[BETAZED ACT 1] First Secretary Keehani Ukinix - For which this institution exists (Part 1)

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Wil Ukinix

Dec 9, 2022, 2:50:40 PM12/9/22
to Amity Outpost – StarBase 118 Star Trek PBEM RPG

(OOC: If you’d like background reading and context, have a read this wiki article: Ninth House of Betazed - 118Wiki, along with this news article written by the fabulous Keegan: https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-amity/c/FQMDHMtmMF8/m/xPvNwMuFAQAJ.  


This scene is set in the “Reconciliation Forums of Betazed”, more info can be found out about it here: https://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Reconciliation_Forums_of_Betazed


I will send out a follow up sim with tags for everyone that’s on the Betazed road trip.  You can optionally sim your character in the building at the end of this scene reacting to the outcome, but that is not a necessity.  There are tags at the end, responding to them is entirely up to you and I am more than happy to backsim in this scene for Keehani.


Thank you, and enjoy!)


((“Tholta” Primary Reconciliation Building, Rixx, Betazed))


Keehani sat at the table with her fingers clasped together, next to her Grandmother, the woman that raised her, Vaxa RalHayley Ukinix, Wil’s grandmother and legally appointed Advocate for Vaxa, sat on her other side.


After years of pre-session hearings, Keehani’s petition to give back control of the Ninth House to her grandmother had finally been heard in the Reconciliation Forums of Betazed.  After hearing arguments, testimony, and receiving artefacts, the Adjudicator had retired to make her decision, and to consult her fellow Adjudicators.


Word had been given that the Adjudicator was returning to the forum for what the nervous Keehani hoped was the last time.

Vaxa: ::Placing hands on Keehani’s hands:: Rest, teardrop.

Keehani: ::Looking down:: I’m so nervous.


Hayley was adjusting her robe, still uncomfortable in the kimono-like outfit required by everyone to wear (excluding Starfleet or military officers, who were held in high regard by the Forum, and required to wear their uniform).

Hayley: The evidence put forward is strong.  Surely Adjudicator Izemu won’t deny it.  Will she?

Keehani looked up at Hayley and shrugged her shoulders.

Keehani: This has been three years in the making.  Who knows what twists and turns there might be. I hope she does rule in our favour ::biting bottom lip::.


Vaxa: Relax, Keehani. ::Patting hand on Keehani’s forearm:: She will.

Keehani: How do you know?

Her grandmother looked over to the curved table adjacent to theirs, where Representative Caanlon Zo, an employee from the Fourth House of Betazed, and his team of legal experts sat quietly, waiting for the Adjudicator to re-appear.

Vaxa: ::Smiling:: Just a feeling, teardrop

Keehani went to speak to reply to her grandmother, but cut herself off when a door at the back of the round room slid open.  The Keeper, the assigned administrative officer for the forum petition, walked out and made her way to a seat that was at the side of the Adjudicator’s high seat position.


Keeper: Mother is entering.  Respect from all.

Keehani and Hayley gently helped Vaxa to her feet, the three standing with their arms locked.  Everyone else in the round room, and in the gallery behind, also stood up.  Keehani looked over her shoulder at S’Raga, Iko, Wong, and Richards, who were standing out in their Starfleet uniforms compared to the Kimono style robes that everyone else was wearing - the robes being a tribute to the former tradition of Reconciliation Forums, like Betazoid weddings, being held in the nude.


Across the room from the officers, blending in with the crowd, sat Tri’lea Doyox Polgonz. While she still remained a Daughter Ascendant only, and could add no voice of authority to the proceedings, she had given her word to Keehani that she would attend in support – and that was a promise she would travel across the galaxy to keep. In her heart she knew the petition would be accepted and the Ninth House restored to its former custodians and their deserving heirs. Beside her, sat her ‘aunt’, Lohani Vananth-Polgonz of the Sixth House, a small intrigued smirk at the corner of her lips.

