[END ACT 2] Lt. Robin Hopper: A Sticky Situation

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Robin Hopper

Oct 16, 2022, 2:20:43 AM10/16/22
to Amity Outpost

((Idrustix – “Mid-Islands Region”, Island 4, Valley Campsite))

The device continued hovering, scanning the area with its blue beam. Robin scowled as she realized, in her state of exhaustion and worry, had left her tricorder inside the accommodation pod. For the moment, at least, it didn’t appear to be hostile – though there was no telling at what point that might change.

Hopper: Well, what do you think, Commander. Should we try reasoning with it?

Ukinix(H): That assumes it’s capable of communication.  And has some level of intelligence.

Grurg: Its behavioural patterns suggest that it does act autonomously, Commander.  It can at least make its own decisions.

Ukinix(H): Let’s try communication.

Robin nodded. At the least, since it wasn’t attacking them, she decided to lower her phaser rifle. However, as she moved to aim it towards the ground, the device suddenly ‘snapped’ its focus onto her, the blue light constricting into a narrow beam, aimed directly at her hands and the weapon she held. She froze, mid-motion.

Hopper: ::To the probe::  Woah! Woah! It’s okay… I’m just, putting it down.

The probe maintained its narrow focus. At least it seemed clear that it was currently assessing her as a threat. She decided to take a chance and simply let go of the phaser, dropping it to the dirt below with a dull thump. The probe’s beam widened, taking in both Robin and the ground where the phaser rifle lay.

Ukinix(H): ::To Grurg:: You’ve got us covered?

Out of the corner of her eye, Robin admired how still Grurg stood – her phase rifle still trained on the orb. 

Grurg: One wrong move and it will become veQ, Commander.

Ukinix stepped forward, lowering his own phaser. The orb’s blue beam focused on him for a moment, assessing him.

Ukinix(H): My name is Lieutenant Commander Wil Ukinix, of Starfleet. 

After a moment had passed, the device returned to scanning the accommodation pod behind her. Robin felt almost like she was about to faint and realized she had been holding her breath. She took a ragged gasp, and then looked to Ukinix and Grurg with uncertainty.

Hopper: It…  ::breathing heavily::  Seems to understand that we’re not hostile at least.

She turned her attention to the probe once more and held her hands outward, palms up, in a gesture of openness, joining Ukinix in attempting to converse with the machine.

Hopper: I’m Lieutenant Robin Hopper. I’m a Scientist. We’re here to learn about this planet… We’re peaceful. We only want to defend ourselves.

The orb showed no signs of recognition nor response.  oO Rude… Oo  She lowered her hands to rest on her hips and looked at the two others with questioning eyes, unsure what to do next.

Ukinix(H): It’s either S’Raga or the Betazoids it’s interested in.  My money’s on the Betazoids.

Grurg: ::Standing like a statue with phaser pointed at probe:: That may be true, but we do not know its intent with them.

"SPER" 7: Eradication Protocols are in Effect. Detection and Eradication of Mutated Bacterium Authorized.

The voice was startling - emanating from the outer shell of the orb as it vibrated. It was a cold and inhuman voice, generated by some rudimentary translation matrix. Ukinix raised his phaser once again.

Ukinix(H): Holyyyy  - that scared the absolute *crap* out of me.

Robin glanced at hers in the dirt, wondering if dropping it had been a mistake.  oO But at this point, if I grab it again, while it perceive me as a threat? Oo

Grurg: Shall I fire, sir?

Ukinix(H): ::Holding up palm:: Not yet.  ::To Hopper:: Did it say “mutated”? As in the bacteria?

Hopper: Huh?  ::Looking away from her phaser, to Ukinix, then to the probe::  Wait – yes. “Detection and eradication of the mutated bacteria,” I think…  ::Eyebrows raised, speaking to the orb::  Are you trying to, uhh, cure our friends of the bacteria that lives here?

"SPER" 7: Communicable Responses Limited. Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required.

oO Very helpful… Oo

Ukinix(H): Well at least the UT’s working.  Maybe.

