Ignition Northwest, the local burning man arts group, is sponsoring
the first annual Seattle Mini Maker Faire. Ignition Northwest is the
arts group that produces Seacompression and Critical Massive every
year. The annual post and pre official Burning Man events for the
Seattle Area. (The last couple of years I've produced Seacompression).
Seattle Mini Maker Faire will be held during the Pacific Science
Center's Seattle Science Festival on June 3-10th 2012. At Seattle
Saturday, March 3rd at at 5pm, We are having the first
meeting/workshop for makers from 5-7pm at the INSCAPE building Rm.
140,( 815 Airport Way S, Seattle WA). Bring a notebook and some rough
ideas and sketches of your exhibit, booth, or project.
The website for Seattle Maker Faire
And of course "Like" maker faire on Facebook for more information.
I hope that you are building lots of cool stuff, and come to the
meeting on Saturday.
-Rob Eickmann