. So much had happened since San Francisco.

Hopper: ::Lowering the PADD to her lap:: Look at you! Chief Medical Officer Wong, oh my god. This place is incredible! Way nicer than the Wall Street’s! ::Thinking:: Uhh, don’t tell Doctor Larx I said that… You guys don’t talk, do you? Ah! Look at me, I’m rambling. ::Clearing her throat:: How are you?

Wong: Response



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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