Angelicray the Cherubim, Asael and the Clock of Eternity & 4 O'Clock 24

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Sep 15, 2020, 9:48:13 PM9/15/20
to Saruviel 666

Angelicray the Cherubim

Angelicray was the 10th of the female Cherubim of the Realm of Eternity. She had schizophrenia. Her particular order of schizophrenia involved the voices of the female cherubim of eternity in her mind with their concerns and problems. Not all of them. But a lot of the problems. And her job was to sort them out in her head. Make it make sense. She was the quintessential cherubim angel. Her name was angel – the foundation of it. And she was an archetype of the cherubim community. Not their head, which was Sharakondra for the females, as she was bitch number one, top dog, the hottest, coolest and wickedest. But Angelicray was the one they respected and loved, and the one which dealt with their issues. Sharakondra ruled them, but Angelicray took care of them. In her head anyway.

'You know,' said Asael. 'Sharakondra is still a bitch. But she has some good points about her. The other day she hit me on the head with a rose. Said she was bleeding love and the renegade cherubim could deal with it. Meludiel on some sort of vocation she has these days got to her.'

'Right. I know,' said Angelicray. 'That shit is in my head all the time at the moment. Standard Oblivion Tube project of our Seraphim sister.'

'You have one of those to do at the moment,' replied Asael. 'The CD sorting.'

Angelicray looked at the new stack of CDs from their archives on the table.

'We're only through 5% of them,' said Asael. 'Every certain number of epochs, in with the new bunch, to be analyzed, sorted out, reviewed and understood. The complete works of music, remember. The thing we set ourselves as a hobby and pastime.'

'Eminem and the Monsters of Mars,' said Angelicray, looking at the CD on top of the pile. 'That could be some interesting hip hop.'

'They are apparently demons inside his head which mock him,' replied Asael.

'I know the feeling,' replied Angelicray.

And so, following their custom, they went through the 50 or so CDs right away over a few weeks for introductory purposes to their minds, and then started discussing which small bunch to start with as their first focus. She chose a Beatles CD, as they had rationed them out over the full haul of things, as well as a CD from a planet Santron artist she liked. And, as the days passed, and she kept the cubicle tidy and functioning, she enjoyed her music, and did her colouring in and her jigsaw puzzles, and when Asael got home from work, enjoyed her meals with him, and the Escape to the Country TV shows they watched in the evening. It was not a complex life too much in recent times – but her mind – that was always hell. Everything was in it in many ways. But she coped, and she loved, and she occasionally visited the throneroom of Zaphon to chat with God, and remind him she was there and loved him, and there were sparks everytime she spoke to him in the throneroom which she knew, as a fact, was not that common with every angel of God.

The End

Asael and the Clock of Eternity

'Is that Krystabel's name engraved there?' Asael asked out loud.


Asael went silent. He was in the throneroom of Zaphon, behind the throne, sitting next to the clock of eternity. He was looking at the clock face, and noticed Krystabel's name engraved on the clock face.

'I know she comes here a lot,' said Asael. God remained silent. 'What, will this disappear when I've gone?' he asked.


'Right,' replied Asael. He looked at the engraving for a while, and sat back down. He looked at the wall. Boring. But he wasn't really bored. He sat there. Time passed. Ambriel walked in and sat down next to him.

'Cigarette?' Ambriel asked Asael.

'Not legal in here,' replied Asael.

'You need a pass. Wolfgang the Theophany issues them if you are a permanent regular visitor to the throneroom. God likes a relaxed soul if you really want to get to know him.'

'Oh,' replied Asael.

'You talk to God about Angelicray's schizophrenia here. It is in your destiny.'

'And how would you know that?' Asael asked Ambriel, turning and looking at him. Ambriel just tapped his nose. Shortly Brindabel appeared and sat down.

'You know,' began Brindabel. 'Insights into Cherubim Torah in Living Procedures in the Inner Discs of the Realm of Eternity' really should be read by you soon enough Asael. You appear to have a commitment to the happy chaps of permanency in Zaphora. You know.'

'Yeh, I feel it's going that way. Angelicray needs to be close to home, to the heart of eternity. She doesn't need to be where it's at. That's not the thing. She needs to be in the heart. To cope. To be able to bear her condition.'

