Zionistya in Progress, Ruth 30 & Universe Revisited

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Sep 15, 2020, 9:50:23 PM9/15/20
to Saruviel 666

Zionistya in Progress

'Yes,' said Abraham. 'There. Against the stairwell.'

The mover knocked in a nail, and hung the picture of Mt Sinai in glory, thunder and lightning flashing all round, up on the wall against the stairwell.

'Fine,' said Sarah. 'I don't really mind it being there I suppose.'

'Keep calm. We have no specific place for it at the new address. It should do,' replied Abraham.

Sarah looked out the window at the city of Zionistya. 'It's the permanent place, I think. This one. Probably were we will settle. Televere was interesting, but angelic realm status is the place we need to be. Michael has afforded this for us, and Gabriel and Jesus have proved popular enough with angelic Noahidism that we are going to be ok here now. We can afford this much in life Abraham. We have risen to what we can achieve.'

'The Realm of Eternity would have been nice. Even Eternya, but this seems to be what God wants. Made for us. Our ability of rising from the ashes and finding our place in the world at the end of our planetary sojourns.'

'It will do,' replied Sarah. 'And Zionistya is growing and progressing. Much of our way of life in Hebrew communities is well mapped out now. The agendas are developing well and solidifying.'

'Indeed they are,' replied Abraham. Later that day Abraham was looking at the copy of the magazine they had been discussing recently. 'Zionistya in Progress. The Realm of Zionistya had found and established itself now, and while they had been humbled, their angelic membership, from their former posts of glory, they had sank but found solid enough matter in Zionistya, and were stabilizing. Michael was wont to comment at times that Zionistya had a strong feeling of being 'Home' which Abraham himself also had noticed. They had a sanctuary in the realms, and it was perfectly fine. They would keep it. They would work with it. All would be well.

'Now don't rebuke Ambriel for his excitement over dinosaur wrestling. The passion is quite established in them now. It's something Jewish people are good at and have a genuine interest in, and the celts and aryans don't object to this terribly much. It is something we can celebrate, so don't be too dismissive. You know well the troubles we always have on racial issues, and they accept us in this sport, so be sensitive.'

'Wouldn't dream of judging David for his fun,' replied Abraham.

Ambriel showed up that evening, and they dined, and chatted, and that night, while Abraham lied gazing at the heavens above, Sarah asleep next to him, he understood, despite the multivarious challenges which had seemed neverending, finally, finally, things were working out for good for Israel. Finally.

The End

Ruth 30

Chapter One

Ruth was in northern Paradision, up past the northern roads of town, in a playing field parkland area. She had risen early that morning, had breakfast, left Boaz's breakfast on the table with a note she would be out for a while, and left. She had walked through the town, stopping at one of the cafes to buy a latte and some slices, and continued on, up north, to the edge of town, then further along the road to a parkland area, gone aside, finished her latte, sat in the shed in the park, on a public bench, and stared at the parkland. She had been sitting there all morning, shifting her butt from time to time when it grew uncomfortable, staring at the grass for the most part. There was a public tap just in the shed, and she filled her empty latte cup with water, finished her slices, and stood and walked out into the grass, sipping on the water. There were large trees just to the north of her, and she was all alone, a bare car driving by, quiet, in a world of her own. She looked down at the ground and noticed the ants. She studied them for a while. There they were, going about their business of gathering food while the weather was good, and then they would be back to their nest, to see out another night most likely. She was not an expert in ants. What they did was still something of a mystery to her. She and Boaz didn't talk much these days. That was the current issue. She called it an issue. She didn't call it a problem. Boaz didn't think it was a problem. It was more like they had discussed life a long time, reached their conclusions, and that was the end of the matter. That is what they had come to, the simple life in Paradision, and that was that. Boaz worked, Ruth took care of the home, they had visitors from time to time for chats and meals, and that was life. Ruth guessed that that was the sum and total of the blessings from Hashem. That he had worked through them, and given them what they needed. She looked at the grass, and the fence of the parkland, and walked over to it. She leaned against it, and sipped the last bits of her water. She took it all in. Standard Televeran parkland. Nothing out of the ordinary. It would do.

