Lieutenant JG Harrison Blackwood - Sanctuary (Part 1)

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Darragh Hopkins

Jul 22, 2024, 5:27:19 PM (5 days ago) Jul 22

(( Deck 2 - Corridor, USS Kitty Hawk ))

Blackwood: Lieutenant Reade has control of engineering. If we make our way down another six decks we can access the armory. There are emergency turbolifts on the deck we can take down to engineering then. 

While the others considered his suggestion Harrison drifted off again. He never truly had gotten over the fatigue from earlier on and things were only beginning to heat up again. They needed a miracle. 

Ukinix: Yeah, but sickbay first. It’s on this deck. ::gesturing to Blake and Torvi::

Torvi shook her head. 

Ylvor: Don't worry about me, I'm squared away sir. 

Rahman: Response?

DeVeau: =/\=Alora…to Nara.=/\=

oO $%&£ Oo

DeVeau: =/\=Wil.=/\=

In the midst of everything happening on the bridge Harrison had forgotten about Commander DeVeau, it seemed a couple of people did going by the reactions, that or they knowingly left her behind. 

oO You can’t help everyone… Oo

Fingers crossed, they would. 

Ukinix: Computer, locate Commander DeVeau.

Computer: ::confirmation chip:: Commander Alora DeVeau is located in Jefferies Tube Alpha-One-Delta, section seven, Deck 1.

Ukinix: ::tapping combadge:: =/\= Where are you, Commander? =/\=

DeVeau: =/\= Response =/\=

Ukinix: ::To Rahman:: Maybe she got out. Maybe we should tell her to come to sick bay. We'll beat her there, then erect a level 10 forcefield, then we can check.

Rahman: =/\= Response =/\=

(OOC: Happy to backsim here.)

Rahman: Response

The XO went up to Torvi, providing a makeshift bandage for the bleeding with his uniform. She latched onto his arm, clearly in pain. 

Ukinix: Hold on. Let’s get you to sickbay.

She didn’t seem keen, pulling away from him and shaking her head.   

Ylvor: I need the pain Wil, otherwise ::she swallowed:: It.. 

Ukinix: Response

Torvi was looking up at Wil, for an exceedingly long time. Harrison instead turned to Blake.

Blackwood: You weren’t part of the crew we took aboard, right?  

Blake: Yeah. Hi. ::She sighed, slumping against the bulkhead to catch her breath for a moment.:: I was at Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco. That wasn't much fun either.

Rahman: What's the status of Starfleet Command?

Blake: They weren't assimilated, yet. But it was just... weird. I brought two CCMS ships, but this Commodore commandeered them to go looking for missing Starfleet ships and I haven't heard from them since. They've taken Caide somewhere. I came here on the Concordia as representation for CCMS -- but I think Zhou managed to get out of here before this all went down.

Ukinix: This really goes all the way up, doesn't it.

Ylvor: How can we go up against that?

Blackwood: There will be others too. I won’t believe its just us left.

Blake: I got a coded message telling me I was in a trap. I got the hell out of Starfleet Headquarters and chose the first ship I recognised to transport to. If Kitty Hawk wasn't here, I probably would've jumped onto Astraeus. ::beat:: I'm starting to think I would've been better off diving into the Golden Gate instead...

Harrison shook his head in amusement. 

Ukinix: Well you're here now. And you're a copper, we might need your detective skills. Why did only some of the crew get... I dunno, was that assimilation? Where were the nano tubes?

Ylvor: I think it had something to do with the signal that we heard, it was ::she paused, her glare going off into the distance:: so sudden and overwhelming. 

Harrison matched Torvi’s gaze with an inquisitive eyebrow raise. He didn’t want to believe anything else would happen to her but she was one of the more martially trained among them, and a serious risk. 

Rahman: Perhaps sickbay will have those answers as well. ::beat:: We need to find a way to help the crewmembers affected.

Blackwood: Yes Captain. 

Blake: Galaxy class ships are crewed by over a thousand people, right?

Rahman: We were running with a skeleton crew: two-hundred and twelve.

Ylvor: Normally yes, but most of the Hawk's crew were reassigned, ::She paused:: and some of them didn't have skeletons ::Looking to Rahman::

Blackwood: $%&£… the brig. 

Blake: Great. Assuming only half have been affected by the Borg, and doing the math, a fraction of that between us and Engineering -- that's still a fair few crew we have to slip past. Will the Borg expect us to use the Jefferies Tubes?

Ukinix: I’d say so. They’d have anticipated our every move. Which means we need to be as unpredictable as possible.

Ylvor: We can't afford to get bogged down in a firefight, if we take contact, keep moving. 

Blackwood: Good call. 

Ukinix: ::To Rahman:: Ma’am, if we get to sickbay, we can activate the EMH, and quickly patch up Blake and Lieutenant Ylvor. And we can scan Torvi and Alora if she turns up, to work out what the hell is happening to some of our crew.

Rahman: Yes, let's go!

Ylvor: It could scan me to determine what is going on, ::Looking down at her hands:: and get rid of this.. 

Blackwood: Definitely *not* your look, Lieutenant. ::Wink::

Blake: Response

Suddenly a shot flies past the group swiftly followed by several more. Harrison quickly down into cover, searching hopelessly on his person for a weapon, looking back to the group as he recalled he had none.

Ensign-Borg: Assimilate all unassimilated.

oO Old news, pal… Oo

He watched Torvi draw her phaser like a professional gunslinger and fire of several shots back.

Ukinix: ComputersitetositetransporttoDeck2sickbay!

Computer: ::error-tone:: Unauthorized.

Ukinix: OverrideauthorisationUkinixSevenDeltaGamma!

Computer: ::chirp tone:: Working.

Ukinix: ::Incredulous tone:: “Working?!”

Ylvor: We need to move, take the long way to Sickbay.

Blackwood: Alright. I’m ready, let’s do it.  

Blake: Response

Ylvor: They must have retasked the computer for something that's taking alot more resources. Command codes are also being overturned. 

As Harrison turned to take off down the corridor he got two feet before he felt his atoms being pulled apart in a blinding light, reappearing seconds later in the… 


Lieutenant JG Harrison Thomas Blackwood

Amity Station USS Kitty Hawk
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