Lieutenant Ikaia Wong - The Song for the Outcasts

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Ka Banning

Jul 24, 2024, 11:29:26 AM (3 days ago) Jul 24

((Sick Bay - Deck 2 - USS Kitty Hawk))

Wong: Jane, correct? We need to talk.


Jane (731): Response


(OOC: At this point, your characters should break up into their own chat groups. Blackwood and Ylvor are in one. Wong, Wil and Jane are in another, leaving Rahman, Carter and Blake).


Blackwood: Lieutenant, got a moment?


Torvi: Response


Blackwood: ::To Wil:: We’re just going to take a second, commander, make sure Lieutenant Ylvor is tip top.


Torvi: Response


Ukinix: ::Over his shoulder:: Yeah, no worries.

Ikaia crouched down nearest Jane. His gaze met hers as he rested his arms across his knees. His medical shotgun sat across his lap. He took a deep breath allowing for the moment to sink in.

Wong: I suspect that it doesn’t matter to you who we’re losing today. Friends. Family. Loved ones. Ohana. Myself, I’ve already lost one long ago and in the middle of losing two more. But I don’t think this will resonate with you. So I’m going to go with something else - context.


Jane (731): Response


Ukinix: ::Still pointing phaser:: I’m glad you’re being fixed up. That way, when we beam your arse down to Earth to face charges of murder and attempted murder of a crew of 212, you’ll be at your healthiest when they sentence you.

Ikaia stole a quick glance at Ukinix and nodded before refocusing on Jane.

Wong: I’m going to start you off with a short history lesson. Consider this the abridged version. Long ago - about over 400 years ago. Captain Archer’s era to be exact. The Klingon Empire had well… to put it mildly tense relations with the Federation. One such program the Klingon Empire attempted was augments. Klingons who looked human enough with enhanced abilities with the idea to infiltrate the Federation. Much like what you have done here today. But the program went horribly wrong. The genetic material for the augments mutated due to contact with the Levodian flu. Instead of creating augments, they created a plague. The scourge of the Klingon Empire. The Klingon Augment Virus. It threatened the Empire with its own extinction.

Ikaia shifted his legs a little. His focus was still on Jane.

Wong: It was only with Captain Archer’s help and Doctor Antaak’s work was there ever a cure. But it came at a cost. The afflicted Klingons lost their ridges. That was the most immediate thing. But what eventually became apparent was the damage the virus caused to subsequent generations. Viral fragments bound to Klingon DNA. The most well known tell was Klingons born without ridges. But it could easily go another way - Klingons born with blond hair. Like mine. Now Klingons abhor what they consider a defect. Albinism is an example of something that would bother a Klingon. But reminders of a virus of what threatened the Empire? Who would want to remember such a time? Who would want a reminder of what they could have lost? As a result, these Klingons - both afflicted and subsequent generations, were often labeled QuchHa’ and were considered outcasts. For the most part, barring notable exceptions, still are.

He took a moment allowing that information to sink in. But now came the trickiest part, admitting something about himself.

Wong: When I woke up this morning, the virus fragments bound to my DNA was only 4.65%. It was limited to that and really that information was between myself, my doctor, Starfleet Medical and well, Commander Teller until today. When it jumped to 5%. Something happened at the genetic level and I believe it may be connected to the current Borg infection. I think you know something, Jane. Actually, I know you know something. I want you to think very carefully on how you answer.


Jane (731): Response


Ukinix: ::To Jane:: Oh c’arn, how can we trust you.

Wong: I want you to be honest with us, Jane. Much like the rest of us, you’ve also lost your ohana to this.


Jane (731): Response

Ikaia grabbed his medical shotgun off his lap and pushed on his knees before finally standing up.

At that moment, Sickbay went dark before the emergency lighting kicked in and some pr8mary medical systems. It meant that tech was going to be limited. They were going to have to use all the portables Ikaia had brought. But it also meant one more chilling detail….

oOThe Borg know we’re here.Oo


Rahman: Response


Ukinix: Captain, we could head to engineering and see if we can take control from there.


Rahman: Response


Ukinix: Aye ma’am. ::gesturing with chin to 731:: And what about this idiot?


Rahman: Response

Wong: I‘m going to head back to check on Orrey and the others. 

He flicked one last parting gaze at Jane.

Wong: And Jane? At one point today, everyone trusted you. Everyone believed in you. I want you to remember that.


Jane/Blake/Carter: Response

Ikaia started walking into the hall towards the labs only stopping to cough on the way.

((OOC: Will be setting up the lab sim as a different scene as Ikaia has left this one.))

Lieutenant Ikaia Wong PA-C

Medical Student (MD)

Amity Outpost


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