Epic Quest, Blood Thorn & Common Truths

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Sep 15, 2020, 9:46:48 PM9/15/20
to Saruviel 666

Epic Quest

'You know, Valandriel,' began Daniel the Seraphim. 'Here we are, brand new process, and Michael is 35 years into his standard agreed upon mega, and life is quiet now. We've run the course of a lot of the standard introductory bullshit Yahweh created in our initial urges.'

'I remember my initial urges,' replied Valandriel. 'Get to know Elsabel, claim a permanent home, and make sure I get my toilet procedures well under control for eternity. Momma stressed that in my Earth years. As I was growing up. Make sure I get my toilet procedures under control.'

'Yes,' said Daniel. 'An important issue I take it for dutchmen?'

'You could say that. But it is universally applicable. We all experience a time when we regret not being around a public facility and the horrible experience which publicly ensued. Always find out where the public facilities are, when somewhere new. An important rule. Can save a lot of embarrassment.'

;'Write a treatise,' replied Daniel. 'Now, as I was saying, we have largely dealt with our initial divine urges and.......'

'I still look up an app of mine on my tablet, even in Zaphora you know,' interrupted Valandriel. 'Just checking every place is where I remember it and nothing has changed. I've also introduced myself to a lof ot the businesses in town, and a lot of the homes, to gague access rights to their lavatories if necessary.' He looked at Daniel. Daniel was giving him a stern look. 'You, uh, are not impressed with the dialogue younger brother?'

'You talk a lot of shit Valandriel. Now as I was saying, here we are, new process, and time to get to some oblivion tube projects. I have decided to start with Epic Quest,' said Daniel.

'Ooh, that's a good one,' replied Valandriel.

'What's a good one?' asked a voice coming into the Zaphon lounge. Daniel and Valandriel looked up.

'Melanie Chisholm,' said Daniel. 'What brings you here?'

'Photo shoot,' said Melanie. 'For 'Limited Edition'. A new variant cover of the album. Based on ideas from comics.'

'One of my favourite albums of yours,' said Valandriel.

'Thank you Valandriel,' replied Melanie, humbled.

'Comics, huh?' queried Daniel. 'What, action comics? Superhero? What genre?'

'Image sort of action cover,' replied Melanie. 'I have a big gun and look like Tank Girl, but dressed in white.'

'Image Comics, huh,' replied Daniel. 'I have my collection of those mostly together. Archive 72.'

'Rings a bell,' said Melanie. 'I remember your endless braggings over your archived glories.'

'They are for eternity, and I don't mind you knowing, because I don't mind sharing with you Melanie. You should appreciate I went to such efforts for my friends.'

'Fair enough,' replied Melanie. 'Well, see you.'

Melanie entered into Zaphon keep, and took the elevator to some unknown upper destination.

'Well,' said Valandriel. 'Fancy that. Now Epic Quest? That's the choice?'

Daniel, though, was looking at the departed Melanie, and got up and looked to where the elevator level finished. Floor 65. Not too high up. 'Come on,' he said to Valandriel. 'I have an idea.'

'You should not be permitted ideas,' replied Valandriel. 'Only trouble ever comes.'

'Hopefully,' replied Daniel the Seraphim, grinning. 'Now get off your sorry excuse for a Seraphim arse, and follow me.'

Valandriel stood, stretched, and looked at Daniel. 'Before we even begin this epic new quest of an adventure, I want to say something Daniel. You are my dear Seraphim brother. Over the stint of eternity we've been through so far I've been there for you and, indeed, you've been there for me. We've had great successes and massive failures, but one thing has always been true. Your undoubtable faith that everything will all be ok in the end has led me through, often when I should have known better, and we've achieved something as a result. So lead on fearless leader, and let's make this epic quest grand.'

Daniel nodded, and they headed to the elevator. Soon enough they were on floor 65 and started roaming the corridors. 'She's in here,' said Daniel, and they poked their head in to a large conference room, which had been cleared out and was decorated in superhero imagery, with Melanie who was changing into her outfit. The lads walked over to her.

'You two again,' she said.

Valandriel took out his mobile and started filming her changing. 'This can go on youtube right?' he asked her.

'Sure,' she replied, as she pulled the zip up on her pants and put her top on over her bra.

