Custom payment processor with authorizations: unexpected behavior

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Matt Rowe

May 21, 2012, 3:02:25 PM5/21/12
to Satchmo users
Hi list,

I'm hoping you can help with this issue.

I'm working on a Braintree processor that works with authorizations.
I'm using the capture_on_ship_listener to run the
"capture_authorizations" function in payment/ I believe
my processor is working correctly: when the status is set to
"Shipped," then the order authorization is verified, and set to

This is all great. However, there is additional form handling that
comes along and overrides the OrderAuthorization _after_ the signal
has been triggered. It's setting the OrderAuthorizations according to
how they were displayed in the form on the admin page. So, if I don't
manually select the "complete" checkbox in the OrderAuthorization, it
gets reset to the existing state.

Is there any way around this? Any ideas?


Robert Marsanyi

Sep 19, 2014, 3:50:40 PM9/19/14
A bit belated, but I ran into the same issue.  Thanks for figuring out that it was some post-processing that effectively undid the capture logic; I was trying to figure out why it seemed to be doing the right thing when I stepped through the code, but the database changes weren't there later.

My solution was to add a custom admin action to mark orders as shipped; this doesn't trigger the same post-processing, so the capture_on_ship_listener runs, makes its changes and that's it.  Works fine.

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