Lt. Robin Hopper: Armed And Dangerous

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Robin Hopper

Nov 16, 2022, 1:46:57 AM11/16/22
to Amity Outpost

((Amity Outpost – Security Center))

Having both arrived on-time and ready for their training session with Iovianus, Hopper turned to the grizzled Magna Roman and stood at a loose attention – her hands tucked behind her back, but her posture casual.

Hopper: Lieutenants Hopper and Wong reporting for tactical training, Commander. ::Smile:: I’m sure we both have some skills that could benefit from the refresher.

Iovianus: And you have no qualms with being armed? I know some medical professionals prefer not to be.

Wong: I’m certainly among the sort who doesn’t particularly like being armed. However, I’ve accepted that it’s part of life in Starfleet and in the galaxy in general.

Robin glanced at Ikaia. She understood his aversion to being armed – the thought of harming someone, whether purposefully or accidentally, was not something that she enjoyed either. The truth was, though, that as Starfleet Officers they were expected to be able to competently use the tools at their disposal to protect others and themselves from danger. In order to do that, they had to be familiar with their proper use and maintenance. While her first choice would always be dialogue – if that failed, she didn’t want to feel defenseless.

Hopper: Where should we begin?

Iovianus: We are going to start with something simple. Some range fire exercises. We need to see what we are starting with. So follow me.

Robin started off after him, turning back to Ikaia and making sure he was following. She wondered, if it hadn’t been for their recent experiences on Idrustix, if he would have been as willing to come along with her as he was.

Passing the brig, they arrived in a small holochamber – Amity’s “Firing Range”. It almost looked like a much smaller version of the training center at Starfleet Academy where Ikaia and Robin had first met. One critical difference, however, was that this room also contained Nathan Richards.

Robin shook her head as she saw him and crossed her arms, an amused smile spreading across her face.  oO If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think he was shadowing me. Oo

Iovianus: Mister Richards has agreed to help out today in exchange for his own chance at recertifying and getting some practice in.

Richards: Response?

Wong: Aloha, Nathan! Glad to have you join us!

Hopper: ::Smirking::  Is Nathan planning on playing the role of ‘target’ today? I can’t say I expected that, but at least he’ll keep it ‘lively!’

Richards: Response

Iovianus: So. We are going to start with the very basic. ::motioning toward the table:: Here is the standard issue weaponry. We have the Type 3 phaser rifle, the smallest one you see, you will see a lot of here on Amity. The Type 1 personal phaser is a small concealable ideal for diplomatic situations and discreet dealings.

Richards: Response?

Iovianus: Standard issue for my Security forces are what are called the “dolphin” style of Type 2 phasers. My personal preference leans toward the Aquila pattern Type 2 as it is similar to my sidearm as a legionairre. ::to Wong specifically:: We have spoke about this before as it comes in a non-lethal variety as well.

Wong: I remember you talking about them before and I’ve since decided to take up that suggestion. Whenever I need a sidearm, I usually take my NL Aquila with me if I have to take a sidearm.

Hopper: On Idrustix, I opted for the Rifle. It’s bulkier, but I find it easier to aim.  ::To Iovianus::  Should I start with that, since I’m more familiar with it, or start with a sidearm?

Iovianus/Richards: Response

Wong: Speaking of the NL, do you happen to have one?

Hopper: I assume none of these will be put to ‘lethal’ use today, Ikaia.  ::A sideways glance at Nathan::  Unless Ensign Richards is as reckless as he sounds in mission reports.

Richards/Iovianus: Response.

Ikaia picked up a little Type 1. Robin reached for an Aquila Type 2 – it seemed to her the most straightforward of the sidearms. She adjusted it in her hand until it felt comfortable and then held it down at her side.

Wong: Reminds me a bit of our classes back at the Academy, doesn’t it, Hops?

Hopper: ::Smiling::  Oh yeah. It’s taking me back alright. Only, back then I think I found this all a lot more ‘exciting’ and less… well, real.  ::Shaking her head::  The last mission was a real eye-opener for me.

She placed the phaser back on the table and examined the Dolphin variety, picking it up a little more awkwardly.

Richards/Iovianus: Response.

Wong: So what will you be having us do today? Is it just target practice or something more?

Hopper: ::Leaving the phaser on the table and turning around gingerly::  I’m up for whatever training you think we need, Commander. The next time we get out there I want to be ready.

Iovianus/Richards: Response

Hopper: Yeah, I think I can handle that.  ::A look at Wong::  Ikaia?  ::To Richards::  Nathan?

Wong: Response

Iovianus/Richards: Response



Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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