Cloud Ten II

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Noahide Videos Bible

Jul 8, 2018, 1:48:35 AM7/8/18
to Saruviel 666

Cloud Ten II

Daniel wandered into ValDan offices in Danielphon.  Gemstone had the typewriter out again, and was examining it.

‘Shouldn’t that typewriter be downstairs a bit?  Is Valandriel hiring it or something?’

‘Yes boss,’ replied Gemstone, still looking at the typewriter.

‘What, are you trying to memorize all its details or something?’ asked Daniel.

‘Yes boss,’ replied Gemstone.

‘To what end?’ asked Daniel.

‘This is a product produced by MikeCorp.  Michael the Archangel’s company,’ said Gemstone.

Daniel came over and flipped over the typewriter.  ‘Yep.  You are write.  MikeCorp product.  Produced in the 23rd century.  What of it?’

MikeCorp has risen on the stock exchange in recent months.  They are selling this brand quite well.  I’m looking at it to determine his secrets.’

‘We buy quality product,’ said Daniel. ‘We don’t always need a Word Processor.  This typewriter works well as a typewriter, and is good for office use.  The keystroking flows smoothly, and it doesn’t type the line till the end of the line, when you hit return.  It’s a quality electric typewriter.  We buy MIkeCorp product if it is up to scratch.’

‘Should you support the competition?’ asked Gemstone.  ‘Shouldn’t we buy just from our own companies?’

‘Life doesn’t work as an island,’ said Daniel.  ‘We’re not trying to put down the competition.  We believe in traditional market policies in ValDan and DanVal.  The market most usually impartially purchases the best product at the best price, and our official policies with all our company is to follow standard market philosophy.  We don’t allow grudges, axes ground, or any favouritism.  We impartially buy the best product at the right price.  It doesn’t always mean we buy top of the line – it all depends on the budgeting we maintain.  But we don’t discriminate in the marketplace.  In covenantalism one of the key thoughts is that we allow those of the lesser covenant just as much free access to our market, as they have a perfect right to compete freely and fairly.  So not with Israel, or anyone, will we discriminate in general products.  Cultural items are treated separately.  The individual chooses what they favour culturally.  But technology, food and most industries of non-cultural material are treated merely for the best product at the best price mentality.  It’s our primary policy.  We’ve always stuck to it and always will.  We’re pretty sure we’ve prospered for so long because we are fair and impartial. We’re not going to change that philosophy.’

‘I see,’ said Gemstone.  ‘Ok.  Do you have that policy written out anywhere.  I’d like to read it and think it over.’

‘Sure,’ said Daniel.  ‘See Valandriel.  ‘He has a copy of certain documents which he will probably allow you to read now.  You have my permission, but you’ll need his also.’

‘Thanks boss,’ replied Gemstone.

Daniel looked at the typewriter, gave it a stroke, acknowledging its quality, and went off to the rest of his days activities.’

*   *   *   *   *

‘Cobra Kai,’ said Michael.  ‘I’m joining Cobra Kai.’

‘They’ll kick your Jewish Butt back to castle Zion,’ said Chandler.

‘His b grade Jewish butt also,’ said Gabriel.  ‘He has no idea.  Wanting to get Daniel San back for his humiliation in the 44th Arc.  The most dishonourable one taught him a lesson, and his grudge has finally surfaced.’

‘Nonsense and Poppycott.  We’re making advances in Eternya, and I have reclaimed my slot in the Realm.  I sit pretty in the foundation of Zaphon most days, were Nimorel comes in and gives me herbal tea, and I drink it, and I rule the world as the foundational overseer, doing all I should do, as God righteously commandeth me.  The Cobra Kai will simply sharpen up my dedication to administration.’

‘Admin?  That is the new spiel is it?’ queried Chandler.

‘Dedication to administration.  I have done three degrees recently sharpening up my skills in this area.  God needs perpetual administrators to run things and keep them organized.  He wants dedication.  ValDan’s primary work is based on a spirit of dedication.  They commit to their projects and stick with them.  I’ve worked that out, and that God blesses it, so the primary work of Overseer Number One was admin for the most part to start with, so I shall not be lukewarm and now commit to what Theo has probably mocked me for not committing to for so long.’

