[FINALE] Amb. Rivi Vataix: Welcome to the Delta Quadrant

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Rivi Vataix

Dec 11, 2021, 5:15:07 PM12/11/21
to Amity Outpost – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG
((Bridge, USS Independence-B))

Vataix: =/\= Independence to Dr. Orrey. =/\=  

Orrey: =/\= Orrey here what do you have for us Independence? =/\=  

Vataix: =/\= We've sent data that one of the work bees has collected regarding a change in the creatures. Perhaps the Hawlat can help us understand what we're looking at? =/\=

As Orrey talked with the Hawlat back on Amity, there was an urgent call again from Wil.

Ukinix: =/\= Ukinix to Independence.  Can you beam Paarus aboard? =/\=

Looking over at one of the panels next to her chair, Rivi saw that the new ensign's work bee had indeed gone off course, struck by one of the creatures.
Vataix: =/\= We're on it, Wil. =/\= 

She looked over at John Carter and nodded.

Vataix: John, could you go to the transporter room and beam him aboard and then bring him back here to the bridge?

Carter: Response

Vataix: Thank you.

As John left, a call from Orrey came back.

Orrey: ::making sure the conversation gets transmitted to the Independence as well:: =/\= Elaborate Luminary please. =/\=

Over the com, she heard the Hawlat pilgrims explain further.

Prarim: I believe I understand, at last, what has been happening here. ::Turning to Taven:: Acolyte Taven, what do you recall of the Exodus of Hawlathia.

Taven: Response

Prarim: Indeed. It was then, in our time of most desperate need, that the Angels first came to our people, shepherding us to safety amongst the stars. ::To the Starfleet Officers:: As our ships took flight, the Angels came in vast numbers – sent by the Great Spirit, whose divine light shone upon them much like what we see here now.

Orrey: A holy miracle then.

Sahim: You mean this is one of the sacred signs?

Daniels: Response

Prarim: Now that the Hawlat have gathered, they share that light with us again – as a beacon that our long journey is over, a sign that it has been found: the Supreme Pasture… Only something most miraculous has occurred. ::To Keehani:: Tell me, does your Commander Ukinix have any sort of perception beyond the physical - any spiritual sensitivities?

Keehani: ::Clasping hands together, interlocking fingers:: Well, Luminary- Ambassador Vataix and myself are Betazoid, we are telepathic and empathic.  Commander Ukinix is one quarter Betazoid.  he has… limited “sensitivities,” Luminary-

Prarim: Then he must be told at once. Such abilities once existed amongst our people as well - the Ritual of Trust is now the last link to that connection we possess… I believe the Angels have sensed this and chosen Commander Ukinix as an Emissary. He must reach out to them and follow their divine will. They must know that they’ve been heard! ::To Taven and Sahim:: The Hawlat must follow that work bee.

Taven: Response

Keehani:  What does this mean for the Hawlat, Luminary?

Daniels: Response

Prarim: Everything is clear now. The Angels have been visiting your miners, drawn to your ships, coming to the station in droves with clear purpose all along. They wish to greet you… to bring you good tidings of this wondrous place… This is a welcoming delegation from the Divine – a welcome to all.

Taven: Response

Sahim: Once the Angel is free, we shall check with the rest of our people and reach an understanding of what we'll have to do and how to do it.

Keehani: I am sure Lieutenant Wong and his team will be able to free the trapped Angel.  The Ambassador will welcome dialogue with your people, Sahim.  It appears, Prarim, as the Angels have found the great pasture, we are able to provide for them a safe home.

Daniels: Response

Orrey: =/\= Did you get all of that Independence? =/\=

Vataix: =/\= Yes, indeed. Keehani, make sure Wil gets the message as our... "emissary." =/\=

Orrey: =/\= Recommend carrying it out a little longer so that we can be properly be “welcomed”. =/\=

Daniels/Sahim/Taven: Response

Vataix: =/\= Got it. We'll continue to escort the angels safely from Amity. =/\=

After the comline closed, Rivi turned to see John returning with Ensign Paarus. The Bajoran looked a little roughed up but otherwise fit for duty.

Vataix: How are you, Ensign?

