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Jun 23, 2010, 6:31:46 PM6/23/10
to Saturday House
This is a very, very small BarCamp in Seattle for people who are
Jonesin' for a BarCamp already.


Day: Saturday July 10, 2010
Time: 10am ++
Location: 707 23rd Ave. E. Seattle 98112
Phone: 206 334 1570

My name is Elizabeth Grigg and this will be hosted in my home. Please
come anyway.

My pitch:
Busy people scheduling conferences on the side. It's a wonder anything
gets off the ground. I plan for work and I plan my personal schedule
and after that there is no planning energy left. This event is an
experiment in not planning so much. Lowering the bar, as it were. I'm
not getting a sponsor or six, not doing tons of promotion (automatic
crowd control!) and not selling tickets because that would be
ridiculous. Whoever shows up will control the discussion, as usual,
unconference style. If you know me, I really really want you to come.
If you don't know me, don't be shy. Introverts welcome.

What I'll provide:
* Hello My Name Is nametags
* A projector and screen for one of the rooms
* Butcher paper for the wall
* Some structure, such as WHEN (not if) the game of Werewolf will
start, and WHEN (not if) we'll do powerpoint karaoke. Good times...
* There was a rumor of Sockethead playing a set later on in the night

Expectations of Attendees (that's you)
* If you've been to an unconference before, you will be expected to
fill any detectable leadership voids.
* BYO food drinks etc
* Communicate about coffee runs or lunch runs
* Once the schedule is up, watch the clock and rotate rooms lest chaos
rule the earth

Hope that's not too much! See you there!

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