[MISSION FINALE] Ambassador Rivi Vataix: Authentic Friendship Shines

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Roshanara Rahman

Nov 9, 2023, 2:30:14 AM11/9/23
to sb118...@googlegroups.com
((Tribunal room, Paak Military Headquarters, Continent of South Paak, Paak, Paak System, Barossa Nebula))

Ambassador Rivi Vataix, Daughter of the Eleventh House, chief of mission of Amity Outpost, and the United Federation of Planet's highest representative and authority in the Delta Quadrant, sat in the cramped tribunal room with the rest of her crew waiting to find out their fate.

While the others were of course understandably stressed by the whole ordeal, Rivi found herself rather content. Of course, being a telepath, she knew what the Paak had already decided, although it wasn't the decisions that she'd found as interesting as had been the highly intense debates that the crew had not been privy to that were occurring behind closed doors. The Paak were not united in this decision, with some fearing retribution from the Federation. Others felt the decision was too lenient. This was the Paak's chance to send a strong message to these would-be invaders and colonizers.

It was certainly much to keep her mind occupied as she sat next to Wil.

Ukinix: ::Half jokingly, arms crossed:: I reckon we should tell the Indy to have the transporters on standby, then warp the hell out of this system and never come back.

Rivi cleared her mind of the drama unfolding beyond the walls and turned to Wil, teasing him slightly to engage in his attempt at relieving the stress with humor.

Vataix: To boldly go... back the other way?

Her smirk was met with Robin chiming in her own agreement with Wil's sentiment.

Hopper: ::Quietly:: I’m with Wil on staying away from here. I’m sure our xenobiologists and anthropologists would have a field day with these people… But I’m ready to not hear the word Paa– ahh, you know. For a long time.

Iovianus: We wouldn’t anyway, eventually they would perfect their engines, then hunting down the fugitives among the stars becomes their driving force and it taints everything.

That was a fair point. Surely they'd already provided the Paak enough material to create their own stories and interpretations of these events for the next century.

Moore: On one hand, they're about three hundred years behind us; on the other hand, vengeance is a good technological motivator.

The ensign looked over at the other officers and Rivi.

Moore: I guess my time free traveling before the academy will pay off after all. ::He shrugged.:: Remember the Universal prison rules, everyone. Stay in Pa- Groups, and if you find yourself alone and without support, assert your dominance over the other prisoners.

Rivi raised an eyebrow.

Vataix: Speaking from personal experience, Kaito?

Nadeshiko: Response

Gray: Response
Ukinix: The sooner the better. ::Yawn::  I’m exhausted.

Finally, it seemed Wil's yawn cued the decision to be delivered as the magistrate returned along with the advising members who had consulted with him to bring about the final decision.

Rivi and the others were directed to stand as the magistrate took his seat and then the rest of the Paak. As the accused, Rivi and the others were left to stand in the middle of the room.

Paak (magistrate): As the magistrate of this Paak, I have consulted with the witnesses, heard the opinions, and I have independently followed up for more information where deemed necessary to be able to determine the appropriateness of the accusations - and where the accusations are found to be fit and accurate, the appropriateness of the punishment as stated at the beginning of this tribunal hearing.  ::Looking at Rivi:: Ambassador Vataix, as the leader of the group of accused, is there anything final you wish to add?

Vaitax: I wish to again state that as the representative of the United Federation of Planets, we mean you no harm, only wishing to extend a sincere gesture of friendship and welcome to the galactic community. I hope that whatever the decision you've made, it does not prevent us from moving past this to allow our peoples to learn more about each other and perhaps one day be friends.

The magistrate bowed towards Rivi before standing.

Paak (magistrate): This is an historic moment for Paak, the people of Paak, in fact the Paak, the Paak and indeed the Paak.  This event in our history is momentous, that is not lost on me.  Deep down, like just about any Paak, I am in awe of living beings, from parts elsewhere of the Paak galaxy, standing in our presence, smashing any concept of who we thought we were.  But my job is to apply the laws and codes of the Paak military, and regardless of these extraordinary circumstances, that is exactly what I am about to do.

Grabbing his notes, the magistrate began his official statement on the judgment.

