((OOC – There are a few unfilled tags from my last sim for some of you, however I have started up at this point to keep this sim from being overly-lengthy. Please feel free to incorporate those into your next sims, but focus on getting your Act 1 scenes wrapped up, even if that means just jumping in at this point.))
((Bridge, USS Independence-B – Stellae Paddock, Nuriootpa Solar Nebula))
Even as they worked to separate from the herd and shed the remaining plasma ‘smoothie’ from the hull, a few more disjointed jolts from various directions momentarily overwhelmed the inertial dampers’ ability to compensate. Robin braced appropriately, out of muscle memory, but those without the Starfleet training likely wouldn’t have had that instinct.
S. Richards: It seems this particular herd is extra playful…
She glanced at Rexia, hoping the Talaxian delegate wasn’t too shaken by the experience thus far. Things had been going well, and the last thing Robin wanted was to undo any of that good work.
Hopper: Sorry about that, Representative. It’s not every day we fly right into their midst. Still, I’m finding this pretty exhilarating.
Rexia: You cheeky Starfleeters, almost too curious and excitable for your own good!
With a quick flash of a smile at the Talaxian’s good-natured comment, Robin turned towards Torvi.
Hopper: ::To Ylvor:: Standby to activate the deflector shield… Any damage to the hull?
Ylvor: Response
Hopper: That’ll buff out. ::To Blackwood:: See if you can transfer any power to the dampers, smooth the ride – then plot a course out of here…
Blackwood: Response
Hopefully that would be sufficient to get them out of there without sustaining too much more jostling. (If any).
S. Richards: Could it be possible we have overstayed our welcome and this is their way of asking us to leave?
Hopper: I don’t intend to stick around to find out. We should be almost at the edge of the paddock by now… ::Getting an idea:: Sam, that smoothie of yours. Let’s see if we can vent a burst of that warp plasma. Leave them with a tasty “goodbye” treat. You follow me?
S. Richards: Response
Rexia: Just enough to say “thank you”.
Blackwood/Ylvor: Response
With no shortage of effort on the crew’s part, they were able to slip away from the majority of the Stellae without further incident. As they passed the edge of the ‘paddock’ – really, just an area of space shaped by harmless machines, designed to create a desirable environment by collecting and concentrating the Stellae’s favourite food sources away from the asteroid field and the mining operations therein – Robin breathed a little sigh of relief. She noticed her fingers were clenched on her armrest, and loosened her grip.
Hopper: Well! ::Beat:: That was exciting, huh?
Rexia: I suppose you could say that.
Blackwood/Ylvor/S. Richards: Response
Pointing at the viewscreen, and the asteroid field ahead, Robin nodded to the crew around her.
Hopper: Well done everyone. Now – the next leg of our tour shouldn’t be quite so interactive… but I’m sure you’ll still find it interesting, Representative. We’ve got a few minutes ahead of us before we reach the mining facility we’ll be visiting and, during that time, I thought it might be fun to demonstrate some of the Indy’s capabilities… aside from surviving a bit of rough play with the space cows, that is.
Rexia: Sounds wonderful. I've been trying to see what I can on the console, but I'm not half the scientist that any of you fine people are.
She gave a knowing nod to Harrison and Torvi. She’d asked them to prepare some sort of demonstration of the ship’s systems.
Ylvor/Blackwood: Response
Hopper: And – once we arrive, Miss Richards and I would be delighted to talk about the naturally regenerating benamite field and how we use those crystals in our Quantum Slipstream Drives.
Rexia: Naturally regenerating you say?
Hopper: Mhm! A phenomenon unique to this field, as far as we know – and ultimately what has made it possible for us to maintain this extended mission in the Delta Quadrant.
S.Richards: Response
Rexia: How very—
The Talaxian’s personal communicator then started beeping. Rexia paused, withdrawing from the conversation for a moment as she examined her received message. Robin tapped her fingers on the arm of her chair out of nervous habit while she waited, but stopped as soon as the Representative turned her gaze upwards again.
Rexia: My apologies, please, just one moment?
Hopper: Of course. ::To the others:: I’m sure we don’t all mind a moment’s break to stretch?
S.Richards/Ylvor/Blackwood: Response
Hopper: ::Indicating one of the doors out of the bridge:: Please feel free to use the Ready Room if you need privacy…?
Hopper wasn’t sure about the nature of the conversation, but Rexia seemed unconcerned, giving the crew a nod in thanks and then simply turning around to speak with her compatriot, Naxil.
Naxil: =/\= Rexia, we need to talk to you. There's been some… developments. =/\=
oO That sounds ominous. Oo Robin chewed the inside of her cheek, wondering if this would mean cutting their tour short.
Rexia: =/\= What do you mean “developments”? =/\=
Hopper: ::To the others, with a slight sigh:: Lieutenants, I think we better start plotting a return route to Amity. The demos might need to wait for another day… ::Beat:: But maybe we can travel back through the asteroid fields and, um, not through the Stellae…?
S.Richards/Ylvor/Blackwood: Response?