Adjudicator Izemu walked out of the door, and stood next to her seat. Her teased, combed back silver hair sat a few centimetres higher than the top of her head.  It revealed that she was an older Betazoid woman, but one Keehani considered had been treated very well by
Fana over the years.

Izemu: Hello, Children.  I am Mother Izemu.  We are here by the request of Keehani Ukinix to hear her petition, and to bring harmony.  Please be seated.

Everyone in the forum took their seats, including Adjudicator Izemu.  She clasped her fingers together and rested them in front of herself on the table..


Izemu: Well, may I say that I am surprised and relieved. After all of these years of pre-sessions, and delays, we may have finally reached the end of this petition process.  ::Looking towards Keehani:: First Secretary Ukinix, as you are the lodger of the petition, does your party have any more that they would like to submit to this forum, in support of your claims?

Keehani stood and politely bowed her head.

Keehani: No, Mother Izemu.


Izemu: I would certainly hope not, given your long journey from the Delta Quadrant to be here, and the even longer process we have all gone through.  ::Looking towards other party’s table:: And Representative Zo, do you have any more you would like to present to this forum for consideration?

The Fourth House employee got to his feet.

Zo: ::bowing head:: We do not, Mother Izemu.


Izemu: Very well.   ::To Keehani:: First Secretary, can you describe, for the forum's final confirmation, the terms of claim that your party is making against the Third, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth and Twelfth Houses?


Tri’lea gave a sideways glance at her aunt, Lohani. As far as she had known, Keehani’s petition had also named the Sixth House among those parties – the Sixth having always argued fervently for the necessity of the Ninth’s external administration. Lohani’s smirk grew.


Polgonz: ~~Is the Sixth House retaining its administrative role? How ever did you convince Keehani to accept such a provision?~~


Lohani: ~~Quite the opposite child…~~  ::A knowing look at her ‘niece’::  ~~Sometimes, you may find that power, in fact, lies in relinquishing control.~~


Lea, startled by the apparent revelation that Lohani had somehow orchestrated the Sixth House’s withdrawal, sat in silence for a moment – her thoughts jumbled, considering the older woman’s words. They seemed to reflect back at her, as if she were looking into a shimmering pool… When she had finally stopped fighting against her mother’s will and accepted her future lay with Ceciri k’Ariadust, she too had felt empowered.


Keehani nervously took to her feet again. She quickly glanced at her grandmother, who gave her a small smile and a nod of encouragement.  Keehani gave her a smile back, showing how unsure she was that any outcome would be in her favour.  She took a deep breath, then turned to look at the Adjudicator.


Keehani: ::Bowing head:: Yes, Mother Izemu.  ::Reading from PADD::  We ask that the current appointed board of administration of the Ninth House of Betazed hands over control of all affairs of the House to Vaxa Ral, Mother Perennial of the Ninth House.  That appointed board of administration will then be dissolved.  Mother Perennial Ral agrees to continue the application lodged to the Fifth House by the current appointed board of administration to restore the Ninth House’s name to the “House of Wealth”, provided the Fifth House accepts the application.  There are no other conditions we seek, Mother.

Izemu: Thank you, First Secretary, you may be seated.  ::Looking at Zo:: Representative Zo, is that your understanding of the claim, that you still contest?

The legal representative of the five houses named on Keehani’s petition took to his feet.

Zo: ::Bowing head:: Yes, Mother.  The affairs of the Ninth House should remain under control of the board of administration appointed by the five named houses.  We do not oppose the name change.

The Adjudicator crossed her arms in front of her, resting one arm on the other.

Izemu: And the timing of the withdrawal of the Sixth House from opposing the petition claims is somewhat surprising, wouldn’t you and the Houses agree?


