Testing of emerald - Periyavaa

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Jun 28, 2024, 2:52:09 AMJun 28
*The emerald testing method is stated in the Bhashya by* *Bhagavatpada:*

Noted lyricist Kannadasan visited Maha Periyava and as usual they discussed spiritual matters. Kannadasan was earlier an atheist and wrote articles criticizing religion.

Slowly he changed due to the effect of Maha Periyava who weaned him from rationalism. But his critical outlook still persisted.

He asked Maha Periyava, 'When milk is White then how come Parkadal or the ocean of milk is shown as Megavarnam? Has the colour of Mahavishnu dissolved in the ocean of milk?'

Acharyal gave a smile. He just said ‘You will get the reply by noon’.

Kannadasan was perplexed. He dare not say anything further. Vummidi Bangaru Chetty visited the mutt that afternoon. Both Kannadasan and Vummidiyar greeted each other in their traditional way. Afterwards *Vummidiyar placed a Large Green Emerald at the Acharyal’s feet and pleaded with him to accept. The sage did not discriminate between a gem and a rock.*
*He asked a staff member of the mutt to bring milk in a vessel. After it was brought he asked Vummidiyar to immerse the emerald in milk.*
*Now this was a shock to the Jeweller. This was the process used to check the genuineness of an emerald in his field.*

Did the Kanchi seer suspect his intentions or the gem? Silently he did what he was asked. Acharyal then called Kannadasan to see. Kannadasan  was shocked. The milk appeared pale green and a tinge of light emanated from the Emerald immersed in milk.

Kannadasan was speechless. How did this happen? The Acharyal explained the reason in a scientific way about the change of colour and drew a parallel with Parkadal. “When Parandaaman is lying in the parkadal, he too emits such radiance. Hence it is Megavarnam’.

Tears filled Kannadasan's eyes and he then composed the famous song ‘Tiruparkadalil pallikondar Sriman Narayana……….’

As for Vummidiyar, Acharyal Blessed him, and requested him to take the Emerald to the Varadaraja Perumal kovil and make a Magudam or crown for the Perumal.

He wept for his ignorance that he had felt humiliated earlier when Acharyal told him to immerse the emerald in milk. It was not to test the Genuineness of the Gem.

It was the greatness of this Gnana Guru to drive away ignorance and guide people.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara!

ಇದನ್ನು ಶಂಕರಾಚಾರ್ಯರು ಬೃಹದಾರಣ್ಯಕ ಭಾಷ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಹೇಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ:

The emerald testing method is stated in the Bhashya by Bhagavatpada:

Brihadaranyaka 4.3.7 Bhashya: 

 यथा वा मरकतादिर्मणिः क्षीरादिद्रव्ये प्रक्षिप्तः परीक्षणाय, आत्मच्छायामेव तत् क्षीरादिद्रव्यं करोति, तादृगेतत् आत्मज्योतिः बुद्धेरपि हृदयात् सूक्ष्मत्वात् हृद्यन्तःस्थमपि हृदयादिकं कार्यकरणसङ्घातं च एकीकृत्य आत्मज्योतिश्छायां करोति, पारम्पर्येण सूक्ष्मस्थूलतारतम्यात् , सर्वान्तरतमत्वात् ।
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