Chapter Two

It was 3 weeks later. She was back. She had her sketchbook, and was sitting on the bench in the parkland. She was drawing the basic scene in front of her, not attempting it with all her skill. After she had completed the rough, she used the colour pencils and coloured it up a little. After a couple of hours she had completed her work. She signed it. Then she returned home, walking steadily. She showed it to Boaz that night. He commented that it was competent enough, but hardly a masterpiece. That was a satisfactory response. The following day she returned to the parkland, and did the next page. Slightly different angle. She tried a little bit harder this time. She showed it to Boaz that evening who said it was an improved effort. She nodded to herself. Yes, she thought. I see where he is coming from. She spoke to Boaz the following evening.

'I am going to Temple on the northern continent.'

He accepted that.

A few months later she was at the main Temple on Televere. She came into the temple. It was a quiet afternoon. She sat down in the back, and looked up at the stone decalogue on the wall.

'Ok,' she said to God. 'It's very predictable. Their responses. They are very predictable. Boring as fuck, Almighty God, because of it. Same old rational and logical way of looking at life, predictable hebrew schmucks. Boring perfectionists with not much alternative viewpoint in their makeup.

God remained silent. She returned home the following day.

Chapter Three

'Boaz. If I danced naked, covered in green paint, and shouted 'All hail to Satan,' that would be wrong wouldn't it?'

'Why on Earth would you want to do that Ruth? Have you been a little under the weather recently?' asked a concerned Boaz.

'Just checking,' replied Ruth. 'No, I have no plans on worshiping Beelzebub. Not this week anyway.'

'That's a relief,' replied Boaz, and returned his focus to the television set.

'Right,' thought Ruth, making her mental observation note. 'Predictable as hell.'

She left the note the following day and wandered up to the parkland with her notebook. She ate her slice, then heard whistling. Wolfgang the Theophany walked into sight and sat down next to her.

'By the way,' he said. 'People contemplate all sorts of ideas, and whacky ones can be fine for a thrill, but they usually find a stability in recognized norms after a while. Intellectual fascinations are fine, but people usually like the familiar and comfortable and safe.'

And he left.

'Right,' replied Ruth. She thought on that. She actually saw his point. People could think about these thoughts she was having at times also. But a world full of weird behaviour, while potentially fascinating to experience, could probably get a little frustrating and difficult to deal with she imagined. She saw the point, and worked on her view on the issue. A little bit of eccentricity at times, just to amuse a bit, and mostly leave it at that. She would return to the familiar patterns that were expected of her, and she would reassess her general list of common things to do, think through if they were satisfying enough, and make any amendments as she deemed fit.

Chapter Four

'Green pasta?' asked Boaz. 'We're usually traditional on this.'

'Just for a minor change for the next few years, then a return to standard,' replied Ruth. 'The next few years I'll be a little bit less predictable, to spice things up just a little, then a return to more routine behaviour.'

Boaz looked at her a little cautiously for a moment, thought it over, and replied. 'Fine. Not a problem. That's ok with me.'

Then they continued to watch TV, Ruth making her assessment on her recent thinkings, reaching her conclusions that life was ok enough in a regular enough routine, and decided to leave things be at that for the time being. Continue the thought some other time, and let sleeping dogs lie.

The End

Universe Revisited

Endings and Beginnings.  Beginnings and Endings.  And what is to come, in reality, is approximately more of the same.  Approximately?  Life varies, and in the children of destiny there is new enough adventure beckoning.  There is new enough life beckoning.  Old truths of human and angelic nature revisited, naturally, but new spirit and new life too.  Life has some creativity yet in Eve's fashioning and Adam's authority.  So on we go, and pass the chips.

* * * * *

Universe.  It is boring,' said Daniel the Seraphim.

'A multiversal reality with potential,' replied Valandriel.

'I like this place.  Like Logan's world,' said Melanie C.

'Logan's Run?' queried Valandriel.  Melanie nodded.

'The hillside was a bit of a climb,' said Daniel.

'We want the original restoration,' said Melanie.  'The original point of Universe's reborn foundation.   We had to climb the hill.'

'So many of these all over the planet,' said Daniel.  'Private little worlds, interconnected, but separate, and self-supporting.'

'How the mentality of Universe works,' said Melanie.  'They found too many problems in the warrings of the past.  Independent, manageable, polite to the other projects, and leave it at that.  These people have a mentality established.  A psychological mentality in how their civilizations now grow, and they can't connect the way we do any more.  They can interconnect, but not connect.  If you know what I mean.'