Lohani looked to her niece and raised her eyebrows. Nothing had to be said. Tri’lea nodded in understanding. The Sixth House had taken the other administrative Houses by surprise, left them scrambling to maintain a position that now appeared like a sinking ship – and, at the same time, had earned the favour of the soon-to-be leaders of a restored House of Wealth. Lohani’s work in the Delta Quadrant suddenly took on a new color in Lea’s understanding.  oO It was never really about the colony on Idrustix at all… Oo


Zo: I- well, mother, the remaining Houses felt the claim was still-


Izemu: ::Handwave, slight smirk:: There is no need to answer, Representative Zo, it is what’s called a rhetorical question.  Admittedly something you may not have heard in a Reconciliation Forum before, but then again as you have found out over the years I am far from conventional.  ::Looking at Keeper:: What’s wrong with a little bit of fun during these proceedings?

Keeper: ::Smirking:: Nothing, of course, Mother.


Izemu: Indeed, we should be able to have the occasional fun in our chosen professions, ::gesturing:: Representative Zo, you may be seated.

As the opposing party’s representative took his seat, the Adjudicator reached for a nearby PADD, and began to read from it.  The Keeper then reached over and handed her another PADD.  She held both PADDS in her hands, before placing them down in front of her.  There was an agonisingly long, long pause as the Adjudicator shifted her head back and forth between the two PADDs.  Keehani looked at Vaxa nervously, who patted her gently on the arms to settle her.

Izemu: ::Without looking up:: I sense you are nervous, First Secretary Ukinix?

A startled Keehani immediately got to her feet.

Keehani: ::Bowing head:: Mother, I-


Izemu: ::Raising palm in Keehani’s direction:: Shush, Child.  It seems you need to be educated in the fun of rhetorical questions as well. ::Gesturing:: Please, be seated.  


The Adjudicator took a few more moments, before she took a breath and began to address the entire Forum.


Izemu: Petitions against Noble Houses of Betazed have been historically very rare in this Forum.  And when they have occurred, they are usually resolved after a pre-session hearing, or two, or three… but this petition has required many, many pre-sessions and many directions over many years to ensure fairness for both parties.  This petition was meant to be heard two months ago, but there were delays over contests of bias due to the sudden media coverage.  One can’t help but wonder - how did we get to this point today?  I certainly have wondered over the two years since the petition was first lodged by Keehani Ukinix.  And, to my surprise, here we are now with only five houses standing against the petition, after the Sixth House in the very last moments, relatively speaking, not only withdrew their claim but supported First Secretary Ukinix’s petition.  And that perplexes me.  Why?  ::Looking between both parties:: Why is there suddenly support from one of the largest houses on this claim?  It seems odd, don’t you think?  ::Palm up, smirking:: Again a rhetorical question, ::Looking at Keeper:: oh we are getting a few of those in today aren’t we, I will have something to brag about to Adjudicator Eme.

The Keeper simply smiled and nodded.  Some of the people in the forum chuckled ever so politely and quietly at the Adjudicator's brash display of “fun” in such a normally serious setting.


After silence returned to the room, Izemu looked at the PADDs in front of her, and then looked at Vaxa.

Izemu: Mother Perennial Ral.  Or Matriarch Ral, if you prefer the more modern title.  In 2376 you did agree to terms with the Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Tenth, and Twelfth houses of Betazed to give operational control to an appointed board of administration.  The Forum recognises that legal agreements are binding.  This should be a lesson to all Betazed citizens, whether noble or not, to ensure that they understand what it is they are agreeing to when they enter into such an agreement.  There is nothing fraudulent about the agreement in and of itself.  It is proper.  This Forum, however, does understand the pressure you were placed under to accept the terms in the agreement.  The devastating losses of your Imzadi, and son, along with the loss of your parents and sisters in the fog of war, is recognised by this forum as “duress”.  That could be, in rare circumstances, enough for this Forum to rescind a binding agreement.  But “rare” is the key word.  It has been very difficult for me to justify a rescindment of such an agreement that you accepted, Mother Perennial.  Again, I would caution you, and any Betazoid citizen - do not agree to terms if you don’t actually *agree* with them.  Seek advice.

The Adjudicator looked down at her PADDs again and read more notes, before continuing with her summary.