Hopper: It could be learning our language as we speak to it and responding in kind. Maybe there’s just a misunderstanding here. Maybe it’s trying to help?

Grurg: Sir, it said “eradication”, we should not take the chance.

Ukinix(H): No, it’s not escalated yet, do not fire. ::To Probe:: I can’t allow you access to scan anyone else until we can have guarantees of our safety, and access to communicate with our ship that’s in orbit.

Ukinix raised his phaser when the blue beam swung around to point at his chest.  He pointed it directly at the probe.

"SPER" 7: Communicable Responses Limited. Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required.

Ukinix(H): “Scanned”.  It’s talking like it already scanned them.  The last probe didn’t scan anyone else, it’s just zapped S’Raga.

Hopper: And it shouldn’t be able to get a clear read on them inside the pod…

Grurg: Unless it’s talking about members of other teams.

Robin felt a lump in her throat. The thought had crossed her mind. If they’d had multiple run-ins with these devices, the other teams likely had as well. S’Raga had been lucky that Robin knew how to treat anaphylactic shock – and the Second House team had Ikaia… But the Twentieth House team, focused on initial construction plans, hadn’t even been assigned a Science Officer.

Ukinix(H): Which individuals do you refer to?

"SPER" 7: Genetic Profile Of Scanned Species Located in Sector 104 Mark 225. River Delta Contact. Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required.

Robin caught a glance from Ukinix.  oO River Delta? That means Ikaia’s team, then… Oo  There were at least three Betazoids there…

Ukinix(H): We will not comply until we can establish communications with our vessel.  We’re happy to communicate, and we’d like to understand more about the virus mutations, but my colleague and I will drop you on the ground like your stinky mate over there if we perceive any kind of threat.

Hopper: Commander, I’m not sure threatening it is the right course of action.

Ukinix(H): Explain your interest in the individuals you refer to, and we’ll go from there, how’s that sound.

She nodded. Hopeful that they’d get some sort of new response. The orb was hardly forthcoming with information – but they had managed to get more out of it. Maybe they were nearly at a point of dialogue…

"SPER" 7: ::In a less computerized voice:: The High Counsel Demands It. For the Greater Good. ::Normal computerized voice:: Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required.

Hopper: “For the greater good?” I don’t like the sound of that…

Ukinix(H): Who the crap is the “high council”?

S'Raga: =/\= S'Raga to Hopper. =/\=

As her combadge chirped, the probe’s blue beam shifted, lightning-fast, to her – aimed tightly at her badge. Robin shivered at the device’s precise movements and the thought that, at any moment, that beam could turn from blue to green. She heard Grurg growl in frustration, but paid the security officer no mind.

She slowly raised a hand to her badge and tapped it.

Hopper: =/\= Hopper here. =/\=

S'Raga: =/\= Sorry to interrupt, Lieutenant, but I have important information. =/\=

Hopper: =/\= It’s all important information right now, Ensign. Let’s hear it. =/\=

S'Raga: =/\= Data from the communication module of the downed drone suggests they're specifically looking for Betazoids. =/\=

Hopper: =/\= We were beginning to get that impression, ourselves… =/\=

Ukinix(H): =/\= Well it proves the theory, I guess.  Now we have to work out why. =/\=

The voice of Vananth-Polgonz was suddenly audible from the accommodation pod’s internal comms system.

Lohani: =/\= What does it want with us? Do they know we intend to colonize the planet? =/\=

Lekasa: =/\= Response? =/\=

"SPER" 7: Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required.

Robin turned her attention back to the orb. It’s repetitive responses were beginning to grate on her already-frazzled nerves. Nearly thirty hours with no sleep, the increasingly-pounding headache that had been forming all night, and the stress of trying to stabilize S’Raga had left her uncharacteristically short on patience.

