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Noahide Videos Bible

Sep 12, 2017, 6:05:30 PM9/12/17
to Saruviel 666
In Genesis 9:1 God tells Noah to fill the world with his sons. ALL the world is meant for the sons and daughters of Noah. Our legal religion is the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1:1 - 11:9). Noah cursed Canaan. He was to be the lowest of slaves to his brothers, Shem and Japheth. Canaan ultimately inherited land. The land of Canaan. This land is to ultimately fall into Japheth and Shem's hand, and the Canaanites are to be slaves to the progeny of Japheth and Shem. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 delineates the famiies of Japheth and Shem. In the rest of Genesis 11 we find the extension of a Shem line, through Eber, down to Terah. Terah had a son called Nahor and another son called Haran. Nahor had a wife called Milcah. Milcah was the daughter of Haran, who had another child called Iscah. One of Terah's grandsons was called Lot. Lot left the land of Ur of the Chaldees, and ultimately arrived in the land of Canaan. Lot lived in Sodom for a while. Two angels eventually came and gathered him with his wife and two daughters, and took them out of Sodom, which was destroyed by the LORD with fire from heaven. Lot's wife looked back at Sodom when they were escaping, and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot's two daughters decided to get their father drunk, as they had no other opportunties for mates, and they did so, one the first night, and another the second night. They became Ammon and Moab, which formed the nations of Ammon and Moab and the Ammonite People and the Moabite people. Ruth was a member of the Moabite people. Ruth ended up living in Bethlehem. She was from the line of Shem. It was promised by Noah that Shemitic people would inherit the land of Canaan. Ruth lived there for a while. Nahor appears to have had a son called Laban. Laban had a sister called Rebecca. These were Shemitic people. Laban entered into a covenant with a certain individual not to pass beyond a certain point of land, which had a witness of a pile of stones to mark this covenant. This was Laban's personal covenant. This covenant does not stand for anything except Laban's own commitment to it. Laban was a Shemite under the Covnenant of Noah. He was a Noahide. Lot was a Shemite under the Covenant of Noah. He was a Noahide. They were Noahides who believed in God. The foundation of the nations of Moab and Ammon were of nations who believed in God. They were formed from foundation as Noahide Nations.  Lot had an uncle who had interaction with the priest of the Most High God, Melchizedek.  Melchizedek was priest of Most High God in Salem.  Salem is apparenty in the land of Canaan, and was probably renamed Jerusalem.  In the book of Joshua we have a king of Salem called Adoni-Zedek, an Amorite.  This is most likely a descendant of Melchizedek, who was thus most probably an Amorite Priest of Salem.  Melchizedek was also King of Salem.  Lot’s uncle got involved with warfare, and returning of goods to their rightful owners in some way, and he was giving a tithe of certain goods to Melchizedek.  Melchizedek told him to keep the goods, but that he would accept the souls (presumably as slaves or servants).  Lot’s uncle declined this, saying he would not keep the tithe of goods for himself, lest Melchizedek say he had made Abram rich.  However, he maintained that his friends Aner, Escholl and Mamre should have their parts.  Of course, as an Amorite, Melchizedek was a Noahide, and functioned under Noah’s Covenant.  Being a priest of Most High God, and receiving a tithe, which is 10%, we can know from this that tithing 10% of goods to a Noahide Priest is a normal activity for a Noahide.
