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NewsBharati Newsletter

Sep 21, 2014, 11:14:32 PM9/21/14


News of the Day
Border concerns dominate talks: India, China give fillip to trade, investment

India's concerns over Chinese troops' incursions remained at the forefront of talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday even as the two nations charted a new chapter in economic ties with Beijing announcing $20 billion investment over the next five years. Addressing a joint media briefing after 90 minutes of restricted talks followed by delegation-level talks, Modi was candid in expressing India's concerns over the latest incident of hundreds of Peoples' Liberation Army troops entering Chumar in Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh.

While reinforcing his stand that the border row should be resolved soon Prime Minister Narendra Modi Expressed his "serious concern over repeated incidents along the border", he said: "We agreed that peace and tranquillity in the border region constitutes an essential foundation for mutual trust and confidence and for realizing the full potential of our relationship.

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Highlight of the Week
Controversial chapter on AAP leader Medha Patkar removed from NBT book

National Book Trust (NBT) has decided to drop an objectionable chapter on Narmada Bacha Andolan(NBA) founder and Aam Admi Party Leader, Medha Patkar, from a book titled "Children who made it big" after Ahmedabad based NGO, National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), raised a logical objection.

NCCL President V K Saxena who was pursuing this matter since 2002, in his letter to NBT Director says, “Patkar’s brief life sketch in “A Champion of the Downtrodden” is another misnomer. She claims herself to be the messiah of the project-affected persons. But the very fact that her “Andolan” is supported by ‘more than ten countries, the countries which have harnessed their hydel potential to the maximum capacity, exposes her links with countries, which do not want the progress of India.”

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NewsBharati Focus
Stop ‘Jai Hind’; Salute chanting ‘Ram, Ram’ and ‘Jai Mata Di’

‘Urdu Media Watch’ section of NewsBharati presents unbiased and factual selection of voices reflected in Urdu Media. The Article, tiltled- Stop ‘Jai Hind’; Salute chanting ‘Ram, Ram’ and ‘Jai Mata Di’, written by Salim Siddiqi in Sahaara Urdu is one such good example.

This article is about a recent case. A Commandant Officer orders the Army Muslim priest to salute by Ram, Ram’ and ‘Jai Mata Di’, which is a slogan tradition of that battalion. His wife says “Being a Muslim, t is impossible for him to utter ‘Ram, Ram’ or ‘Jai Mata di’. Notice served to him says that this action does not only send a message of religious hatred and extremism but also reflects upon your lack of knowledge; and that will not be tolerated. .

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NewsBharati Newsletter

Sep 28, 2014, 5:58:59 AM9/28/14


News of the Day
Historic Wednesday: 'Mangalyaan' enters Martian orbit; ISRO makes space history

ISRO became fourth space agency to complete Mars mission on 24 September 2014, when Mangalyaan, India’s Mars Orbiter travelling an incredible distance, of over 650 million or 65 crore kms to reach to Mars. “We have gone beyond boundaries, of human enterprise and imagination, said excited Prime Minister Narendra Modi who witnessed the development from spacecraft control centre of ISRO based at Bengaluru.

Prime Minister said that History has been created. We have dared, to reach out, into the unknown. No nation's been successful in a maiden attempt, India is only country which has been successful in its very first Mission Mars attempt. Recognizing the might of ISRO, US space agency NASA specially congratulated ISRO.

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Highlight of the Week
India brimming with optimism and confidence: PM Modi writes in WSJ

Before winning hearts by his speeches in the United States, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s words have reached out to Americans. The Wall Street Journal has published a write-up of Narendra Modi titled- “Unleashing India's Energy and Drive”.

In his article, The Indian Prime Minister appeals the globe to participate in the ‘Make in India’ campaign saying, “A young nation with 800 million people under age 35, India is brimming with optimism and confidence. The young people's energy, enthusiasm and enterprise are India's greatest strength. Unleashing those attributes is my government's biggest mission.”

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NewsBharati Focus
Project Mausam: Loud message to expansionist China?

Indian government, public and galaxy of self-styled strategic experts were in deep slumber since last few decades when aggressive, expansionist Communist China was slowly and steadily inching forward to create strategic encirclement of India through successive commercial and infrastructural projects in India’s neighbouring countries.

Vinay Joshi, an ardent observer of national security related issues, observes that the new Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership has taken an excellent step to counter growing Chinese influence around Indian peninsula. India’s Ministry of Cultural Affairs has planned to re-explore ancient maritime routes developed and used for about 2000 years by then Indian sailors and trade vessels under a new project named “Project Mausam”.

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