Less than a week to go..... ....oh and otters!

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Carrie Thomas

Sep 24, 2011, 4:33:17 AM9/24/11
to save-cly...@googlegroups.com
Although all objections/comments need to be into the LDP planning process by friday, that's still plenty of time, especially if people use the online proceedure. Wrack your brains now.....is there anyone else you havent told about the LDP? Can you send out a few more emails, and can those friends tell their friends?
PETITION I understand that the MY0008 petition is finishing about now, so too has our focus with a paper petition. However, people can still sign online at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save_clyne_valley/ until about 9am friday 30th when I will sort it and lift the info for presentation to the Planning Dept.  I am toying with the idea of leaving the online petition active. Its an easy option. That way people can continue to make their views known, and if we need the support of any public opinoin later it may help. Additionally it has been through the online petition (that has an option for people to write comments) that we've learned about some major things to use in comments, eg polecats, otters, slimemoulds, and has proven a means of contacting experts in their areas.  What do you think? should the petition be kept live?
Otters. There's a talk on tues 18th Oct at the Vivian hall Blackpill entitled 'Otters on your doorstep'. It has been arranged as part of the offerings from Clyne Valley Community Project, although I understand that you do not have to be a member to attend. (what do you mean, you're not a member!)  More details of the full program are on http://www.clynevalleycommunityproject.co.uk/ 
Best Wishes,
- Carrie Thomas -
Touchwood, 4 Clyne Valley Cottages, Killay, Swansea, SA2 7DU  South Wales, UK. Tel 01792 522443
 www.touchwoodspirit.com : spiritual & self-development sessions or workshops;
Healing including Bowen Technique, Theta DNA, and Byron Katie's 'Loving What Is' ('The Work'):
And for gardening, seeds and plants: www.touchwoodplants.co.uk

Liz Thomas

Sep 24, 2011, 6:52:50 AM9/24/11
to save-cly...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Carrie,
Yes, good idea to keep the petition going.
The Killay meeting the other night was very informative. I hadn't realised the major importance of commenting on problems ref. the 'technical' viability of a site, as well as habitat destruction eg. problems of increased traffic, flooding etc. I'll emphasise these aspects when I send in our online comments on several sites in next few days. And I notice some people have returned more than one comment. So there's still time for people to return another comment pointing out the 'technical' problems of a particular site, if they haven't already mentioned it before ? 
Also, ref. the experts' opinions - if they haven't got time to make a full report, maybe they'd agree to mention briefly, just one paragraph, the presence of a particular protected species in the valley ? That's what we intend asking Neath, Port Talbot Badger Group to do for us. Fingers crossed !
Cheers from Nesta and John

From: Carrie Thomas <Carrie...@ntlworld.com>
To: save-cly...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2011 9:33:17
Subject: Less than a week to go..... ....oh and otters!

Carrie Thomas

Sep 24, 2011, 2:55:56 PM9/24/11
to save-cly...@googlegroups.com
yes, you can add extra comments to what you have already put online, When I asked Planning they said the preferred way is send an EMAIL comment form with a memo at the top saying these are IN ADDITION to what you earlier logged online.
Is it a RESIDENTS ASSN that you are with Nesta, in Derwen Fawr? I'm just thinking, our Killay action Group havent yet discussed about commenting online AS A GROUP about sites.  Has yours?  If so, please will your Group comment on KS0001 as well as SK0026?
And what about our Group guys?  In fact, we could even have a double bite at the cherry, with killay north action group and killay south action group BOTH giving online comments on both areas as well as other ones such as SK0026, and the mayals ones bordering Clyne Valley, and supporting the useful ones around the area. David, Mike, Huw, Richard etc etc what are your thoughts re South, and Val, Pat, etc etc in North....what about it?
Best Wishes,
- Carrie Thomas -
Touchwood, 4 Clyne Valley Cottages, Killay, Swansea, SA2 7DU  South Wales, UK. Tel 01792 522443
 www.touchwoodspirit.com : spiritual & self-development sessions or workshops;
Healing including Bowen Technique, Theta DNA, and Byron Katie's 'Loving What Is' ('The Work'):
And for gardening, seeds and plants: www.touchwoodplants.co.uk

Liz Thomas

Sep 24, 2011, 3:52:54 PM9/24/11
to save-cly...@googlegroups.com
Must be telepathy - just received a request from Dave Whitehead to email our comments to him on SK0026 and KS001, so he can draft a full comment from CVCP Group, in next couple days.
Also, down here there's the Sketty Residents Association (Jane Sherrard-Smith) and Blackpill/DerwenFawr/Mayals Res.Assoc. (Keith Crawford) I'll check tomorrow if they're making a comment as a 'group'.
I've put up two Save Clyne Valley posters near the Amenity Site entrance, and copied just a few more small leaflets to stick through strategic letterboxes in Gwerneinon/Saunders Way/Warwick Rd/Derwen Fawr rd. tomorrow. I added note about closing date in big letters.
Also, the young girl in the Library who switched on the photocopier, was very interested in the Save Clyne Valley leaflet, so I gave her a couple to pass on. She said she'll pin one on the Library staffroom noticeboard. I emphasised the closing date for comments is 30 Sept. There's lots more interest out there, if only we could tap into it.
Cheers, Nesta and John

Sent: Saturday, 24 September, 2011 19:55:56
Subject: Re: Less than a week to go..... ..WHAT ABOUT ACTION GROUP OBJECTIONS ONLINE???????????????

Carrie Thomas

Sep 29, 2011, 7:23:00 AM9/29/11
to save-cly...@googlegroups.com
on 24th I wrote:
And what about our Group guys?  In fact, we could even have a double bite at the cherry, with killay north action group and killay south action group BOTH giving online comments on both areas as well as other ones such as SK0026, and the mayals ones bordering Clyne Valley, and supporting the useful ones around the area. David, Mike, Huw, Richard etc etc what are your thoughts re South, and Val, Pat, etc etc in North....what about it?
I've just spoken with David about this, and I volunteered to do the commenting online for the Save Clyne Valley Action Group for SKoo26 and the 'good' sites in Clyne Valley. I won't have time to write much more than a few succinct comments plus referring them to ALL relevant comments on the website plus the full document prestented to the Planning dept tomorrow. Dave has agreed to do the online comments from our Group for KS 0001....that way he can ensure that it will be AFTER the file has been presented, and he will use the agreed commnets from the file to copy and paste onto the ldp site.
So what's left.
1)Who will volunteer from Killay south to do the Group comments for all the KN sites both good and bad?  
2) In particular the student village needs a thoughtful support and comment.....welcoming the extra houses that Killay will need but delineating it to only the area currently built on, access, traffic etc.
Anyone doing 1) and 2) will need the Group logging-in details that I am soon to set up. ie email and password. If you are willing to do any of this, let us know via this group BY friday 9.15am and I will privately email you the details.
3) who will do these things for Killay north Group? ie all killay north and south online commenting.  You will be setting up your own group log-in online so may need a different email to your own if you've already used that for your own log-in.
Best Wishes,
- Carrie Thomas -
Touchwood, 4 Clyne Valley Cottages, Killay, Swansea, SA2 7DU  South Wales, UK. Tel 01792 522443
 www.touchwoodspirit.com : spiritual & self-development sessions or workshops;
Healing including Bowen Technique, Theta DNA, and Byron Katie's 'Loving What Is' ('The Work'):
And for gardening, seeds and plants: www.touchwoodplants.co.uk
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: Less than a week to go..... ..WHAT ABOUT ACTION GROUP OBJECTIONS ONLINE???????????????

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