Hello Carrie,
Just a couple of maybe useful ideas listed below.
1. Another facet of Clyne Valley - as a 'unique educational resource in the heart of the City of Swansea', within easy reach of several school catchment areas.
2. Last year I corresponded with staff at University of Glamorgan about doing a community wildlife/habitat audit. And I was sent a copy of their excellent handbook on how to do a community audit. I'm no expert, but it looks to me that the valley consists of examples of most of the different types of habitat - woodland, grassland, fresh water, wetland, plus habitats provided by derelict industrial remains (eg. for bats), and rocky terrain of the quarry areas.
3. Clyne Valley has such an unusually wide variety of habitats and associated wildlife, all interlinked as a unique ecosystem. There's nowhere else like it in Swansea. To destroy any part of the Valley ecosystem would have a disastrous and unacceptable knock-on effect on the whole of the rest of Clyne Valley.
4. I've updated the CVCP Clyne Valley Wildlife Diary webpage, with a couple of new sections on Wildlife and Habitats, to emphasise this unique educational value of the Valley, which must be protected.
5. Would it be useful to put the Clyne Valley Wildlife Diary website link on the Save Clyne Campaign website? If so the address is
www.greenlog.btck.co.uk. Please feel free to add it to the website. Plus all contributions to the Wildlife Diary gratefully received !
Cheers from Nesta and John