‘Then commit to doing the same study degree once every Mega,’ said Chandler.  ‘Give the throneroom that vow.’

Michael looked at Chandler, then picked up some Doritos and dipped one in some dip and ate it.  ‘I take my vows seriously, dude.  Life can change.’

Which is why God blesses ValDan, who commit to being constants in the flux of life.

‘Constants,’ repeated Michael.

‘Like the Rainbow,’ said Chandler. ‘They don’t really worry about the flux.  They commit and impose their eternal dedication to their company and principle regardless.’

‘I see,’ said Michael, munching on his doritos.

‘So master that,’ said Gabriel.  ‘And the dinosaur wrestling is due next Friday.  It’s all sorted.’

‘Indeed,’ said Michael, but his mind was on constants philosophy.

*   *   *   *   *

‘Mikey Dyke is solidifying,’ said Valandriel.  ‘He might have gone from 27 IQ points t 28.’

‘We’ve conjectured on that possibility,’ said Daniel.  ‘Theoretically it was always possible.’

‘Should we be concerned?’ queried Valandriel.

‘Consider the life of the dung beetle,’ started Daniel.  ‘It deals with a lot of shit.  At the heart of our Judayizing Elitist Bigoted Jewish Archangelic Overlord is the meaning of being a love bug.  So, like the dung beetle, he’s going to deal with a lot of shit.  Broken hearts will crave his tender ministries, and he’ll be lost in devotion to their needs and want and desires for the rest of the duration.  We need not fear Jehovah’s favourite servant.  He has no idea.  Same stock in Jeebie Beebus.  I love you, he says.  Two fools born a minute.’

‘They compete,’ said Valandriel.  ‘Regardless.’

‘Life is competition,’ said Daniel.  ‘The key to success is not to compete.’

Valandriel looked at him.  ‘The key to competition is not to compete?’

Let me explain.  ‘We set an agenda, we build a project and course of action, we run with it, we adapt to change but remain steady on our commits, and we provide a service of employment and goods and services which society appreciates.  We too are servants of society, contributing to it and taking from it to prosper ourselves.  We are employed in the sytemas CEOs because we show the competence and talent to maintain our work at consistent levels which people both appreciate and rely on.  We do our work according to the standards they expect.  Life goes on and we notice trends, but maintain core business.  Now, in doing this, we’re not trying to outsmart or do away with other businesses.  We don’t compete with them.  We are simply trying to establish ourselves and produce a range of product which people desire and are willing to pay for.  What other people and institutions do to make a living in this world is their own business.  We just want to be happy, prosper, and, as you know, we generally want that for others also.  We take part in business councils and do our work in society as Arch Regent and Prime Minister to ensure all citizens have access to wealth acquisition and life enhancement.  It’s not about us competing with the others.  It’s just about us working with our own talents and impartially making a life for ourselves and prospering ourselves.  We don’t try and force away those who wish to compete in similar industries.  Usually we wish them well enough.  Naturally, we concern ourselves with other companies of similar product in areas we are attempting to establish ourselves in, but the realm expands eternal, so there is room for everyone.’

‘So it’s about succeeding for us to give wealth to our lives and provide something of use to society which they find useful enough,’ said Valandriel.

‘In all my long years I’ve seen leaders and followers, and most followers in the end like their life doing what they are doing, and find being part of a team and finding the comfort in being in a solid team with decent values and opportunities is good enough. There is a queen in the beehive, and drones.  It is how life works.  We are queen bees, but it doesn’t mean we don’t do our work also.  We do, and in fact work hard at it.  We provide a hive with ValDan for drones who like our style and appreciate our humour,’ said Daniel.

‘I’ll be working through companies in Terraphora this year,’ said Valandriel.  ‘Continuing our updating policy at the moment and taking stock.’

‘On we go with Cloud Ten,’ said Daniel.

‘Indeed Kemosabe,’ replied Valandriel the Seraphim.

The End

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