Paak (magistrate): In summary of the witnesses’ contributions to my findings, I will say there was robust discussion from both the military and scientific members of the group.  In fact, this situation initially brought disharmony amongst them making it difficult to arrive at any firm decisions.  However, I instructed the witnesses to break down the scenario into much smaller parts.  This approach was successful.

The magistrate then looked over at Rivi, who returned his gaze, ready to hear aloud what she already knew was coming.

Paak (magistrate): It is obvious that the “United Federation of Planets” has a set of laws and codes in the same way that Paak does.  For me, that is pleasing, because it shows that as we begin our journey interacting with new species, we have similar ideals in common.  That fact alone has had an enormous bearing on the decisions that I have ultimately made in regards to the accused.  We are both civilisations that respect and understand the need for laws.

He looked down at his notes to recall the names of the accused.

Paak (magistrate): Iovianus, Nadeshiko, Gray, Moore.  You were only attempting to engage our people, concerned for Ukinix’s and Hopper’s welfare.  I have ultimately determined that the evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld.  You are all cleared of your accusations.

Iovianus: ::bowing to the Magistrate again:: With appreciation.

Moore: Thank you, Your Honor.

Nadeshiko/Gray: Responses

Rivi took her role as commanding officer of Amity seriously, which meant she held ultimate responsibility for the welfare of the officers who served her. It had relieved her of considerable concern when she'd first sensed that most of the landing party was not going to be further detained. As she had said earlier to them, the Paak were not savage or cruel; they were frightened.

Paak (magistrate): Richards.  While you did enter restricted areas of this military facility, it was not as if you stormed those areas – upon reviewing footage and testimony of soldiers involved, there was no malice intended.  The evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld, therefore you are also cleared of all accusations.

Richards: Thank you, Magistrate.

Paak (magistrate): Lieutenant Hopper. The witnesses concluded there is no intent of invasion of Paak.  In fact, based on summaries from analysis of your technology, it is clear that if invasion was the intent of Ambassador Vataix, we would have likely been overwhelmed by your forces by now.  And yet, you stand here, respecting our tribunal process.  You were indeed in possession of advanced technology without government or military oversight, and many of the scientific witnesses are very keen to learn of them.  But I have made it clear that any sharing of technology is a sovereign decision to be made by the United Federation of Planets, lest Paak becomes what the Federation has been incorrectly accused of today.  The evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld, you are cleared of all accusations.

Hopper: That is…good to hear. Thank you, Magistrate.

With those acquittals out of the way, Rivi knew her crew were unlikely to be happy about the verdicts that were coming next. She'd made the decision as both their CO and the Federation Ambassador to the Delta Quadrant *not* to warn them ahead of time.

Paak (magistrate): This left me with three difficult decisions; that which were the sources of disharmony I mentioned earlier.  Ambassador Vataix, please step forward.

Rivi did so as instructed, gracefully taking a few steps towards the magistrate. He looked back at her as cameras from the Paak media captured all of the proceedings.

Paak (magistrate): All witnesses recognise you as the lead representative of the United Federation of Planets.  I am sure both the Paak and the Federation would have liked these first moments of communication to have been much smoother.  But circumstances, including difficulties in translation and PAAK have decided otherwise.  Your colleagues have been cleared of their accusations.  But you accepted them, even before your questioning.  As a reminder, your accusation was of interference with Paak military operations, and unauthorised access of a Paak military facility.  I have no choice but to apply a punishment for these accusations.

Vataix: I accepted them because they are fact. My goal was to establish dialogue with you all but also ensure the safe retrieval of my officers. As your military was holding them captive, interference was an inevitability.

The magistrate acknowledged her statement before continuing.

Paak (magistrate): Due to the unique circumstances, the witnesses have recommended that you attend our standard one cycle course given to non-military Paak that attend this facility.  Only once completed and you are certified will I allow you to meet with leader Paak, who I’ve been assured will respect Paak’s separation of powers and abide by this ruling.

Vataix: I am equally assured, Magistrate. Thank you.

Paak (magistrate): Next, Lieutenant Iko.  Please step forward.

Iko: Yes, magistrate.