Izemu: When I take into account your circumstances - the pressure, the stress you were under, your right to control the Ninth House forfeited under duress, I can see how one could have easily given up on ever regaining control of the Ninth House, instead to let things be as they fell, forever.  But your granddaughter, like all good daughters, looked after her grandmother.  First Secretary Ukinix, your lodging of this petition was brave.  It is no mean feat to challenge one of Betazed’s oldest and grandest institutions, that being our Noble Houses.  There was no guarantee your party would achieve an outcome that you would consider satisfactory.  But you saw an injustice.  You saw wrongdoing.  Wrongdoing to your own grandmother, the woman that raised you nonetheless, noble woman or not.  ::Small smile:: Regardless of my decision, that is what the Reconciliation Forums of Betazed are here for.  To hear parties’ perceived wrongs, and achieve reconciliation and compromise.  “To bring harmony”.  Not just for the parties involved in a petition, but for all of Betazed.  That is our culture.

The Adjudicator looked down at her PADDs, and once again gathered her thoughts.  After a long silence, she addressed Representative Zo.

Izemu: Representative Zo.  I spoke about this Forum’s ability to rescind agreements in rare circumstances.  In the
Betazoid Government Council, it is even rarer for an agreement to be rescinded - in fact, I could not find a single precedent where a proper agreement between Houses has been rescinded in that chamber of noble law.  I spoke earlier to Vaxa Ral’s duress in 2376, and to her proper agreement with the six Houses that let an appointed administration take over control of the Ninth House.  While the *agreement* was proper, the actions of the Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Tenth and Twelfth houses were demonstrably *not* proper.  Far from it.  Nowhere in the agreement was there discussion of the board of administration dissolving the Ninth House.  It is hard for one not to conclude that deliberate pressure was mounted on Mother Perennial Ral by the Houses that you represent here today, plus the Sixth House.  I explained earlier how the Betazed Government Council does not rescind agreements.  That fact is important when looking at the agreement with Vaxa Ral in the context of circumstances of which it was agreed to.  There is an additional fact that once Vaxa Ral, a Matriarch, was removed from control of the Ninth House, she no longer had the means to lodge a complaint in the Betazoid Government Council, even if she wanted to. And the success of any attempt to rescind the agreement would have been extraordinary and unlikely.  Her only path, as we have discovered, would have been to have someone lodge a petition in this very Forum on her behalf, once again with the odds stacked against her.  One could conclude that the six houses knew this path would be difficult. Representative Zo, I am aware that the circumstances I am discussing are historical.  From twenty-three years ago.  Your party may ask - why discuss those historical circumstances, today, at this petition hearing? ::Lifting finger:: Let me answer that rhetorical question for you.  ::Slight smirk:: That’s four rhetorical questions, Keeper, aren’t we the pick of the utaberries today.


Keeper: ::Smirking:: Yes, Mother.

The Adjudicator looked down at her PADDs again and read some notes, before looking up to continue to address Representative Zo.

Izemu: This Forum has strict rules regarding my eligibility to sit in this chair.  I am forbidden to have any association with the Houses of Betazed, and faithfully I do not.  That makes me a Betazed citizen, without any hint of nobility.  As it is known in other cultures, that makes me a “commoner”.  It is fortunate that we live in an egalitarian system, both at the local Betazoid level and at the Federation level.  Because it allows me to make the impartial assessment that I’m about to make, both as a citizen, and as an Adjudicator of the Reconciliation Forums who has the responsibility of making such determinations.


Adjudicator Izemu drank from a glass of water, and then continued to address Representative Zo.

