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Fw: Thanks for answering the forests future panel questions

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Carrie Thomas

Sep 13, 2011, 3:01:57 PM9/13/11
Being immersed in saving our lovely countryside has meant I'm becoming more
aware of the need to protect trees and woodland at a higher
level......government/legislation/designation etc.
I've just filled in an online form 'what do forests and woods mean to you'?

If YOU are also interested, see the email below

Best Wishes,
- Carrie Thomas -
Touchwood, 4 Clyne Valley Cottages, Killay, Swansea, SA2 7DU South Wales,
UK. Tel 01792 522443 : spiritual & self-development sessions or
Healing including Bowen Technique, Theta DNA, and Byron Katie's 'Loving What
Is' ('The Work'):
And for gardening, seeds and plants:
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Thanks for answering the forests future panel questions

> Hi Carrie,
> Thanks so much for answering the forests panel's questions. We'll deliver
> your answers very soon!
> If we're going to make sure we can deliver a huge, people-powered message
> to the panel that we want them to look after our forests, we need to make
> sure they hear from thousands of people. Can you help by asking your
> friends to get involved now?
> You can forward the email below to your friends.
> Thanks again,
> David, Hannah, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team
> --
> Hello,
> I've just answered some quick questions about what I think is important
> for the future of our forests. After the government was forced to do a
> u-turn on selling off Britain's woodlands, they set up a forests panel to
> help decide what to do next.
> We need thousands of people to answer the quick questions to make sure
> they hear a huge, people-powered message that we want them to look after
> our forests. Please click here to take a few minutes to answer the
> questions - the first one is “what do forests and woods mean to you?”:
> Thanks,

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