S'Raga: =/\= It's impossible to say, the only data I could retrieve was a Betazoid genome sequence, and what looks like rudimentary commands. I can't interpret them, but it seems the drones can only process basic information. =/\=

Hopper: You said it… =/\= Understood. Thank you, S’Raga. =/\=

Ukinix(H): ::To Drone:: You want the Betazoids?  Let us talk to our ship.  That’s how this is going to work.  Otherwise you become part of the scenery here.

The drone didn’t respond, it just floated in the same spot, still pointing its blue beam at Hopper. She didn’t dare pick up her phaser then, but she was beginning to think that dialogue and diplomacy stood no chance in this encounter…

S'Raga: =/\= That's not all, Lieutenant. I was able to determine that all commands were originating from a single source, which I'd presume is the alien ship in orbit. But As of a few minutes ago, the module received a command from a different source. It's possible another ship has entered orbit. =/\=

Ukinix(H): =/\= We have to assume they can only control these things from orbit because of that energy shield they’ve erected around the planet. =/\=

Hopper: ::To Ukinix::  Still, a second ship complicates things. The Kitty Hawk may not be able to handle two vessels. We have no idea what their capabilities are… =/\= Keep up the good work in their, Ensign. =/\=

Grurg: Commander, the drone is not responding.  I recommend we open fire.

Ukinix: Not just yet.

Lekasa: =/\= Response? =/\=

"SPER" 7: Failure to Comply Will Not be Tolerated. Access to Individuals of Scanned Genetic Profile Required. Discretionary Force Authorized.

Ukinix(H): ::To Robin:: Lieutenant Hopper, aim your phaser rifle at this thing.

Robin gulped, looked down at her phaser rifle on the ground, and slowly crouched to pick it up. The orb followed her with it’s ‘blue gaze’ as she did so. She tried not make any sudden movements that might set it off. As she returned the weapon to her hands, she slowly raised it.

oO Please don’t make us… Oo  she thought to herself. 

Ukinix(H): ::To Drone:: That’s now three of us armed ready to take you down.

Hopper: But we do not want to have to use force. We’ll only do so in self-defense.  ::To Ukinix::  Right, Sir?

S'Raga/Lekasa: =/\= Responses? =/\=

The orb seemed to have had enough of discussion as well. The blue beam faded, Robin readied herself to fire – expecting it to begin emanating a green light at any moment. Instead, it raised into the air above the trio of officers. Two panels on either side of the device opened, revealing two weapons on either side.  The blue beam turned to red ones – something they had not yet seen – and then settled on the hut behind them.

"SPER" 7: Compliance is Required by the High Counsel. You have 30 seconds to comply.

 oO That’s it then. An ultimatum means there’s no talking our way out of this. Oo  She tightened her grip on the phaser rifle.

Ukinix(H): =/\= Ukinix to S’Raga, get Lohani and Tani to get you out of there. =/\=

Grurg: Commander?

Ukinix(H): No, do *not* fire.  It might open fire on them early before they get a chance to get out.

Hopper: ::Nervously::  =/\= S’Raga, there’s an an emergency exit port on the rear of the pod. It’s manual release, but at least it’s further away from this… thing. =/\=

 S'Raga/Lekasa: =/\= Response =/\=

Lohani: =/\= Found it. We’re working on it. =/\=

"SPER" 7: 10 Seconds to comply.

Robin could feel the sweat on her palms.  oO This is the worst destination resort ever. Oo


Ukinix(H): =/\=  ::speaking fast:: 10-seconds-team-get-out-of-there! =/\=

Grug: ::Instructing Robin and Wil:: Aim for the openings.

Hopper: ::Speaking to the orb::  Please, please reconsider this course of action…

S'Raga/Lekasa: =/\= Response =/\=

Lohani: =/\= Tani, go first. =/\=

"SPER" 7: 4...3...

Ukinix(H): =/\= Report! =/\=

Robin just looked silently over at Grurg, who hadn’t broken eye contact with the drone. Looking back down the sight of her own phaser rifle, she raised it and took aim at the openings along the drone’s side and took a deep breath.