Izemu: The historical documentation regarding the Ninth House that I have seen, and the stories I have heard during the hearing of this petition is mind-challenging to say the least.  I have taken into account the six houses’ reasoning for moving to assume the control of the Ninth house during the Dominion invasion and war.  The intent during that period, in principle, is acceptable.  But the methods, and the ultimate goals, are questionable at the very least.   It is hard not to perceive the historic behaviour at the end of the Dominion War of the five Houses in your party plus the Sixth House as domineering, and unfair.  Punishing a child for the actions, whether right or wrong, of her parents and ancestors is far from flattering behaviour for the six houses involved.  Further, that the rest of Betazed’s noble houses sat by and did *nothing* is a blight on all Noble House’s reputations.  One of the grandest traditions of Betazed, its Houses, has been brought into serious disrepute based on the historical documentation presented to me.  This Forum can only look at the facts presented during pre-session hearings and petition hearings.  But the recent media interest of this petition outside of this Forum certainly seems to have motivated some houses into sudden agreement with and support of the Ukinix party, including the Sixth House.  One must ask, where was this motivation in the pre-sessions over the last two years?  This forum also notes that the Twentieth House of Betazed has given official support to Keehani Ukinix’s petition, before the public interest began.  That is commendable.  But as a Betazoid citizen one could assume that this also indicates that there is much division amongst the Houses, more than the average citizen realises.


Lea glanced at Lohani, noticing her smirk wavering slightly. The Daughter of the Sixth House was deeply-entrenched in Betazoid and Federation media – yet her sphere of influence was taking a hit here, as the Sixth House was criticised in the media by new external parties.

Izemu looked down at her PADD once again to gather her thoughts, before looking at Caanlon Zo.

Izemu: But *before* the Twentieth House offered support, sometime in the last twenty or so years prior, where was the one noble House that stood up, and said, “This is not how the Houses of Betazed behave. This is not acceptable.”  There were none.  Which has led me to one question.  “Is this how the Houses of Betazed still behave?”  Once again, as a Betazed citizen, after hearing the stories and viewing the artefacts presented in this forum, naturally I am led to ask that question.  I’m sure I won’t be the only Betazoid citizen, indeed Federation citizen, asking that question after this petition hearing.


The Adjudicator took a deep breath, before addressing both of the petition parties.

Izemu: I am ready to give my final decision.  Both parties, please stand.

Keehani and Hayley once again helped Vaxa to her feet.  Keehani looked over to Representative Zo, who looked a little pale.  She could sense his shock.  That made her smile a little. Keehani then bowed her head and gave Adjudicator Izemu her undivided attention.

Izemu: It is ironic that the traditional ruthlessness of the Ukinix ancestry was, in 2376, met with similar ruthlessness in an effort to finish them off once and for all in their very weakened, war affected position.  ::Gesturing to Vaxa:: The personal cost to you Mother Perennial Ral was enormous.  The Forum is satisfied that the agreement with the six houses was made by you under duress. I have discussed this case with my fellow Adjudicators, and I thank my peers for their considered input.  I could easily make a decision to grant Keehani Ukinix’s claims as requested on the petition.  That is, to simply transfer control of the Ninth House of Betazed to Mother Perennial Ral.   But if I was to do that, what is to stop the Houses of Betazed, whether the same or different Houses, doing something similar to another Betazoid citizen, whether they be a member of a noble house or not? In one year’s time, five years, thirty years?  My previous words to Representative Zo should serve as a warning to all Matriarchs of all of Betazoid’s Houses.  But after hearing the actions of the six houses, and the fact that five of those six houses chose to have this petition heard rather than seeking agreement with the lodging party, I fear a warning may not be enough.   A precedent must be set to stop this from happening again. Here is the Forum’s final decision for the petition regarding “the rightful return of operational control of the Ninth House of Betazed to Vaxa Ral, formerly Vaxa Ukinix, Mother Perennial of the House,” the parties being Keehani Ukinix, and the Third, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth and Twelfth Houses of Betazed. 

The adjudicator once again quickly took a small drink of her water, before continuing.

Izemu: By Forum instruction, the Fifth House will immediately approve the renaming the Ninth House of Betazed from the ”House of Agrictulture” to the “House of Wealth”, to restore the Ninth House’s traditional name.  By Forum instruction, the transfer of operational control of the Ninth House from the current board of administration to Mother Perennial Ral is effective immediately. There will be no discussion of the “logistics” of the transfer before it happens.  It happens right now.  Representative Zo, you will personally make the arrangements *today*, and inform the Keeper of your progress.

