New Mooring field legislation?

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Ken DeLacy

May 21, 2013, 8:08:35 PM5/21/13
to, Jay Bliss, John Kettlewell, Wally Moran, Charmaine Smith Ladd, Robert Fournier
So looks like the DEP is revamping the permitting process (again?) and limiting occupancy to 100 balls for these types of permits... I'm not going to follow this too close, but I did want to pass it on to those dealing with there own MF issues.

Links at bottom

(below bold is added text and underlined is deleted text

  1. 373.118 General permits;
    1. (4) The department shall adopt by rule one or more general
    2. 328  permits for local governments to construct, operate, 
    3. 329  maintain public marina facilities, public mooring fields, public
    4. 330  boat ramps, including associated courtesy docks, and associated
    5. 331  parking facilities located in uplands. Such general permits
    6. 332  adopted by rule shall include provisions to ensure compliance
    7. 333  with part IV of this chapter, subsection (1), and the criteria
    8. 334  necessary to include the general permits in a state programmatic
    9. 335  general permit issued by the United States Army Corps of
    10. 336  Engineers under s. 404 of the Clean Water Act, Pub. L. No. 92-
    11. 337  500, as amended, 33 U.S.C. ss. 1251 et seq. A facility
    12. 338  authorized under such general permits is exempt from review as a
    13. 339  development of regional impact if the facility complies with the
    14. 340  comprehensive plan of the applicable local government. Such
    15. 341  facilities shall be consistent with the local government manatee
    16. 342  protection plan required pursuant to chapter 379 and shall
    17. 343  obtain Clean Marina Program status prior to opening for
    18. 344  operation and maintain that status for the life of the facility.
    19. 345  Marinas and mooring fields authorized under any such general
    20. 346  permit shall not exceed an area of 50,000 square feet over
    21. 347  wetlands and other surface waters. Mooring fields authorized
    22. 348  under such general permits may not exceed 100 vessels. All
      Page 12 of 31


The House State Affairs Committee took up and passed CS/CS/CS/HB 999 (Patronis). The bill requires that local governments be limited to three requests for additional information of professional applicants for development permits. After the second request for additional information, a meeting must take place between the applicant and local government. The bill expands the definition of beneficiaries of stormwater utilities and provides who shall pay for certain stormwater fees. The bill also expands the DEP mooring field program. The Senate companion bill, CS/CS/SB 1684 (Altman) passed the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and is in the Senate Appropriations Committee. The League supports these bills.

CS/CS/CS/HB 999          

CS/CS/SB 1684               

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