'I wouldn't mind writing a book on her condition,' said Ambriel. 'And one on Daniel as well. Strange cases in mental conditions. Think that might be the title,' he said.

'Could be intriguing,' replied Asael.

Time passed. Asael opened his lunchbox which Angelicray had prepared for him, and took out a mandarin, peeled it, and passed some pieces to Brindabel and Ambriel.

'Fruit could be the thing we do,' said Brindabel. 'Share some fruit, and chat about Angelicray's experiences. That might be the best thing we three do.'

'Is this a group or something?' asked Asael.

'We do this also with Krystabel,' said Ambriel. 'God wants me to support her in this pastime. Brindabel does it also. It's officially a ministry we do. Support the Clock of Eternity people.'

'The clock of eternity people. Fascinating,' replied Asael.

'Indeed,' said Ambriel.

Silence. Time passed.

'I have work to get back to,' said Asael, and stood and looked at the engraving.

'You'll have to earn it,' said Ambriel, smiling at his cherubim brother.

'Obviously,' replied Asael. And then he left. And after he had been gone a bit, Krystabel's name faded, and a minor spark ignited, and Ambriel and Brindabel got back to their more regular duties.

The End

4 O'Clock 24

God's official sleeping hours were from 5 in the morning till 6 and from 6 in the evening Friday night till 6 in the evening Saturday night. In practice that was followed,but there was more about his routine. He would get up at 6 and sing 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning' from Oklahoma the Musical in the shower, and look outside the kitchen window of home, greeting the morning light. He did his main work and activities till lunch time, after a hearty breakfast. Then he had a long lunch which lasted 4 hours, with this and that personage, then siesta from about 5 when he got home till about 10 in the evening. Then it was up all night clubbing and internetting when he got home from the club. That was his usual routine. He was married to Rihanna off and on. Technically they were mates in the more 'Natural' sense of the word, and had children together, but, in God's words, she 'Fucked Off' from time to time to do her own thing. Invariably she returned. His routine was not his official routine – but take it for granted that is what he invariably practiced.

'No, bitch. You can not have one of my private email addresses,' typed God in the comments section of a live broadcast on youtube.

'Listen, honkey. I'm RiRi Prime Bitch material. I've owned her CDs a frikking long time dude. I'm entitled to liaisons with the main man,' replied the ebony queen.

'They are morons,' said 'Jamama Mama', in the comments section.

'God is holy. Do not judge him,' said 'Christian Pilgrim of the Mighty Cross 445.

'I'm not judging him. He IS a moron,' replied Jamama Mama.

'God is infinitely intelligent,' replied Christian Pilgrim.

'I am,' typed the theophany.

'Hardly,' typed Ebony Queen Delight 774.

'No email,' typed God. 'You are lucky to have me here anyway.'

'It's Jay Zs second cousin, twice removed,' typed Christian Pilgrim. 'His benefit concert for 'Save the Suffering Reptiles of the Santron Planets'. 'We have to show up. Have mercy father.'

'The reptiles will be just fine,' typed God.

'Because we are saving them,' typed Christian Pilgrim.

'In the name of Jesus I suppose,'typed God.

'Here we go. Holy rollers,' typed Ebony Queen.

'I like to pray,' typed Jamama Mama.

'I prefer to listen to spiritual music' typed 'Weird Hippy Type'.

'You would,' typed Ebony Queen.

'What's wrong with that,' replied 'Weird Hippy Type.'

'We know you Sebastian,' typed Ebony Queen. 'You fulfill Katy Perry's prophecy on all types of music, not just Mozart.

'I do not. Only Mozart,' typed Sebastian, who was the name behind Weird Hippy Type.'

'NO EMAIL,' typed God.

'How big is it then,' typed Christian Pilgrim. 'If you don't mind me asking.'

'Big enough,' replied Weird Hippy Type.

'Hardly fitting,' typed God.

'You should see the shit we type when you are not here,' typed Jamama Mama.

'I'm tired,' typed God. 'Tomorrow gang.'

And leaving his online buddies be, God sneaked into his room, was careful not to wake Rihanna, and dreamed his hour away, snoozing in happy slumber.

The End

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