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Water and a City: A documentary film about Bangalore's relationship with water

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S. Gopal

Feb 10, 2010, 5:52:06 AM2/10/10

Water and a City

A documentary film about Bangalore's relationship with water

Venue: Centre for Film and Drama
5th floor Sona Towers, 71 Millers Road
Bangalore 500052
Phone: 22356263

Date: Feb 13th 2010

Time: 6.30 pm

The screening is open to all and will be followed by a discussion with the filmmaker and water professionals from the city.


How much water does a person need? Who ensures that this need is met? Is there enough water for everybody?

With growing urbanisation across India, many towns and cities are crying for more water. How much of the perceived shortage of water is due to a lack of resources, and how much due to lack of awareness and poor management?
Located in Bangalore, India's IT capital, the film traces the journey of water into and out of urban homes. Along this journey, it looks at access to water for the poor, the politics of water pricing, urban India's continuous exploitation of natural resources, and explores possible alternatives for a sustainable water future.

Directed by: Swati Dandekar
Duration: 52 minutes
Language: Kannada and English (English subtitles)

Please come and spread the word among those who may be interested.
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