'Right,' said a lady coming up to them, with a bloke with a camera next to her. 'Nice to meet you gentlemen,' she said to Daniel and Valandriel. 'If we can begin.'

Melanie started making poses in the outfit throughout the room, and Valandriel continued filming.

'Melanie,' Daniel finally said.

'I don't like the sounds of that Melanie,' replied Melanie.

'I have something to ask of you. It's important. Well, not so important, but more epic. Something grand, but no, it doesn't necessarily have to be done. Just a good idea.'

'Spit it out then,' said Melanie, as she continued posing.

'When we were on the Oblivion Tube we created a host of projects. And in this new process we've decided it's finally time to start getting to some of those projects. The one I've chosen to debut is 'Epic Quest.'

'Now reveal your shoulder a bit,' said the lady, and Melanie took the jacket off her shoulder partially to reveal the white singlet. 'Good,' she said, and continued directing Melanie.

'What's Epic Quest?' asked Melanie.

'It's epic,' said Valandriel. 'One of our solid ideas.'

'It's a glorified adventure chase. Roleplaying sort of. Like those shows. You chase around everywhere to fulfil challenges. But this challenge, often involving finding a partner for singles, takes place in a vast sort of area the size of a standard continent, and is set over many years. You are given a parchment by your quest mentor, and you have to fulfil the challenges one by one, before reaching your final destination.'

'I see,' said Melanie. 'And how does that involve me.'

'One of our categories is superheroes,' said Valandriel.

'And this setup looks good for that,' said Daniel.

The lady spoke up. 'We can get involved. Melanie Max is the name. I'm a freelance worker. Got tonnes of experience in comics related photography as well as SF and Fantasy settings. I go back as well, and have several hundred cultural products in copyright.'

Daniel looked at her. 'You do the Max Courage line of comics?'

'That's me,' she said.

'Right,' said Daniel, stroking his chin. 'Your covers are usually cool, like Zenescope covers. Got a stack of your stuff. Quite nice to meet you Melanie.'

'Melanie is from club Melanie,' said Melanie C. 'We are one of the official things, like Club Daniel and David.'

'Funny,' said Daniel. 'I noticed that trend for a while.'

'What do you say?' asked Melanie Max.

'Sure,' said Daniel. 'This thing itself. We can use this thing as a thing for Epic Quest. Music is part of it as well Melanie,' he said, looking at his beloved Melanie C.

Melanie C looked at him squarely, and then continued her modelling. 'I guess so,' she said after a while. 'Can never really escape you Seraphim Daniel can I?'

'No babe,' replied Daniel.

Daniel and Valandriel watched for a while, and Daniel said he would email Melanie, and they returned to the couch on the ground level.

'Next step?' asked Valandriel.

'I have a theme now,' replied Daniel. 'So we'll follow all the next logical steps.'

'Sounds good,' said Valandriel, and put his earphones, as Daniel sat there, looking at the doorway to south Zaphon, thinking over his next plan of action.

The End

Blood Thorn

Meludiel the Seraphim was a Noahide. But she was also a devoted follower of Jesus the Cherubim, who had a tradition doing the role of Messiah in his intentions. She was happy enough, in the end, that Jesus intended to attempt being a Christ of sorts. It was enough for her that he was genuine about caring for and saving people. Israel had a hard time with him – but hopefully his heart had always been in the right place. He was doing what he thought was right, and that was often good enough for Rebecca St James. And so, in Bloodthorn or Bloodthorn Ministries, she had her example in the cross of calvary about an example she wanted to impart to people. It was one of the Oblivion Tube projects, and the word from Melanie Chisholm was that with the new process starting, Daniel and Valandriel were beginning projects, so others were taking the opportunity to do exactly that. And one of her projects was 'Bloodthorn' or 'Blood Thorn'. She was the scarlett pimpernel in some ways, she would leave her mark on people, and leave a bloody thorn on them, both physically and spiritually, reminding them that without heart, what were they? The blood thorn was a rose with a thorn, made of hardened silver, which had blood red paint all over the thorn, as if it had pricked and pierced the skin, drawing blood. And that was what it was all about. Drawing blood from the heart of the intended, to bring their life into action to care and concern themselves, with deep heart blood, for the welfare of others.