'What lays beyond Universe, though?' asked Daniel.  'They have nothing they are aiming at, or any mentality of a life meaning much.  Just the living experience in basic morality.'

'That's all we need,' said Melanie.

'Bland.  Simplistic,' said Daniel.  'Not much achievement.  They need Universe 2.  Were new concepts enter in.'

'Well you may be responsible for that Daniel the Seraphim,' replied Melanie.

'Why the hell did he assign us this work.  Assess, monitor, understand, choose interaction policy thereafter.  Pretty basic Wolfgang.  Genius.  Nothing better than our angelic duties than this lame universe.'

'Let's get on with it,' said Melanie.  'And try not to piss of Saruviel too much.  It's one of his babies after all.'

'Not too much,' replied Daniel, as they entered the skeleton staffed facility, on the upper levels anyway, working their way down to the lower levels were greater life resided.

*   *   *   *   *

The Whale Zombie hovered in the big aquarium, staring at Daniel.

'How the hell do you get a whale Zombie?' Daniel asked Ursula Santorini.

'Technically, we reanimated it.  It was dead, we pumped a lot of special chemicals into it.  It came back to life.  We like to call it a zombie.'

'Your a zombie,' said Valandriel to Daniel.

'Never been dead,' replied Daniel.

'He's talking about your personality,' said Melanie.

'Oh, that's rich.  Blame it on me, then.  Your lack of understanding my skilled, adroit and deft dialogue on difficult things, and call me a dead head, preoccupied with thoughts on complex life too much for the likes of a Chisholm genetic being.'

'A Chisholm genetic being,' replied Melanie slowly, enunciating the words one at a time.'

'That's cold Dan,' said Valandriel.

'A CHISHOLM GENETIC BEING,' repeated Melanie, this time with a little more force.

'Your in deep shit now buddy,' replied Valandriel.  'I think - I will wander over to that fella.'

Ursual accompanied Valandriel, and Daniel stood there, staring at the whale.

'I have DNA,' said Melanie, shifting her focus to the whale.

'Shit DNA admittedly, but yeah you have some.  Lacks tit growth possibilities.  Need severe estrogen injections to get those babies going, but you know, our little sister has no breast.  Yep, shitty Chisholm DNA.'

Melanie looked at the Whale.

'Daniel.  Have you looked up the word 'Reprehensible' in the dictionary yet.  You've given low blows before, that those words.  They are low.'

'Suck my dick,' replied Daniel.  He looked at the whale for a while, and opened his rucksack, pulling out a rubiks cube.  He handed it to Melanie.

'Every colour is different on every square,' replied Melanie.  'And there are symbols, all different, on every square.  I think I know them, though.'

'It's a code,' replied Daniel.  'You have to solve it in the first order of thinking, which only makes sense in the first order, which gives the understanding to go on to the second order.  There will be no clues.  Now, you are not a gutless wannabe anymore Melanie Chisholm.  You are old now.  You can hack some sarcasm, my dear.  Deal with it Sporty.  Your not a pussy.'

Melanie looked at the whale, and touched Daniel's arm for a second.  'No, I'm not Mr Daly.'

Daniel smiled at the whale, who finally swam away.  'Good luck on the cube Katrina Highkick.  You'll need it.'

Melanie began looking the cube over.  She'd examine its starting position to start with for a while.  She knew Daniel well.  He would say something like, 'You know, that could obviously be a deliberate starting point, so maybe that says something,' or some other sarcastic comment about paying attention.

Valandriel returned.

'She didn't bite your head off,' said Valandriel.

'No,' said Daniel, looking at Melanie.  'She's grown up a bit now.  Bit thicker a skin.  I'm al little impressed.'

Melanie looked at the cube.  'Don't think it wasn't noted though buddy.  And she walked off, looking over the cube.'

'Let's get on with the tour,' said Valandriel.  'And I think she likes the heat your putting out.  You might get lucky tonight.'

Daniel looked at Melanie.  She was actually in a good mood now.  She did like the heat.  He could tell.