Paak (magistrate): You with her, Ukinix.

After Wil and Bec stepped up, the magistrate continued.

Paak (magistrate): As previously stated for any accusations you shared with your colleagues, the evidence presented does not meet the threshold to be upheld.  But you both have unique accusations.  Lieutenant Iko, I am aware of the circumstances that led to your assault of the soldiers that harassed you based on your appearance.  I apologise for their behaviour.  I have instructed Paakmi to now open a set of accusations against them, and they will face their own tribunal to answer for their actions.  Unfortunately, Lieutenant, you must answer for yours, as you have admitted to the accusation.

Iko: ::nodding:: I understand. ::beat:: Thank you, Magistrate.

Paak (magistrate): Commander Ukinix.  Pai’Lak, along with Lieutenant Richards help, explained why you insulted our leader Paak, Paak of the Paak people.  The witnesses have convinced me that you had no intent to do so.  But you *did* have intent to subvert the procedures of this tribunal when you attended without your translation device.  You did prove your point.  But I cannot allow such a precedent to be set.  Any future accused at any Paak military tribunal must follow its rules.  No magistrate will allow contempt, and nor will I.

As the magistrate consulted his notes, Rivi considered the accusations made against Wil. Was Paak "justice" truly fair in this regard? Was the demonstration not vital to getting them to understand that Wil had not meant any ill intent and that instead this was a limitation of technology?

Ultimately, it demonstrated that the Paak's judicial system had different priorities than one such as Betazed's where truth always held above decorum.

Paak (magistrate): You are “officers” as you call yourselves within your Starfleet. But you are not citizens of Paak, let alone military personnel.  There was conjecture that both of you had minimal respect for our military officers and processes.  Therefore, Lieutenant Iko, for your assault accusation, and Commander Ukinix for your contempt accusation, you have met the threshold.  Your punishment… is 20 cycles of entry level training for any citizen that becomes a Paak soldier.  You will be assigned a military training soldier, in the Paak military academy.  You will receive the same treatment as any other new Paak soldier.

Iko: Understood.

The magistrate raised his hands above his head to form a triangle.

Paak (magistrate): This tribunal is now closed, with love.

Rivi bowed her head slightly before the magistrate then stood up and left.

Afterward, the sentenced and acquitted gathered around before they were to be separated.

Hopper: Ambassador… Rivi… I just want to say thank you for coming for us. I’m not sure that Wil or I would have been able to talk our way out of this one on our own. ::To Iko:: And Bec, you’ll do fine in this ‘training’ they’re going to put you through, I’m sure. ::To Wil, still slightly miffed at him:: Commander, when you get back to Amity, I will be waiting to fill out a joint report to Starfleet about this ‘incident’. I’m sure they’ll find it interesting.

Iovianus: Well that went as well as we could have hoped.

Iko: I’ll see you all back on Amity then?

Moore: Yeah, enjoy boot camp. ::Moore said, grinning broadly at Bec.:: I'll make sure to send some snacks for your Drill Instructor to take away. ::He gave Bec two thumbs-up.:: But if anyone can show this planet what boot camp is all about, it's Starfleet!

Nadeshiko: Response

Richards: I feel a lot better, now that it’s over.

For Rivi, Wil, and Bec, it wasn't quite, and honestly, for the larger political situation between the Paak and Federation, this was only the beginning. But Rivi understood Nathan's sentiment and sense of relief.

Gray: Response

Vataix: It will be okay. Just get back to the station, and we'll join you soon.

A Paak soldier then gestured for Wil, Bec, and Rivi to follow him. As Rivi walked past the cameras and reporters shouting at her and the other two "guilty" aliens, she kept her head up high. She didn't flash her trademark smile, but she wanted the people of Paak to remember on this day, she and the Federation had come to their world and indeed, as the magistrate noted, respected their laws as guests in their home.

She could only hope the Paak would soon understand as they met other species in their space travels how unique of a gift this was that she and her crew had given them.

MISSION END! CUE SECOND END CREDITS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e2B-thaJG0

Ambassador Rivi Vataix
Chief of Mission and Commanding Officer, Amity Outpost
Federation Diplomatic Corps, United Federation of Planets
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