Fwd: [SFD-discuss] Stallman video for SFD

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Evgeny Sinelnikov

Sep 30, 2010, 7:45:52 AM9/30/10
to sarat...@googlegroups.com
Видео SFD со Столманом. 

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Наверное, тоже стоит перенести ссылки на свои ресурсы на основной сайт SFD.

Forwarded conversation
Subject: [SFD-discuss] Fwd: Stallman video for SFD

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

This vídeo was recorded by Richard Stallman for Software Freedom day.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ben Sturmfels
Date: 2010/9/14
Subject: Re: Stallman video for SFD
To: Quiliro Ordóñez
Cc: rms, Jeanne Rasata


Good quality for web viewing (480x270, 28 MB)

Lower quality (480x270, 13MB)


Quiliro Ordóñez
593(2)340 1517 / 593(9)821 8696
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SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Frederic Muller - SFI <fr...@softwarefreedomday.org>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

Nice one. We should add those links in the resource page http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/Resources.


_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list SFD-d...@sf-day.org http://mail.sf-day.org/lists/listinfo/sfd-discuss

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From: Paulo Henrique Santana <phl...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

Do you know when he recorded?

Best regards,

2010/9/15 Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>:
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
Tel. (41) 9638-1897
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

2010/9/15 Paulo Henrique Santana <phl...@gmail.com>

About a week ago.


SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

2010/9/15 Frederic Muller - SFI <fr...@softwarefreedomday.org>


SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Paulo Henrique Santana <phl...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

> About a week ago.

I'm trying to find help to legend in portuguese.

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>


SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Frederic Muller - SFI <fr...@softwarefreedomday.org>
Date: 2010/9/15
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>


Just finished watching and I find the Steven Fry video much better for an event like SFD http://www.gnu.org/fry/ . It goes on explaining in layman's terms what is Free Software and that's really what we want: getting the word out to educate and encourage people towards their own Software Freedom.

Besides I find Richard's intro is a bit like SFD is his event, and very much pushing his own ideas... while I don't mind so much, it would have been nice of him to acknowledge that others also works towards Software Freedom, and that the FSF is not the sole owner of the term.

I'd like to take this opportunity to send a little hello to any FreeBSD users out there and hope they don't feel "left alone". :)

Happy SFD!
_______________________________________________ SFD-discuss mailing list

SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>


I can't find where Richard affirms that SFD is his event. The FSF is not even a sponsor of the event.

I think it is important to have his opinion presented. He actually started all this. Maybe there are other opinions but I do think the FSF is the organization that most focuses on freedom. Other organizations focus on other qualities of free software.

SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Paulo Henrique Santana <phl...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>


I uploaded to wiki a legend in portuguese (pt-br).

You can see a legend in spanish here:
I suggest someone look If It's ok and upload to wiki too.

From: Alexandro Colorado <j...@openoffice.org>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

excellent couldn't find any error on the spanish locale, althought I only watched 60% so far.


Alexandro Colorado
OpenOffice.org Español

SFD-discuss mailing list

From: don warner saklad <don.s...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

What's the link for the video at youtube?...

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: don.s...@gmail.com, Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

2010/9/16 don warner saklad <don.s...@gmail.com>

Richard has asked his video to be only on free formats. I don't think he would like to be in non free format. Why would you like it to be in Youtube?


SFD-discuss mailing list

From: don warner saklad <don.s...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

...can't figure out the other format

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: don.s...@gmail.com, Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

...can't figure out the other format

I assume you have Microsoft Windows (TM). For that operating system you have guidelines for reproducing Theora formats here:

Here are the codecs:

Please tell us if you need more help. We will be glad to colaborate. :-)


SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Quiliro Ordóñez <qui...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/16
To: don.s...@gmail.com, sfd-d...@sf-day.org

at this end it's OS X 10.3.9

SFD-discuss mailing list

From: Michael Dorrington <michael.d...@gmail.com>
Date: 2010/9/29
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>

Hash: SHA256
The Stephen Fry video is good but I'm not sure about his real commitment
to Free Software. Not long after he made that video he posted an article
about how great the iPad was,
<http://www.stephenfry.com/2010/01/28/ipad-about/>. And if you follow
the link to his page from the GNU site, <http://www.gnu.org/fry/>, you
are presented with an advert for his new book via "iPad APP" and "iPhone
APP". So not so much Freedom Fry but more like iFry.
I think Richard's video is good, although maybe a bit heavy for a
newcomer but it needs explaining to them at some point. I agree with
Quiliro Ordóñez that I don't think Richard makes out that SFD is his
event. And its hard to overstate how much Richard has done for Software
Freedom, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman>. Its a shame
that the FSF didn't come up with Software Freedom Day but I am truly
thankful to those that did.
And the OpenBSD users, NetBSD users, etc. But how strong is FreeBSD's
commitment to Software Freedom? The FreeBSD kernel contains non-free
software, see the elements discovered by Debian (Ben Hutchings) as part
of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD project:

kfreebsd-8: "Includes binary-only and obfuscated C code"

Note, there are also non-free elements in the Linux kernel
<http://kernel.org/> (which is why there is
<http://www.fsfla.org/svnwiki/selibre/linux-libre/> and

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From: Frederic Muller - SFI <fr...@softwarefreedomday.org>
Date: 2010/9/29
To: Open discussions about SFD <sfd-d...@sf-day.org>


I agree with all your points, but still find Richard's video 'not very
tailor made' to SFD. I'll prevent from quoting him but there is no
acknowledgement of the people organizing SFD like you and me.

Richard and SFI did in fact touch about the Steven Fry video and yes it
is sad that he is now pushing something that is the opposite of what we
advocate. In terms of content however Steven's message is a lot more in
line with the way we want to communicate and our target audience.

For what it's worth, Mark Shuttleworth also did a video this year for
SFD in China and the message is about SFD and China. He talked about
people celebrating and that's a good thing (I don't have any youtube
link, one can see the video here though
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/BT-yVysfF1M/ ).

I think a lot of team tend to forget SFD is about talking to people who
don't know about Free Software, not a celebration by 'already convinced'
to an 'already convinced' crowd. Our intent is to fight public
ignorance. So we're not pushing GNU/Linux for everyone (try this, we'll
tell you later why it's important), nor are we saying proprietary
software should disappear. We're trying to explain what is Software
Freedom and why it matters. People can make their own conclusion and
then ask us what are there options. We're also very flexible on teams'
interpretation of what should be done for that day.

I hope this put my comment in perspective and that we can open the door
to any community who cares about Software Freedom.


Sin (Sinelnikov Evgeny)

Dmitry Agafonov

Sep 30, 2010, 8:04:46 AM9/30/10
to sarat...@googlegroups.com
2010/9/30 Evgeny Sinelnikov <gmast...@googlemail.com>:

> Видео SFD со Столманом.
> Добавили ссылку сюда:
> http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/Resources
> Наверное, тоже стоит перенести ссылки на свои ресурсы на основной сайт SFD.

Я его скачивал, смотрел. В 2 раза дольше и толще, чем Стивен Фрай,
которого я перевёл, а по сути тоже самое...

Dmitry Agafonov ~ http://agafonov.pp.ru/

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