*   *   *   *   *

Meludiel was dating Azrael.  Of all angels.  Her twin had moved on - permanently - and she'd left Zionistya to come up to the Realm.  She was not really in that Christian thing any more.  It was getting to the point on the debates were she saw that point that Jesus was human.  And it was an idolatrous spirit, when push came to shove, that motivated her heart to cling to her upbringing.  It wasn't truth.  It was supposed to be truth.  But it wasn't.  She moved on, moved up, took up the Seraphim Torah, retreated to her dorm in Zaphon, waltzed into the choir room and then into the music office, sat down with Gamrayel, and started looking at the old sheet musich which was made of eternya these days.

'How's Az?' asked Gamrayel.

'He's a fill in for now.  Can't be what I was any more.  He's doing the gentlemanly thing and keeping me company at times.  So I don't look pathetic.'

'Try Daniel you idiot,' said Gamrayel.  'He's not connected to anyone now.'

Meludiel looked at her friend.  She had a million objections.  No, probably a billion.  'Fine,' she replied.  'When he's finished shagging that spice girl I'll look him up.'

'He's not shagging her,' said Gamrayel.  'Against his policies to shag outside of marriage these days.  Will make his claim that his days of fornication are complete.'

'Oh,' said Melanie, looking at the papers.  'Really,' she said, softly.

Gamrayel stood, stretched, and looked at her.  'Yes, really.  I'm going to the cafeteria.  Back in 5.'

Melanie looked at the papers.  She looked towards the window on the north, noticed the cauldron to the left side of the window, in front of the main music hall, and thought briefly maybe a performance soon, but turned her attention to the desk in front of her.

'WELL,' said the Spirit abruptly.

'Don't talk to me,' replied Meludiel.  'You are far too much for an angel to comprehend.'


'Yes.  I guess.  Never worried before.  Now you are daunting.  Father was everything in the beginning.'


She waited.  10 minutes passed.  No more words.  Gamrayel wandered in.

'Yummy roll,' he said.  'I had a second.'

'Right,' replied Melanie.  She looked at the cauldron again.  Bloody Daniel.  Persistent son of a bitch.

*   *   *   *   *

'Listen, dropkick. Screw her if you must, but she's my piece of ass. She likes eternity more than Zionistya, so she's on a leash to enjoy upstairs on occasions. But she's my bitch, so don't get any funny ideas about keeping her.'

'Yeh, I hear you Fink,' replied Daniel the Seraphim. 'Meludiel won't be fornicated with anyway. I don't do that anymore lest I'm married to the chick.'

'Yeh, I heard that. Probably sensible decision really. Keep it legal. Good luck with that.'

'Thanks Jacob. Meludiel will be wined and dined, but not 69ed.'

'Crude Seraphim,' replied the Cherubim.

'Just a bit of chit chat at a cafe from time to time, little bit of music and her albums discussion, but not much else. Just keeping the faith with my babe. Keen on her for light trills of romantic conversation now, but not much else. Just need a chat every epoch or so.'

'I figured that Daniel,' replied Jacob. 'Bye.'

Jacob Fink hung up his mobile, and Daniel the Seraphim sat there in Danielphon contemplating. Melanie was in the main room. Could he? Land two chicks at the same time? Was he that bold? No, he resigned himself, though tempted. He had a chick now, technically, Jessica Murdoch, who he was married to, and would not actually give up, actually. He put it round that they were separated, but they weren't actually. She was doing family stuff for a few million years. He was on the backburner for the time being, so in reality he needed girlfriends for a while. But no funny business in the end anymore for Daniel San. He was pretty much over that now.

* * * * *

Jesus was looking at the whale. Ursula Santorini was standing next to him.

'So you have applied to be the Christ of your generation?' she queried him.

'David shall never lack a king to sit upon the throne of Israel,' replied Jesus. 'A prophecy of Jeremiah the prophet. Every generation has the potentiality for a King Messiah figure. I have an application currently in with King David, Moses, Jacob and Abraham for the job. It's been under consideration a long time now.'

'I see,' replied Ursula. She turned, and put her hand on his arm. 'I am fond of you My family accepted the New Testament a long time a go as one of our official books in the Santorini Archival Library. We do not accept every book. These books are studied and learned from. We have a number of Archival libraries. In my domicile down below, I have an adjacent alcove in my room which houses my own Selection of Santorini Approved books and things.'