Vaxa smiled, and leaned her head on Keehani’s shoulder as joy began to overwhelm her.  Keehani sensed her grandmother’s feelings and couldn’t help but put her hand on her own chest, as tears of joy began to well in her eyes.  She looked over at a shocked Representative Zo who eventually bowed his head towards the Adjudicator to acknowledge that he understood the instruction given to him.


Izemu: Additionally.  In 2368, the Ninth House lost most of their agricultural land in a case at the Betazoid Government Council in unprecedented legal action in that chamber.  That chamber’s decision is not in dispute in this Forum.  But the actions of the houses eight years later in 2376, to force Mother Perennial Ral into an agreement, have been well considered by this Forum.  Therefore, by Forum instruction, to compensate for the damage to the Ninth House of those actions, the Third, Fourth, Seventh, Tenth, and Twelfth houses of Betazed will each transfer twenty percent of their allocation of the land from the 2368 decision to the Ninth House, as determined by this Forum.  In recognition of the Sixth House’s support of the Ukinix petition, the Sixth house will transfer only ten percent of their allocation from the 2368 decision, as determined by this Forum.  In addition, By Forum instruction, all five houses along with the Sixth House will, to the satisfaction of this Forum, assist in rebuilding the estate of the Ninth House in Arandel.

The Adjudicator clasped her fingers together and looked down, before addressing everyone in the Forum.

Izemu: Let those last two instructions send a message that all of the Houses of Betazed - including the Ninth House - do not answer to themselves; they provide benefit to the people of Betazed.  ::Looking at Representative Zo::  We expect them to behave according to this principle.  Representative Zo, your party may choose to appeal this decision to this Forum as is their right, or they may choose to accept the decision and then dispute the ownership of transferred lands at the Betazoid Government Council, the jurisdictional means for Houses to raise disputes with other Houses.  But I would ask that all six Houses consider, very carefully, the wisdom of such a decision; because while Mother Perennial Ral or the Ninth House of Betazed might be the named party in either action respectively, the Houses should be aware that they would be, if they were to enact such action, in effect questioning this very Forum, and the people of Betazed for which this institution exists.

Caanlon Zo said nothing, but slowly bowed his head.  The Adjudicator returned her focus to the Ukinix party.

Izemu: Mother Perennial Ral.  By Forum instruction, as of this very moment you are the controlling Matriarch of the Ninth House.  Is there any assistance this Forum can offer within reasonable bounds of the final decision and the conditions that I have just prescribed.

Vaxa lifted her head from Keehani’s shoulder, took in a breath through her nose, then smiled as she picked up a PADD that was in front of her.  A silently blubbering Keehani, overcome with emotion, pressed on the device a few times, to bring up a prepared statement.  Vaxa nodded, and then began to read.

Ral: ::Bowing Head:: Yes, Mother Izemu.  As the Matriarch of the Ninth House I name my granddaughter, Keehani Ukinix, as Matriarch Ascendant to the Ninth House.  I restore the title of my brother, Astradem Ukinix, as a Son of the Ninth House. I name his wife Hayley Ukinix, my Advocate appointed by this very Forum, Daughter of the Ninth House.   I offer both Astradem’s son Alacem Ukinix, and Astradem’s grandson Commander Wil Ukinix, each the title of Son of the Ninth House, if they so choose to accept it.  I offer both Astradem’s daughter Sally, and Alacem’s wife Stacey, each the title of Daughter of the Ninth House, if they so choose to accept it.  These offers of titles do not expire.  ::looking up::  Mother, I ask that the Fifth House recognise those titles and title offers at once, if that is acceptable to the Forum.

