[Updated Invitation] World Water Day Planning @ Sun Mar 8 10am – 11am (Chinnappanahalli Lake Conservation Forum)

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Kapil Chhabra

Mar 7, 2009, 3:53:02 AM3/7/09
to Kapil Chhabra, Chinnappanahalli Lake Conservation Forum
Google Calendar

Details for the following event have changed:

World Water Day Planning

Sun Mar 8 10am – 11am
(Timezone: India Standard Time)
Purva Rivier Club House (map)
Calendar: Chinnappanahalli Lake Conservation Forum

Owner/Creator: chhabr...@gmail.com
Other attendees: bikramj...@gmail.com , dipankar_...@infosys.com , goodwi...@gmail.com , nitin...@yahoo.com , nitu...@yahoo.com , swagat...@gmail.com , vvb...@hotmail.com , vvva...@gmail.com
Mail creator & attendees

Updated due to unavailability of some folks in the morning.

Lets meet and plan for the events that can be organized on 22nd March, World Water Day.
More event details»

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