'You have an agenda in the Santorini clan?' queried the man from Nazareth.

Ursula looked at him a moment, and then focused on the whale. 'My mother was german. My father spanish. I have other blood further back. Universe is my life, and we have legacy people who identify with your races. Our cultural families were created by God in the foundation of Universes's Terra World, and we have very similar cultural realities to Earth Prime or the Original Earth, or whatever it is called on the list these days. I forget.'

'How the multiverse turned out,' said Jesus looking at the whale.

'Indeed,' replied Ursula.

'Show me your bookcase. I would query you on what you would divulge of the Santorini agenda. I have my own, and learning how committed organisations focus is an interest of mine.'

She smiled, and soon they were travelling downwards, into the heart of universe, headed for the abode of caretaker Ursula Santorini and her talked of Santorini library archive.

* * * * *

'The Archetype Liveth!' exclaimed Daniel the Seraphim.

'He is much like you,' replied Tenju Watanabe. 'But he is his own person also. He is not the same.'

'Callodyn is very similar to Callodyn my brother also,' said Daniel the Seraphim. 'In the upper glories there are answers, in Angelfire Magic, it is said, to how all this has unfolded.'

'So I have heard,' replied Tenju.

'Universe has its sector of space developing, as all realms do, I have noted,' stated the Arch-Regent of the Realm of Eternity, sipping on his tea, and smiling at the nearby Ursula Santorini, who he was somewhat attracted to.

'Each aspect of the Multiverse, nay, each aspect of every world, the Father Divine blesses. In time. Where our progeny grow, develop and, in their own way, continue our traditions.'

'Father to son, and so on,' replied Daniel.

'The way of the Universe,' smiled Tenju.

'Indeed,' replied Daniel, and winked again at Ursula, wondering if he would get lucky that night.

The End

The Moon and the Sun and the Stars

'It's a piece of prose,' said Callodyn. 'Written a while ago.'

'Obviously,' replied Kayella, looking at the document. It read:

'Celestial Objects. The Earth is the primacy of the Celestials of the Milky Way Galaxy, despite its humble location outerwards. It is the birthplace of man. The Moon is the Birthplace of the heart of the longings of the wolf, and the heart of the longings of the tides of the ocean. It is the heart of new age thinking oft at times, and the heart of night, when dark creatures come out and roam. The Sun is the glory of the day, when activity is greater, and creatures of a different kind, more active in some ways, rush around, nibbling their morsels of food, not so nocturnal in their activity. Then, when day is done, they rest, and the creatures of the night get back into the swing of things. There is design here. Creative design. Man can be nocturnal if he chooses to be. Fire can light the night, and bold heroes step forth at time into the cold starry light to see what adventure they can have in the cooler time of the clock, going on voyage to friend for comfort in distress, going to wood and forest to seek lost things, lost things of mystery from circumstances involving friend and foe, who have hidden away answers in the shrubs, were they retrieve a cloak, a dagger, a sword, a shield, a chest of treasure, or a lost tapestry of their heart. And in the woods at night they search, for the comfort of the night, confronting dark creatures, and looking at the sky and stars, and pitying themselves for the rain is surely coming, and they will not complete their quest for the object they need for the delight of the purpose of entertainment those still at home are awaiting them for. The lord of the manor is not fearful, and in the dark forest he collects these objects, the ladder left there by the lazy worker, the shovel by the lazy gamesman who needed to bury the dead carcass, all sorts of things the brave souls past gone from us, venturing forth in the shadowy twilight times, venturing forth to retrieve. And they always carry fire, or lamplight, till the torch of modern eras replaced the classical ways of man. And the moonlight was sung to and loved, as the seeker spied the lovers, the faithless maiden of the man down the road, who he would mock subtley the following evening at the tavern. But only mild mockery, for it is a case for concern. All the time the stars chatting about the silly fool who is not really a nocturne by nature, but is brave at heart, and doesn't mind the slosh because he is a real man. But when he rises, and the sun says to him, now you have better light, if you do recall, and he actually doth find his item of questing, he retires to the back shed, throws the shovel, and refrains from cursing the lazy worker, for good help is hard to find these days. And so it goes.'

'It's good,' said Kayella.

'Obviously,' replied Callodyn.

The End

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