In Genesis 41 we learn about the Pharaoh of Egypt.  Egypt is traditionally known as the Noahide Nation of ‘Mizraim’.  Mizraim is listed second on the sons of Ham, son of Noah, in Genesis 10.  Noah did not curse Mizraim.   Ham had been cursed, not Mizraim.  Pharaoh is recorded as having had a dream.  It reads:  “Then it came to pass, at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh had a dream; and behold, he stood by the river. 2 Suddenly there came up out of the river seven cows, fine looking and fat; and they fed in the meadow. 3 Then behold, seven other cows came up after them out of the river, ugly and gaunt, and stood by the other cows on the bank of the river. 4 And the ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows. So Pharaoh awoke. 5 He slept and dreamed a second time; and suddenly seven heads of grain came up on one stalk, plump and good. 6 Then behold, seven thin heads, blighted by the east wind, sprang up after them. 7 And the seven thin heads devoured the seven plump and full heads. So Pharaoh awoke, and indeed, it was a dream. 8 Now it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled, and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt and all its wise men. And Pharaoh told them his dreams, but there was no one who could interpret them for Pharaoh. We read later in Genesis that there were seven years of famine followed by seven years of plenty.”  God had spoken to Pharaoh in a dream, giving him a portent of what would happen in the future.  We learn from this history that God speaks to us in dreams about future events.  We can thus learn from this to record our dreams, and think abou them, and perhaps work out what might happen in the future from the dreams.  We don’t have to, you know.  We can live and let life flow on, following God, and walking with him.  We do not really know of Pharaoh had much faith in God at this time.  It seems that Egypt had fallen into a lot of idolatry.  We, as Noahides, should learn that idolatry is not really the facts.  The Rainbow Torah teaches us who God really is.  Egypt still exists as a country today.  This biblical Nation of Mizraim endures.  In fact, the biblical Noahide nation of Assyria exists today as the nation of Syria still.  Further, the biblical nation of Lebanon also still exists to this day.  Damascus is mentioned in the bible, and it also still exists to this day.  There was an employee of a certain individual in Genesis, named Eliezer.  He is called in some translation Eliezer of Damascus.  He is possibly a Noahide from Damascus. Damascus is in the Noahide nation of Assyria.  Progressing into Exodus we learn more about Egypt.  Egypt suffered 10 plagues under the judgment of God.  They had persecuted a foreign people who had been their slaves, and God had informed the Pharaoh through one of his servants amongst those people that Egypt had been acting too harshly towards this people and oppressing them.  God expects Noahide nations not to oppress other nations is one of the core lessons we can learn from this.  Potiphar was a figure of note in Genesis as well as his wife, and Potiphera priest of On had a daughter who married a member of these foreigners.  The Pharaoh of Egypt in Exodus had a daughter who brought up a foreigner who acted as the servant of God who spoke to Pharaoh.  Pharoah was addressed by God from someone in his own family in a sense.  Of course it was a new pharaoh later than the prior one who was addressed.  They quite possibly knew each other.  Movies based on teachings from Exodus make this claim, but there is nothing specific in the text itself to prove this.  Well, Egypt carried on as a nation, and the foreigners were allowed to leave after the 10 plagues, which had been quite severe from God, and while the nation had been decimated, they ultimately survived and in this year, 6180 SC (2017 CE) Egypt continues to survive as a nation.  There are various other figures of note from the scriptures of the Tanakh, which ultimately fall under the Noahide Covenant in their covenantal status with God, yet a review of that text, if interested, should be a matter of personal study.  In the book of Daniel, though, we have Babylon talked about, as well as the nations of Persia and Greece.  In the apocryphal book of Maccabees the Roman people are referred to.  Ancient Greece and Rome had pantheons of gods.  These were idols – not true gods.  But from my personal observations there is much of merit in Greek and Roman culture.  Aesop was a Greek story teller, who lived approximately 600 years before the beginning of the common era.  He was apparently born in Thrace at a point on the Black Sea.  Other commentators say he was born in Phrygia.  Aesop, an ancient Greek storyteller, a nation in Europe, is credited as the author of a collection of fables. These fables have stayed alive in humanity’s earth culture, and I have known ideas from these fables since youth, especially the story of the hare and the tortoise.  I have included, tentatively, a collection of Aesop’s fables in the Haven Noahide Fellowship Rainbow Bible, the collection being from the Public Domain, the translation being in English.  If there were ever legal issues of royalties on this, and Aesop approved of us using his collection of stories, proper royalty arrangements would be contracted upon.  Aesop is a slice of history and culture, from Greece, which I think is appropriate enough for Noahides to make use of.  The tales have a sufficient moral and other form of lesson in them, that they are useful and practical for Noahides to make use of.  Of course, Aesop, being Greek, can only really be judged by Noahide Covenant faith ultimately in his earthly sojourn.  He was by no records establishe in any other covenantal status with God, and his time on earth preceded latter offspring of Tanakh Hebrew faith communities.
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