((Hopper’s Apartment, Beijing District, Habit Ring))
She stepped aside and gestured into the apartment, in the intervening time since Nathan had arrived it had already grown darker within.
Hopper: Computer – Lights. ::Back to Nathan:: I uh, basically ran all the way here and then collapsed.
She felt her cheeks redden slightly as they moved further into her place, suddenly feeling a little flustered, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. She gestured to the kitchen.
Hopper: It’s been a weird day. I’m just going to change out of uniform. Feel free to grab whatever you want – ::self-chastising tone:: from the replicator. ::Squeezing her eyes shut:: Yeah, you see my head’s all weird and I’m tongue-tied and… ::Looking at Nathan with an appreciative gaze:: I’m just glad you’re here.
Nathan returned her gaze, offering a reassuring smile – exactly what she needed to put her frayed nerves at ease.
Richards: Well, you call for company, how can I not say yes.
She smiled back, then lifted a finger and spun it silently in the air, indicating that he should turn around. She stepped through the bedroom door and slid it shut all but an inch or so, so they could keep talking, while Nathan settled in outside.
Hopper: ::Speaking up, so Nathan could hear:: Feel free to start a fire in the pit, if you like. I’ll throw some music on in a sec… what about you? How’s this shore leave been treating you?
There was a bit of a pause as Nathan retrieved a drink from the replicator and made his way to the conversation pit. Meanwhile, Robin turned to her armoire and opened it, trying to find something comfortable to wear that didn’t make her look like she’d slipped into a potato sack.
Richards: It’s been…Interesting. Yeah. Interesting is the best way to describe it.
Something in his tone struck her as bemused, withholding – like something strange had happened to him too. Something he wasn’t sure he should share? Something embarrassing – or maybe something better kept private. Of course, she immediately wanted to get to the bottom of it.
Hopper: Interesting? ::Tossing her uniform scant into the matter recycler:: Define “interesting”.
She tossed her boots in the corner of the room and began sliding on the skirt and sweater she’d picked out.
Richards: We…don’t really need to get into that. ::Chuckling:: Besides, I’m here to hear about you.
Once she’d gotten dressed, she grabbed a book from her night stand and made her way back out into the kitchen, heading for the replicator. As she traveled through the kitchen barefoot, she gave him a dubious look and scoffed.
Hopper: ::Scoffing:: Chah – as if I’m going to let you get away with that. ::Smirk:: Fine, I’ll share first. I guess that’s fair. But this is going to be a mutual swapping of stories.
Reaching the replicator, she paused, trying to work out how to broach the unusual experience she’d just had with Keehani.
Hopper: Well, it’s like I said… Girl Trouble. ::To the Replicator:: Glass of rosé, chilled. ::Beat:: A large glass.
She shook her head as the drink materialized in a flash of light, then picked it up and turned towards Nathan in the conversation pit. With her book tucked under her arm and her wine in hand, she made her way over and set the paperback down on the table at the center of the room – A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Hopper: A friend – well… ::taking a sip, nodding, more certain:: …yeah, a friend, um, revealed that she might want to be more than just friends to me today. ::Biting the inside of her cheek:: I didn’t really even have time to process it though before she got, uh, swept up in some sort of noble bus–
She hadn’t meant to say “noble”. She saw his eyebrow raise. oO Crap. Oo Hoping Nathan wouldn’t think too much of it, she cut herself off by taking another large gulp of her wine and setting the glass down next to her book.
Hopper: In, um, work… stuff… Or, um, private stuff. I’m not totally clear.
Richards: Uh huh…::Playfully:: So this “friend” opened her soul to you, and you what? Shot her down? Confessed that you too have feelings for her? ::Tapping his chin:: Kicked her?
Nathan tilted his head, smirking. She stuck her tongue out at him.
Richards: What exactly went through your head?
Hopper: Uhhh… God – I don’t know. ::Shaking her head:: I mean, just to be clear, I think she’s – ::furrowing her brow:: I mean, I don’t want to sound weird about this. ::Looking at him confused:: We get along great, and she is very beautiful. At least I think so. I just… ::Frustrated:: Aaahhh!
She turned around in a little circle, trying to find the words, before turning back to him and crossing her arms.
Hopper: I was flustered. I didn’t really know what to say. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, I’m just… Not interested. Not like that.
Nathan nodded, patting the cushion next to him for her to sit down, which she did absent-mindedly, burying her head in her hands for a moment before finally ‘coming up’ and looking him in the eyes earnestly.
Hopper: I’m a little lost.
Richards: And you decided to call me for advice? ::Smirking:: The master of understanding women?
She rolled her eyes and gave him a whack on the arm.
Hopper: ::Scolding tone:: That’s not helpful, Nathan. I’m being serious – and, like it or not, this territory is more familiar to you than it is to me… Sort of. ::Shaking her head:: I don’t know.
Nathan laughed, setting down his tea.
Richards: I’m joking, Rambo, Geez. ::Putting an arm around her shoulders:: You want to talk about it, lets talk.
Her lips tightened into a firm line, almost acting on their own to keep her from spilling her secrets. But ultimately her mind won out. She knew that she could trust Nathan, even if he could be a real dork sometimes. Staring at the fire across the pit, she sighed and laid it all out.
Hopper: Alright – look, I’m sure it goes without saying that this is all just between you and me… The friend I’m talking about was Keehani. Ukinix. ::Mildly exasperated:: Obviously… ::Looking back at Nathan:: We’ve been growing closer, having some fun. I thought, you know, like friends. I think I might have given her the wrong impression.
Richards: Response
She wasn’t sure if things were any clearer between them now. It didn’t help that Keehani was an empath… The way she’d been speaking at the bar, it almost seemed like Keehani had read Robin’s mind before she was even aware of her interest. And then they’d been cut off.
Hopper: I didn’t really get a chance to clear things up. She had to leave. Something urgent with the noble houses of Betazed. ::Reaching for her wine:: I dunno, they always seem to be in crisis, don’t they?
She took another gulp of wine and set the glass back down.
Richards: Response
Hopper: I dunno, I guess I just needed to talk to somebody who would, you know, understand how weird and complicated this can all get. It feels completely unresolved, and we’re definitely going to need to talk about it properly… ::Resting her head on his shoulder:: I think I’m bad at this.
Richards: Response
Hopper: Dating... Relationships... ::Sarcastic chuckle:: Managing my own personal affairs? I dunno, sometimes it feels like no matter how neat and tidy I try to keep things, it all just gets so messy and complicated. Is it just me?
Richards: Response
Hopper: What do you mean?
Richards: Response
((OOC – Throwing more tags your way than usual, just ‘cause we’re nearing the end of shore leave and I wanna get this scene wrapped up in a reasonable timeframe – but there’s plenty to talk about!))