'You have been chosen,' said Meludiel to Ambriel, and suddenly pierced his arm with a little silver trinket, which, after he reacted to the drawn blood, she placed into his hands, and closed them over. 'Remember,' she said. 'Even you get lukewarm and charming at times. Wise up brother. Get back to the things of deep heart love you know you are supposed to be doing, Avatar of Messiah Ministries.'

Ambriel nodded obediently. 'Yes, my love,' he replied, and as she left, he looked at the trinket. After examining it for a while, he looked up at God. 'She got something she's up to, has she?' But no reply.

Meludiel repeated similar things with Azrael, Callodyn, Elenniel, Michael the Cherubim and, finally, with Sharakondra. Sharakondra was taken aback, and said a hard core model bitch didn't give a fuck about love from the heart. Then Meludiel scolded her on the fact she was angelic, and quoted Cherubim Torah at her, and her responsibilities, and Sharakondra, guiltily, said 'I know.' When Meludiel was gone, Sharakondra sat at her desk in upper Danielphon, and looked at the rose. 'I suppose I should try and do what I was made to,' she mused to herself. And with those words much of Meludiel's project had started being justified.

As the days past by Meludiel worked through many of the Seraphim, with well chosen words, and finally she came to Michael, after Daniel said, 'Sure thing baby.' Michael, sitting in the office of overseer, looked at the rose. 'There was a time, really, I would have laughed at this. And not that long ago.' He looked up at Meludiel. 'Thank you sister. I will keep those words in mind. I promise you.'

And so Meludiel got on with her work, taking on Cherubim and others, and committed to this ministry for the next while, sure in her heart that the Realm of Eternity needed this and, if it proved to achieve what she hoped it would, see what would come.

The End

Common Truths

'It's the schizophrenia again, isn't it?' queried Asael to his twin cherubim sister Angelicray.

'Dragon soup is never fun stuff,' replied Angelicray, looking at the washing machine, all clogged up, in their inner Zaphora Happy Chaps tower cubicle.

'I'm well over being a dragon,' replied Asael. 'I think I grew up a long time ago from the ways of Semyaza and co.'

'They were your ways pretty deeply,' replied Angelicray. 'I'm not stupid. You fell. You never regretted it for a long time, even when suffering.'

'God forgave us in time,' replied Asael. 'Now – he was right.'

'Arrogance,' replied Angelicray.

'He was right. Because I got over it, ok. I got over being a prick and violent and brash. I settled down. I got on with doing something properly with my life.' He looked concerned. 'Is it full of data again.'

'All sorts of data,' replied Angelicray. 'Like every cherubim woman is in my mind with all her concerns for life right at this moment, taking it all out on me because I apparently understand all their issues.'

He picked up the Toblerone bar, broke off 2 pieces, and gave one to her.

'Eat it,' he said.

She took it – reluctantly – and popped it in her mouth. 'It's my lot in life,' she replied. 'Just have to deal with this madness.'

'They are probably in there to take care of you,' replied Asael. 'To keep you company. It's why I never leave you. You get lonely on your own, and you can't function with another male angel properly. It's just not in you anymore.'

'Tried it,' she said. 'Can only cope with my twin.'

'I'll never leave you silly,' he said. 'Now unclog the machine. Think one step at a time, remember. You can do it.'

Angelicray did. She filtered out the gunk from the machine, and it was working again soon enough. She came into the lounge room, and he fed her a bit more chocolate, and they watched TV.

'Still happy?' he asked her.

'It's getting easier after all these years with Happy Chaps,' she said. 'It was the best move we made. They have the energy I need to stay focused on being normal.'

'It was,' he agreed. 'It was the best decision.' He looked at her, and could sense her mind. 'It's not too bad at the moment, is it?'

'Not too bad,' she replied. 'Getting used to it. Doing the sorting again. Sorting out the issues, and making sense of how to make it all work properly.'

'It's the challenge of your Torah truth,' he said. 'It's all based on that. It's a big part of you. Common Truths.'

'I know,' she replied. 'Must be.'

They stayed in that afternoon, there was a bug going around, and Angelicray coped well enough with her current challenges of mind, but that was what it was like for Angelicray the Cherubim. A mind full of all sorts of common and challenging truths.

The End

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