Izemu: Yes, the Forum accepts. ::nodding to Keeper:: By Forum instruction, ensure the Fifth House is made aware of my ratification of these title namings listed by Mother Perennial Ral as part of the decision, effective immediately.  ::Looking at Zo:: Representative Zo, is there any assistance that your party, that being five very well resourced Houses of Betazed, may require as part of this decision?

Caanlon Zo slowly bowed his head.

Zo: No, Mother.

Izemu: I suspected as much.  The hearing of this petition is now complete..  This matter is now concluded.

The Adjudicator stood up.  Everyone else who wasn’t already standing, including those assembled in the gallery, also stood. Lea and Lohani stood together, shoulder-to-shoulder. Even across the hall, Lea could sense the swell of emotion within Keehani and felt herself nearly moved to tears as well.


Adjudicator Izemu gave a polite bow to the room, before turning and exiting through the door behind her.  The Keeper followed her, before the door slid shut.

Keehani Ukinix, with tears flowing, turned to her grandmother and wrapped her arms tightly around her.  The pair were mostly silent except for occasional sobs of joy.  Hayley Ukinix smiled and wrapped her arms around her in-laws, then leaned in to hug them.

Hayley: ::Quietly:: Congratulations.  Both of you.

Still overcome with emotion, Keehani nodded, almost unable to speak through her crying.


Keehani: Thank you ::sniff::.

Hayley: ::Chuckling:: Us mums stick together, don’t we Vaxa.

Vaxa chuckled a little, before finally speaking.


Vaxa: You are a wise Earth matriarch.  It is nice for Keehani and I to finally belong to a real family.  Thank you for being my Advocate, Hayley.


Keehani turned to look over her shoulder and see her Amity colleagues in their Starfleet uniforms.  Wiping her eyes, she smiled at them and waved, her eyes glistening from crying. 


Iko?/Wong?/S’Raga?/Richards?/Polgonz?/Lohani?: Response?


(OOC: Am happy to backsim here for Keehani if you do decide to put tags in!)

Hayley smiled.  She turned over her shoulder to look at the Starfleet officers, before turning further and seeing Representative Zo.  A slightly devious smile appeared on her face as she made her way over to him.

((Flashback - “Tholta” Primary Reconciliation Building - Stardate 239612.29))

As Keehani extended her hug to include an unsuspecting and very surprised Hayley, Caanlon Zo made his way over from his table to the Ukinix family.

Zo: ::Bowing head:: Congratulations. ::To Hayley, quietly:: You have become an Advocate of a Matriarch with no House.

Before an angry Keehani could respond, Vaxa placed her hand over Keehani’s mouth as Caanlon lifted his chin and walked away.  Hayley, however, did the work for Keehani and spoke loudly enough so that he could hear her.

Hayley: That guy is such a wanker.

Caanlon stopped, blinked his eyes a few times, before furrowing his brow and looking over his shoulder.  He may not have understood the insult, but he sensed the intent from the Terran.  He allowed a smug smirk to appear on his face before he walked away.

((End Flashback))

Caanlon Zo was frantically tapping away at a datapad in front of him, suddenly very busy from the many instructions given to him by Adjudicator Izemu.

Hayley: ::Smiling:: Congratulations.  You’ve become an employee of a House with a bit less land by the sounds of it.

Before Caanlon could reply, Hayley strolled away, but not before giving him one last pearl of wisdom over her shoulder.


Hayley: And you’re still a wanker.

[TBC! CUE OPENING CREDITS MUSIC! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye7FKc1JQe4


Shaetra Izemu


Betazoid Primary Reconciliation Forum



Vaxa Ral


Ninth House of Betazed 



Hayley Ukinix


Terra Tanunda Vineyards



Keehani Ukinix
Matriarch Ascendant
Ninth House of Betazed


With special guests…


Tri'lea Doyoxo Polgonz (she/her)

Daughter Ascendant, Twentieth House of Betazed

Character Wiki Page




Lohani Vananth-Polgonz (she/her)

Daughter, Sixth House of Betazed

Character Wiki Page



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