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Eclipse && C++ Help?

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Feb 27, 2010, 12:41:59 PM2/27/10
to Saturday House
Hey all.

1.) Would someone be willing to help me out with setting up Eclipse
CDT with a gnu C++ compiler?

2.) Additionally, I would like to enlist one or more C++ programmers
to, from time to time, review my source files for things like style
and knowledge of the C++ language. The easiest way, I think, would
probably be through a wave (, or even in
person but logistically this can be hard. My goal is to become a
proficient C++ programmer with the capability of implementing complex
algorithms in the fleet routing / scheduling space. Anybody up for
that challenge?

My background is in C#, JavaScript, Visual Basic 6, VB Script, T-SQL
(on SQL Server 2000 & 2008), XML, and XSLT. I've been a full-time
programmer for 3+ years, and I did do a bit of C++ in college, some
years ago.

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