Paarus: Response

She nodded and gestured to one of the stations on the bridge.

Vataix: The Hawlat have just let us know that they believe Ukinix is serving as an emissary for the creatures to help guide them along. I believe we're on the brink of a diplomatic resolution here, but it will require delicate execution. Please take a station and continue to operate that "fence" of yours using our deflector array.

Paarus: Response

Rivi then looked over at Dr. Aleksandrov at the science station.

Vataix: Doctor, with Paarus' workbee disabled, what's the status of the other workbees?

Aleksandrov: Response

Vataix: Tell them to regroup in formation to give prominence to Commander Ukinix's.

Aleksandrov: Response

Slowly they continued their operations, leading the Hawlat angels away. It was like a grand procession, and when they'd finally cleared the perimeter of Amity, Rivi breathed a sigh of relief.

Vataix: Well-done, everyone!

She opened a channel to Wil.

Vataix: =/\= Independence to Ukinix, all Stellae are accounted for. =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= Response =/\=

Vataix: =/\= Good job, Emissary. Once you're clear, head back to the outpost. =/\=

Next, she looked over at the Bajoran ensign.

Vataix: Ensign Paarus, can you set a few probes to deploy before we leave to maintain the fence in this area?

Paarus: Response

Vataix: Let us know once you're done. Then we'll head back after deploying them.

Paarus: Response

She turned over towards Amity's chief counselor and smiled.

Vataix: After all, you have a ritual to get to.

Carter: Response


//Dear Cousin,

I suspect by the time you receive this letter, you may have already sent me a reply to my last. I hope that my solution is what you would have done.

The crew of Amity have done "the art of the impossible" as diplomacy has been described occasionally. The Hawlat pilgrims came to see our presence and the creatures' behavior as a fortuitous concurrence. Your friend Wil, in fact, has become our "emissary" of sorts. I've been told that's not the first time it's happened to a Starfleet commander on a remote space station.

The mining operations in the area can continue, while still keeping the animals safe. Perhaps this is a model for things to come. All that's left is for us now to partake in a sacred ritual to secure our new relations with the Hawlat. I must admit, even after hosting countless events, I'm quite excited at the chance to witness this. I see why you love this.

May the Four Deities bless you,


((Grand Mezzanine, Amity Outpost))

They had all gathered on the ground floor of the Grand Mezzanine to witness the ritual that was to be administered by Prarim and the other pilgrims.

Rivi watched quietly as the lead Hawlat began reciting the first words of the ritual.

Prarim: Response

Amity's two representatives, Lt. Commander John Carter and Lieutenant Ikaia Wong, were standing nearby in their dress uniforms and then stepped forward after the Hawlat gestured to them to come forward.

Prarim: Response

Carter: Response

Wong: Response

(OOC: I'll leave the rest here to Prarim, Carter, and Wong to fill in the details of the ritual)

As the ritual was performed, Rivi took a moment to glance from both Starfleet, Diplomatic Corps, and Hawlat alike. While they'd already made "First Contact" with the Hawlat, this occasion seemed just as momentous with everyone gathered in their most formal attire.

Well, perhaps *second* most formal attire when it came to the Betazoid delegation as her gaze went to Wil and Keehani before she turned her attention back to John and Ikaia. For a moment, only the rustling sounds of water from the fountain could be heard.

Prarim: Response

Carter: Response

Wong: Response

Any: Response

With the ritual concluded, Rivi stepped forward to Prarim and the other Hawlat.

Vataix: Thank you for letting us take part and witness that beautiful tradition.

Prarim: Response

Vataix: I do not know where your journeys may take you next, but please, consider Amity your home for however long you wish to stay and whenever you wish to return.

Prarim: Response

She nodded and smiled as she and Prarim bowed their heads towards one another before she looked over at the crew--her crew.

Their first mission had been quite eventful, with emergencies, scientific and technical problems to solve, and diplomatic crises to avert. Yet they'd done it, and now it was over. There would undoubtedly be more missions to come and new challenges to face.

They were ready.


Ambassador Rivi Vataix
Chief of Mission and Commanding Officer, Amity Outpost
Federation Diplomatic Corps, United Federation of Planets
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