Zalbac ::unshouldering his luggage crate:: stood at Gate A3. He gingerly set down the carrying case for his cat, Ruth. She squeaked quietly as she was jostled to the floor. He ran his hands through his thick, brown hair and stretched. A wave of emotion hit Zalbac as he took in a deep breath. It was his first time in deep space and his first time out of Alpha Quadrant. It was also his first assignment and he was certain that there were many more firsts to come. He was anxious to be so far from his home and away from the places he familiar. Zalbac was also excited to make new friends.
Terminal A was buzzing with activity, which surprised Zalbac. He imagined that Amity Outpost as a mostly quiet outpost. Instead many people of a variety of species Zalbac could not identify were milling about the terminal. Some people were queueing to get onto the transport he just departed. Others seemed to be looking at departure and arrival schedules. The sounds of official announcements over the station intercom reminded him of Paris metro terminals on Earth. He looked up through the windows and saw the vast solar nebula. It was more beautiful than he imagined.
As Zalbac gawked, he was suddenly bumped by a rather rotund Talaxian.
Talaxian: Out of the way, Ensign! We can't all just stare at the nebula. Some of us have places to be!
Paarus::putting his hands up apologetically:: Sorry ma'am.
The Talaxian ::muttering to herself:: Starfleet! She shuffled away quickly.
Zalbac straightened out his uniform. As he adjusted his jacket over his bulky, muscular frame he looked down at his boots. The woman who had bumped him had also scuffed his boot.
oO Great. Now I'm sure to make a fine first impression to the Ambassador as the new ensign who couldn't be bothered to be presentable. Oo. Zalbac thought annoyingly to himself.
::Shouldering his luggage crate:: Zalbac scooped up Ruth in her crate. She silently meowed as she was again jostled in her carrying container.
Paarus::to Ruth:: You're fine, Kitty! Now, how about we go find this Ambassador, get our assignment orders, and find our quarters. I hope whomever I am roomed with is not allergic to cats.
Zalbac walked over to a display on the wall which displayed a map of the station. Remembering that the Ambassador's office was on level 15, overlooking the mezzanine, he drew his finger from the star that indicated his current position to the Purple Line train that would take him to the mezzanine. Zalbac looked around to find the train station which was on the other side of the terminal. Zalbac strolled to the station and waited patiently for the next train to arrive. Looking to his left, he noticed the Talaxian woman who had bumped him was also waiting for the train. He gave her a slight wave and she returned the gesture with a rude look of her own.
oO Friendly people, those Talaxians. Oo. Zalbac thought to himself.
The train glided silently into the station with an oddly familiar bing bong as the doors opened. Purple Line Terminal A Station to Mezzanine. The onboard computer said in a pleasant female voice. Several riders exited the train car carrying luggage, bags, and someone with a palate of crates labeled with what could only be surmised as fragile. Zalbac did his best to squeeze onto the train car without bumping people with his luggage.
Zalbac grabbed a handrail just as the train car lurched into motion. ::Ruth hissed:: Zalbac looked down to see a small child sticking fingers into Ruth's crate.
Paarus: HEY! Stop that!
The child, who was of a species Zalbac had never seen before, had a large nose ridge and big eyes.
Child: What is that? ::pointing to Ruth::
Paarus: She is cat, a feline animal from Earth. Her name is Ruth and we've had a long journey. I'm sorry she isn't in the mood to say hello today.
Child::looking solemn:: What does she like to eat?
Paarus: Wet food pellets made out of carbohydrates and protein.
Child: What is a carbohydrate? What is a protein?
Zalbac was about to answer when a woman stopped him.
Woman: Leucon! Come here and leave that Starfleet Ensign alone!
The child quickly hid behind Zalbac's luggage crate and gestured to Zalbac to keep silent.
The woman stood up ::walking over to Leucon:: Please, Leucon! It's not polite to bug people. ::to Zalbac:: I'm sorry Ensign if my son is bothering you.
Paarus ::waving his hands:: Nonsense. I remember being that young and causing trouble for my mother. ::giving a stern look at the child - then crossed his eyes and made a silly face at the boy::
The child giggled at Zalbac. His mother took his hand and led him away from where Zalbac was sitting.
Approaching the Mezzanine. This is the final stop. Please gather your belongings and exit the train. Came the cool, soft voice of the computer.
Zalbac ::shouldering his luggage crate again:: scooped up Ruth in her crate and exited the train car. The mezzanine was even busier than Terminal A. A cacophony of noise from people walking about the mezzanine met Zalbac's ears and it reminded him of the summer markets that occupied most pedestrian thoroughfares in his hometown of Jalanda City on Bajor. The smells of exotic foods being grilled, steamed, and smoked wafted from the restaurants made his stomach growl. Zalbac realized he hadn't eaten at all since 0630. He also realized he had no idea what time it was and hustled to the central tower where he got on a lift just as the doors were closing. The last thing Zalbac wanted to be was late to the Ambassador's office.
The lift took him up a few levels and opened up right in front of the Ambassador's office.
oO I hope I'm not terribly late! Oo. Zalbac thought to himself. He again straightened out his uniform and ran a hand through his brown locks of hair. Taking a deep breath to center his focus, he stepped through the doors to Ambassador's office.
The Ambassador's administrator casually looked up from the desk and smiled.
Administrator: Welcome, Ensign. Ambassador Vataix has been expecting you. Please have a seat and I will let her know you are here. Can I get you anything?
Paarus: No. Thank you.
Zalbac set his luggage down and sat in a chair against the wall. He put Ruth (in her crate) on his lap. He anxiously waited for the Ambassador. After a few moments, a small light blinked twice on the admin's desk.
Admin::looking up from the desk computer station:: Ambassador Vataix will see you now.
Zalbac got up and walked through the black mother of pearl ladened doors into Ambassador Vataix's private office overlooking the mezzanine.
Paarus::standing at attention with his arms behind his back:: Ensign Paarus, reporting for assignment.
Vataix: Response.
Ensign Paarus Zalbac
Operations Officers
Amity Outpost