S'Raga/Lekasa: =/\= Response =/\=

"SPER" 7: 2...1...

S'Raga/Lekasa: =/\= Response =/\=

Lohani: =/\= That’s it. We’re out. =/\=

Ukinix(H): ::Lifting phaser:: Ready!

Grurg: Ready.

Hopper: Careful!

As soon as the number ‘one’ had been uttered, a bright red-orange beam fired over top of them, and the sound of a small explosion. Robin felt a wave of heat and pressure against her back, throwing her off-balance. She stumbled for a moment, before dropping to one knee and taking aim once more, firing at the target’s weak point.

The beams continued firing from the device and a momentary glance over her shoulder told Robin that it was trying to cut a hole in the accommodation pod. The beam swiped downwards quickly, and she was forced to drop and roll out of the line of fire. She could feel the squish of yesterday’s abandoned marshmallows as she rolled.  oO Dammit! Oo

As she came to stop, she fired once more – finally, all three officers were firing on it simultaneously again and it seemed to lose control of its movement, spinning widldly. The beams sputtered and faltered, firing randomly. Robin simply covered her head and hoped not to be struck by an errant shot. As the drone finally fell, Grurg moved in to finish it off.

Hopper: ::Lying down in the dirt for a momentary ‘breather’::  I hate these things… 

She looked up and spotted Grurg motioning that it was all clear.

Ukinix: Are you sure it’s no threat?

Crawling across the campsite, Robin came up beside Grurg, pulling herself up into a seated position, her legs out to the side.

Hopper: Lieutenant, may I borrow your tricorder?

The Klingon Security Officer assented, passing the tricorder to the Science Officer who began a quick scan of the device. It appeared to be completely inert, save for trace radiation.

Hopper: Yes… Yes, I think it’s dead, Sir.

Ukinix lowered his phaser, as Grurg fired several more shots into the probe to ensure it was disabled.

Hopper: Okay, it’s really dead.

Ukinix: Well that’s two down.  ::Turning to others::  Are you okay?

Hopper stood, dusting herself off, dismayed at the sticky patch which now covered her left side, and then looked up to assess the damage on the accommodation pod and its former inhabitants. It seemed that all three had managed to make it out through the ‘back door’ safely.

S’Raga: Response

Lohani: I’m fine, Commander.  ::Looking at the state of the accommodation pod::  All things considered.

Lekasa: Response

Carter: =/\= Response =/\=

There was a general surprise amongst the group as Commander Carter’s voice suddenly rang out from the Starfleet Officers’ combadges. The sound was far from crystal clear, but to Robin it was the most beautiful sound she could imagine. The other teams were alive and, somehow, had managed to overcome the communications ‘black out’.

Ukinix: =/\= It’s good to hear your voice, Commander.  What’s your status. =/\=

Carter: =/\= Response =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= A shuttle?  Well why don’t you head on over to our location with the Twentieth House team and pick us up, then we might pay the second house team a visit.  I think you may have just tipped our means of defense in our favour. =/\=

Robin, trying to remain as pragmatic as possible, walked over to S’Raga and the two Betazoids, giving them a quick once-over with Grurg’s tricorder to ensure they hadn’t sustained any serious harm. The fact that S’Raga was moving about was already a good sign. His reaction didn’t seem to be continuing, but fading.

Carter: =/\= Response =/\=

Ukinix: =/\= Understood, Ukinix out. =/\= ::Turning to others:: Alright, let’s dismantle a few of these huts and take them with us, we’ll need them so the sick and injured can be treated.

Hopper: Yessir… ::To the others::  Any volunteers to help with the dismantling effort?

S’Raga/Lekasa: Responses

Lohani: ::Begrudgingly::  I suppose I could lend a hand.

Hopper: ::To Ukinix:: Once we have the pods down, what next, Sir?

Ukinix: The shuttle is going on a probe hunt.

END ACT 2 for Hopper


Lt. Robin Hopper (she/they)
Chief Science Officer, Amity Outpost
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